
Intermediate Class for I Ching (易經中班) – Lecture 5

Prof. Peng’s (彭泓基教授) Intermediate class for I Ching (易經中班) Lecture 5 was held on 8th Jul 2023. The course has six lectures from 3rd Jun to 15th Jul 2023. I would like to summarize some key points of the lecture below. This lecture stated “Preliminary Exploration of foretell (初探)”. 

Firstly, Prof. Peng briefed some key conditions of foretelling (especially in divination (卜卦)) that are insufficient information, cannot make decision, fixed problem and direction, sincerity and loyalty to oneself. The aim of divination is to focus one’s mind on the problem through certain operations, arouse intuition, and obtain possible answers with the help of the sixth sense and alternative thinking. 

He also explained the important of five elements (五行) in eight classics hexagrams (八經卦), especially in Innate gossip (先天八卦).

Then he mentioned the eight classics hexagrams (八經卦) characteristics with directions and five elements. The guidebook is followed with I Ching cards. 

After that Prof. Peng taught us how to predict using I Ching cards that separated into 1 card method, 2 cards method (one for Original Gua (本卦), another for Change Gua (變卦)), and 3 cards method represented past, present and future. 

Then Minda tried to predict her friend for migrant or not migrant using 3 cards method.

And then the result obtained that were matching with her friend’s situation!

The last predication method is Heptagram Array (七芒星陣) that showed the past, present, development, suggestion, result, external factors and self-defect.

Prof. Peng also shared some Feng Shui (風水) problem such as workers’ bed location that affect their health. It has scientific explanation of environment factors.

Finally, Prof. Peng briefed the Plum Bossom Changing Maths (梅花易數). He mentioned the history of that prediction method.

Lastly, he demonstrated how to calculate that Changing Maths and obtained different Gua ().

After the class, we back to parent-in-law to celebrate my mother-in-law and my birthday together.


Hong Kong Society for Quality (HKSQ) - http://www.hksq.org/index.asp

彭泓基教授 - http://www.cwmhk.org/speakers_3_1.html

彭泓基教授 - https://www.master-insight.com/author/penghongji/

屈機TV (屈基論) - https://www.youtube.com/@wgtvhk/playlists

Intermediate Class of “I Ching”:

20230603: Intermediate Class for I Ching (易經中班) Lecture 1 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2023/06/intermediate-class-for-i-ching-lecture-1.html

20230610: Intermediate Class for I Ching (易經中班) Lecture 2 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2023/06/intermediate-class-for-i-ching-lecture-2.html

20230615: 閱讀彭泓基教授著作的心得 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2023/06/blog-post.html

20230617: Intermediate Class for I Ching (易經中班) Lecture 3 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2023/06/intermediate-class-for-i-ching-lecture-3.html 20230624: Intermediate Class for I Ching (易經中班) Lecture 4 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2023/06/intermediate-class-for-i-ching-lecture-4.html

20230629: Ritual and Music Education as well as Chinese and Western Culture(禮樂教化與中西文化) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2023/06/ritual-and-music-education-as-well-as.html

Introductory Class of “I Ching”:

20230325: I Ching and the Wisdom of Life (易經與人生智慧) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2023/03/i-ching-and-wisdom-of-life.html

20230401: I Ching and the Wisdom of Life II (易經與人生智慧) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2023/04/i-ching-and-wisdom-of-life-ii.html

20230415: I Ching and the Wisdom of Life III (易經與人生智慧) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2023/04/i-ching-and-wisdom-of-life-iii.html

20230422: I Ching and the Wisdom of Life IV (易經與人生智慧) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2023/04/i-ching-and-wisdom-of-life-iv.html

20230525: I Ching Classmate Dinner and Introduction to Extenics (易經同學聚餐和可拓學導論) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2023/05/i-ching-classmate-dinner-and.html



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