
Happy Chinese New Year 2020

HKSQ wish you a Happy Chinese New Year (Year of the Rat) with good health and prosperity!


HKSQ Membership drive and Student Project Competition Promotion in CityU

The first lecture of SEEM Programme named “Professional Engineering Practice” was held on 18th Jan 2020.  When I prepared the lecture presentation in the theater, I saw a meaningful statement that “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”. 

In the beginning, Dr. KS Chin introduced the overview of the course and I am the Adjunct Professor responsible on this course.

Then I introduced myself using the topic “Connecting the Dots – from Student to Adjunct Professor”.  I shared my experience and career development to the student. This presentation had presented several time in AP, BCH and SEEM for career talk.  

After briefed the Engineering course and requirement, I introduced the HKSQ as membership drive.

Moreover, I briefed the coming HKSQ Company based Student Project Competition.  If they joined the competition, their team result could transfer to the course team presentation.  That is near the same effort.

After the first lecture about the Hong Kong Industry Development and Different Relevant Policies, we took a group photo before class finished.

SEEM of CityUHK - http://www.cityu.edu.hk/seem/
BEng Systems Engineering and Management (BENG SEM) - http://www.cityu.edu.hk/seem/prg-bengsem.htm
Related to BETQE & BESEM & MScEM past events:   
20191104: CityU Industrial Experts' Talks for MSEM Students
20181022: CityU Guest Lecture for BEng SEM Students - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2018/10/cityu-guest-lecture-for-beng-sem.html
20180416: CityU Guest Lecture of Quality Innovation & Extenics to CityU Students - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2018/04/cityu-guest-lecture-of-quality.html
20180201: CityU & Hanyang University Students visit to HKSTP 2018 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2018/02/cityu-hanyang-university-students-visit.html
20171010: The 1st Major Programme Committee Meeting for BEng in SEM, CityU - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2017/10/the-1st-major-programme-committee.html
20170403: CityU Guest Lecture of Quality Innovation & Extenics to TQE Students - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2017/04/cityu-guest-lecture-of-quality.html
20141110: CityU TQE Students visit HKSTP
20120402: CityU Guest Lecture for Quality Management in Science Park Laboratory and HKSQ Membership Drive
20111110: Guest Seminar for CityU BETQE student in World Quality Day
20101109: Industrial Guest Talk to BEng(Hon) in Total Quality Engineering, CityU
20091105: HKSQ membership drive to BEng (Hon) in Total Quality Engineering, CityU


HKSQ & HKQAA - the First Steering Committee Meeting for project of Feasibility Study on the Quality Start-up Development

After received TID approved letter on 17th Jan 2019, we arranged the logistic and bank issue from Mar to Nov 2019.  Recently, it is completed all progresses and the project will be started in Feb 2020.  The steering committee are made up of representatives from project application organization, implementation organization, and collaborating organizations. The first meeting was held in HKQAA on 17 Jan 2020.  After the meeting, we took a photo in front of HKQAA. (Since we discussed very focus and effective during the meeting, we forgot to take a group photo and some guests had already left.)

Our proposed project named “Feasibility Study on the Quality of Hong Kong Start-up Development for Supporting the Sustainable Business Growth” and it aimed to enhance the startups quality management awareness and assist their development. So that we would like to study the best practice of startup management system and then published as guidebook and performed some workshop for startups. On 23rd Jan 2019, HKSQ and HKQAA had a lunch meeting to discuss the follow-up actions. 

The planed items are showed as following diagram.  HKSQ and HKQAA would perform the announcement seminar, survey, focus group, sharing seminar, workshops and best practice guideline.

Our partner and supporting organizations were showed as follows. 

One of my relevant publication about startup named “Implementing the Quality Startup Management System model in Hong Kong: a case study” and posted at https://jqualityinnovation.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s40887-017-0013-x .

HKSQ - www.hksq.org

HKQAA Hong Kong Registration - Start-ups:  http://hkqaa.org/en_regservice.php?catid=13
20190123: HKSQ & HKQAA - TID SME Development Fund Awarded Meeting
20181219: HKSQ & HKQAA presentation for TID SME Development Fund - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2018/12/hksq-hkqaa-presentation-for-tid-sme.html
20180928: HKSTP & HKQAA Quality Startup Scheme Meeting 2 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2018/09/hkstp-hkqaa-quality-startup-scheme_28.html
20180911: HKSTP & HKQAA Quality Startup Scheme Meeting - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2018/09/hkstp-hkqaa-quality-startup-scheme.html
20180503: HKQAA Startup Coaching to HKSTP Incubatee - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2018/05/hkqaa-startup-coaching-to-hkstp.html
20180117: Startup Meeting with Hong Kong Startup Council and CityU - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2018/01/startup-meeting-with-hong-kong-startup.html
20180110: Startup Meeting among HKSTP, HKQAA and InvestHK - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2018/01/startup-meeting-among-hkstp-hkqaa-and.html
20171220: HKSTP & HKQAA meeting with EMSD for Startup Innovation Procurement - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2017/12/hkstp-hkqaa-meeting-with-emsd-for.html
20170719: HKQAA Startup Coaching to CityU Inno-preneur “HANDS” - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2017/07/hkqaa-startup-coaching-to-cityu-inno.html
20170523: HKSTP & HKQAA Meeting for Quality Startups Registration Scheme 2017 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2017/05/hkstp-hkqaa-meeting-for-quality.html
20160819: Cyberport Smart-Clinic Seminar on HKQAA Startups Registration Scheme - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2016/08/cyberport-smart-clinic-seminar-on-hkqaa.html
20160615: Visit to Cyberport for Quality Startup Scheme - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2016/06/visit-to-cyberport-for-quality-startup.html
20160513: HKQAA Symposium – Startups Registration Scheme Kicks off - http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2016/05/hkqaa-symposium-startups-registration.html
20160319: HKSTP the 2nd Briefing Session on HKQAA Hong Kong Registration – Start-ups - http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2016/03/hkstp-2nd-briefing-session-on-hkqaa.html
20160125: HKSTP Briefing Session on HKQAA Hong Kong Registration – Start-ups - http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2016/01/hkstp-briefing-session-on-hkqaa-hong.html
20150324: HKSTP Graduation Ceremony of Incubation Programmes & MOU with HKQAA - http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2015/03/hkstp-graduation-ceremony-of-incubation.html


Metrology Symposium 2020 (SI Unit – Fundamentally Better)

The Government Laboratory (GL), Hong Kong Council for Testing and Certification (HKCTC), Open University of Hong Kong (OUHK) and Standards and Calibration Laboratory of Innovation and Technology Commission (SCL) jointly organized the Metrology Symposium 2020 on 10th Jan 2020.  The theme is “The International System of Units – Fundamentally Better”.  Hong Kong Society for Quality (HKSQ) was one of supporting organizations. On May 20, 2019, the World Metrology Day (WMD) 2019, the International System of Units (SI) was revised so that all the seven base units, namely, the second, the metre, the kilogram, the ampere, the kelvin, the mole and the candela, were defined based on seven defining constants related to the fundamental laws of nature. Before the seminar, I met many friends in testing and certification industry and we took a photo for memory. Ir. Brenda Lam and I took a photo first.

I also took a photo with Dr. Dr. Eric Sze and Mr. Raymond Leung.

I met Mr. CM Tsui again and took a photo for memory.

Dr. Steven Yang, Ms. Brenda Lam and I were all gradated in CityU (EE, AP & BCH/AP/SEEM).

I am honor to meet Dr. Alex CK Tse (Programme Director, Directorate Office, OUHK).

Gilson HK Lab team (Nic, Sally & Ben) also joined this metrology symposium.

In the beginning, Prof. Yuk-Shan Wong (President, OUHK) gave welcoming address. He said he serviced as Chairman of Consumer Council for many years in which metrology is important in measurement.  It is not only focused on Quality but Quantity is also critical.  Finally, he expected metrology as foundation of science in Testing and Certification which could be a new economic development engine.

Then all speakers and guests took a group photo.

The first and keynote speaker was Mr. CM Tsui (Head of Laboratory, Standards and Calibration Laboratory) and his topic entitled “A 35-year History of Setting up Primary Standards of Physical Measurements for Hong Kong”.  Firstly, Mr. Tsui reviewed the history of metrological infrastructure development since Mr. Gordon Bell (Director Royal Observatory) suggested to maintain and certify standards of measurement in 1977.  In that time, the Governor of Hong Kong appointed the Advisory Committee on Diversification (ACD) to study the ways to facilitate diversification of industry and the report issued in 1979.

Then Mr. Tsui told us that HKG Standards and Calibration Laboratory (SCL) was established in 1984. He introduced their time and frequency standard and the first HP5061A caesium beam frequency standard was acquired in 1983.  At that time LORAN-C timing receiver was used to synchronize the HP5061A to UTC(USNO) by receiving the LORAN-C signal from Gesashi, Okinawa, Japan.  He also briefed the history of traceability for time synchronization such as 1989 using GPS Receivers, 2007 using Multi-Channel GPS Receivers and 2017 using Multi-Frequency GPS Receivers.



香港品質學會(HKSQ)201912月出版了一本新書名為《創新之理則——介紹中國原創學科「可拓學」》(Extenics: The Logic of Innovation)。該書旨在介紹中國原創的新科學「可拓學」,它是研究以形式化的模式以擴展事物,規則和方法的可能性來解決矛盾問題及創新。 「可拓學」也是中國人工智能的基本理論之一。 1976年以來,「可拓學」之父蔡文教授為了解決不兼容問題而創建了其基礎理論和方法論。他在1983年中國《科學》雜誌上發表的第一篇名為“可拓集和不兼容問題”的論文,然後「可拓學」就誕生了。作者在書中用31條帶有圖形表達的簡短文章來介紹可拓學理論的整體情況,是一本入門書籍。


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i)      Fill the Book Order Form below
ii)     By direct transfer to "The Hong Kong Society for Quality Ltd." account at Hang Seng Bank account No. 786-035329-883. (Please send the fund transfer receipt together with this Book Order Form to HKSQ by email to info@hksq.org .)

可拓学公众号: 新书介紹 - https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/is9BaykNvRTxh9X3oRQ7Xw


CityU Development Seminar on “Making Your Own Short Video”

The CityU EDGE’s Staff Development Seminar named “Lights! Camera! Action! The Basics of Making Your Own Short Video Lectures” was organized by Office of Education Development and Gateway Education (EDGE), CityU on 6th Jan 2020.  This 90-minute, EDGE lunchtime staff development seminar offered two parts.  The first part would provide an overview of making own lectures into short videos and the second part was an orientation to the new EDGE Video Production Studio. 

The first speaker was Dr. Paul C. Corrigan and he briefed the seminar’s Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) which was based on Outcomes-based Teaching & Learning (OBTL) that could be better understood as being student-centered and focused on producing deep learning.  He also mentioned how to plan video lecutres using OBTL principles and integrated with Canvas.

Then Dr. Corrigan briefed some advantages (e.g. Flexible delivery, can study when and where, enhancement of quality, etc.) and disadvantages (e.g. student prefer face-to-face, lack of immediate feedback, others.) of lecture videos. He showed us how to plan lecture video based on OBTL for using PowerPoint and scripting.

After that he briefed the OBTL Teaching and Learning Activities (TLA) and some important points for discussion such as 10-minute videos followed by different TLA.

Online quizzes on Canvas were useful but it was only for multiple choice questions.


ANQ Congress 2020 Seoul, Korea

The 18th Asian Network for Quality (ANQ) Congress will be held in Seoul, Korea on 19th-23rd October 2020. The theme is “New Quality & New Responsibility”.

The important dates of the Congress are shown below:
Call for Paper
Application Open: Mar 2020
Deadline for Abstract Submission: April 2020
Deadline for Full Paper Submission: May 2020
Venus: Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI), Grand Hall and Seminar rooms in basement 2nd floor, 39 Sejong-daero, Sogong-dong Jung-gu, Seoul, South Korea. (http://english.korcham.net/nChamEng/Service/Main/appl/Main.asp)

Summary of past activities of ANQ Congress were recorded in my blog in ANQ History.
ANQ History & Past Congress:
Asia Network for Quality (ANQ) - http://www.anforq.org/

17th ANQ Congress in Bangkok, Thailand (2019)
20191024: ANQ Congress 2019 in Bangkok, Thailand – Technical Visit

16th ANQ Congress in Almaty, Kazakhstan (2018)
20180922 - Post-ANQ Congress 2018 City Tour in Almaty, Kazakhstan

15th ANQ Congress in Kathmandu, Nepal (2017)
20170922 - IAQ General Meeting and Dinner during ANQ Congress 2017

14th ANQ Congress in Vladivostok, Russia (2016)
20160922 - ANQ Congress 2016 Vladivostok, Russia – Gala Dinner

13th ANQ Congress in Taipei (2015)
20150924 - ANQ Congress 2015 Taipei – Gala Dinner

12th ANQ Congress in Singapore (2014)
20140807&08 - ANQ Congress 2014 Singapore – Gala Dinner & Technical Visit

11th ANQ Congress in Bangkok, Thailand (2013)
20131020 - ANQ Congress 2013 Bangkok Technical Visit

10th ANQ Congress in Hong Kong (2012)
The ANQ 2012 Congress was held in Hong Kong and post-congress news included Feedback Questionnaire, Media Reports, Messages from ANQ Friends, Congress Report and Photo Gallery are posted at http://www.hksq.org/anq2012/post_anq_news.html .
20120807 - Post-ANQ Congress Networking and Ceremony Dinner

9th ANQ Congress in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam (2011)
20110929 - ANQ 2011 - Day 1
20110930 - ANQ2011 - Day 2
20111001 - ANQ 2011 - Technical Visit

8th ANQ Congress in Delhi, India (2010)

7th ANQ Congress in Tokyo, Japan (2009)
20090918 - ANQ 2009 Technical Visit to Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. (Oppama Plant)

6th ANQ Congress in Bangkok, Thailand (2008)
20081031 - ANQ 2008 (Part 5 - Technical Site Visit)

2nd ANQ Congress in New Delhi, India (2004)


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