
Grand Opening Ceremony of Kano-BSTQM-Quality Award

Mr. Sheikh Nizam Uddin Ahmed (Secretary General) invited us to join onsite and online event from Bangladesh Society for Total Quality Management (BSTQM) named “Grand Opening Ceremony of the Kano-BSTQM-Quality-Award (KBQA)”. The event was held on 30 July 2023 at 6:00 PM (Dhaka Time) at the Pan Pacific Sonargaon Hotel in Dhaka. Prof. Dr. Noriaki Kano, Professor Emeritus of Tokyo University of Science & Honorary Chair of the Asian Network for Quality (ANQ), and Deming Prize winner, as the guest of honor participated this award opening ceremony and gave guest talk. 

In the beginning, Mr. A.M.M. Khairul Bashar (Former Chairman, BSTQM) introduced Kano-BSTQM-Quality-Award (KBQA). 

Firstly, he briefed the background of KBQA from Deming prize to Kano visited Bangladesh in 1998. Quality award played a significant role in recognizing and promoting excellence, driving organizations towards continuous improvement, customer focus, and operation excellence.

Thus, BSTQM is making effort to establish a quality award system to boost quality and productivity. Mr. Bashar thanked Prof. Dr. Noriaki Kano to help them in establishing KBQA since last few years.

Then Mr. Bashar briefed the objectives of KBQA including strengthen international competitive advantage, high performance standard, enhancing management system and competitiveness. 

After that he mentioned some benefits of KBQA such as customer loyalty, good cultures, continuously improving organization, etc. KBQA application procedures and assessment criteria (Total mark 1000) were described.

Finally, Mr. Bashar concluded that an organization’s ability is sum of contribution of all its people. He invited all organization to take action for studying TQM and KBQA guideline, then implement it and apply the award.

Prof. Dr. Noriaki Kano was the guest speaker to share his award journey in Japan. Firstly, he mentioned Japan was very poor in the past and needed to improve product quality to earn US dollar for purchasing food for Japanese.

Then Dr. Deming and Dr. Juran were invited by Japan government in 1980s and then Japan started to learn from statistical quality control from the US. 

After Prof. Kano shared the secret for success in TQM is to combine “Business and TQM” but the sequence is Business first and then TQM. 

Finally, he mentioned two strategies and one is “Strategy A” and the other is “Strategy J”. Strategy A is for America and they focused on effective decision making only. Strategy J is for Japanese and they focused on team work including QCC.

Prof. Kano described his experience in Deming Prize Committee and said business success through TQM. Deming Prize works as a catalyst.

Lastly, Prof. Kano said “Must not promote TQM for the sake of only challenging Kano BSTQM Award” because of promoting TQM for the sake of business success of Bangladesh companies with Kano BSTQM Award as a Catalyst.

At the end, all guests took a group photo.


BSTQM - https://bstqm.org.bd/

Kano - BSTQM- Quality Award Launching Ceremony - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9maQXLM81eQ



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