
I Ching Classmate Dinner and Introduction to Extenics (易經同學聚餐和可拓學導論)

I am honor to be invited by Prof. Peng’s (彭泓基教授) to share “Extenics” during I Ching Classmate Dinner in Yue Cuisine in Scout Association of Hong Kong (童軍總會粵品軒) on 25th May 2023. Before the dinner, we set up the equipment and projector.

In the beginning, Prof. Peng welcome all participants and the classmates introduced themselves. I feel we are talent pool from different disciplines and industries. 

There are two tables and we took a group photo for memory.

After we shared different background and reasons to join I Ching class, I started the talk “Introduction to Extenics”. 

Extenics is a science which studies the possibility of extending things and rules and methods of developing innovation with formalized patterns, and is used to resolve contradictory problems. Thus, innovation is come from solving contradictory problem.

After that I briefed the four steps of Extension Innovation Method.

Finally, I mentioned the principle of Conjugate Analysis (共軛分析原理) and it employed I Ching principles. Four pairs of conjugates show as follows:

i)                   Physical: Nonmaterial Part (虛部) and Material Part (實部)

ii)                 Systematic: Soft Part (軟部) and Hard Part(硬部)

iii)               Latent Part (潛部) and Apparent Part (顯部)

iv)               Negative Part (負部) and Positive Part (正部)

Then Prof. Peng further explained that many principles of Extenics come from I Ching. They have many common points about “Change” and “Yin Yang (陰陽)”, as well as, “Hexagram (六十四卦)”.

After that we all took a group photo with my book “Logic of Innovation” for memory.

Lastly, Prof. Peng performs Kenny G music using digital Saxophone (數碼色士風). The first music is Spring Breeze and the second one is Forever in Love.


Hong Kong Society for Quality (HKSQ) - http://www.hksq.org/index.asp

彭泓基教授 - http://www.cwmhk.org/speakers_3_1.html

彭泓基教授 - https://www.master-insight.com/author/penghongji/

屈機TV (屈基論) - https://www.youtube.com/@wgtvhk/playlists

20230325: I Ching and the Wisdom of Life (易經與人生智慧) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2023/03/i-ching-and-wisdom-of-life.html

20230401: I Ching and the Wisdom of Life II (易經與人生智慧) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2023/04/i-ching-and-wisdom-of-life-ii.html

20230415: I Ching and the Wisdom of Life III (易經與人生智慧) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2023/04/i-ching-and-wisdom-of-life-iii.html

20230422: I Ching and the Wisdom of Life IV (易經與人生智慧) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2023/04/i-ching-and-wisdom-of-life-iv.html

Post photos with name provided by Prof. Peng:



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