
Visit to Dr Sun Yat-Sen Museum

I with wife family visited to Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Museum on 26th May 2023. The photo of museum building was taken.

Then we took a photo in front of the Museum.

Once enter the Museum, the sculpture of Dr. Sun Yat-Sen was stand in the center.

The Museum open timetable was showed below.

There are many old photos described Dr. Sun stories such as he among “The Four Desperados”.

After that I joined the guide for "Self-discipline and Social Commitment: People and Stories of Tsinghua University" Special Exhibition (「自強不息 厚德載物 清華大學的人和事」專題展覽).

Early distinguished scholars were mentioned and I am interested in Ye Qisun (Master Chinese Physicist).

The graduate certificate was demonstrated.

Moreover, the syllabus of Physics is recorded. The year one is mainly for general studies including Chinese, English, History (Both Chinese and Western), Logic, Mathematics & calculus, general physic, chemistry & geography, as well as, biology.

Finally, I found Dr. Qian Xuesen (錢學森) who was admitted to Tsinghua University's Boxer Indemnity Scholarship to study in the United States in 1935. He arrived at Hong Kong on 8 October 1955, and entered China via the Kowloon–Canton Railway later that day. He made significant contributions to the field of aerodynamics and established engineering cybernetics.

It is very meaningful to visit the Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Museum.


Dr Sun Yat-Sen Museum - https://hk.drsunyatsen.museum/tc/web/sysm/home.html



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