
Leader 2030 Webinar – Lean Startup: Quick Innovation Strategy

The Executive Study Group (ESG) webinar named “Leader 2030 – Lean Startups: Quick Innovation Strategy: How Traditional Companies Accelerate Innovation Speeds” was held by Asia Pacific Institute for Strategy Limited (APIFS) on 7th Mar 2025. Dr. Mark Lee introduced the goal of Leader 2030 before the webinar (See reference). 

In the beginning, Dr. Mark Lee quoted Prof. Steve Blank (Stanford University) that Lean Startups practices did not only for young tech ventures but also large companies. 

Then he introduced the 4 stages of “Lean Startups”. The first two steps are Customer Discovery and Validation that belongs the first part “Search”. The second part “Execution” included the last two steps and they are Customer Creation and Company Building.

Lean Startups Re-entrepreneurship (LSR) included three elements and they are Business Model Canvas (BMC), Hypothesis Quick Test (HQT) and Minimum Viable Products (MVP). Dr. Lee reviewed BMC of last webinar.

Then he also reviewed the HQT – Test Card 4 steps and they are Hypothesis, Test, Metric and Criteria.

And then Dr. Lee briefed the Minimum Viable Products (MVP) that need to fulfill two critical factors and they are customer found it valuable and rapid growth rate.

Dr. Mark Lee use Facebook, Blue River Technology and GE as examples to explain lean startups practices.

After that he mentioned the multiple rounds using BMC MVP deployment of HQT and got customer feedback for quick experimentation. 

Finally, he compared the traditional company culture and lean startup culture from Strategy, New-product process and Engineering.

As well as, compared from Organization, Financial Reporting, Failure and Speed.

Lastly, he polled to survey our company ready for Lean Startup’ unique culture or not. Around 60% replied agree / highly agree their company ready for this culture change.


Asia Pacific Institute for Strategy Limited (亞太策略研究所有限公司) www.apifs.org

ESG facebook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/esg08

Leader2030 - Empowering the Next Generation of Leaders - https://www.apifs.org/Leader2030-en

Previous talks summary:



Dinner with Dr. KS Chin and Mrs. Chin

Minda and I had dinner with my teachers Prof. KS Chin and Mrs. Chin on 3rd Mar 2025. We took a photo before the dinner. 

We had dinner in CityU Faculty Lounge. Its food is very good! 


HKSQ - https://hksq.org/

20240814: Dinner with Prof. Frankey Pun and his Family - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2024/08/dinner-with-prof-frankey-pun-and-his.html

20240109: Dinner with Dr. KS Chin and Prof. Frankey Pun - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2024/01/dinner-with-dr-ks-chin-and-prof-frankey.html

20231010: Lunch with Former HKSQ exco members - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2023/10/lunch-with-former-hksq-exco-members.html

20230319: HKSQ Social Events–Walking Tour of points of Interest in Sham Shui Po - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2023/03/hksq-social-eventswalking-tour-of.html

20120814: HKSTP Visit and HKSQ Lunch with Principal & Professors from The University of The West Indies - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2012/08/hkstp-visit-and-hksq-lunch-with.html


Family Gathering for Ne Zha 2 (哪吒2) Film

In March, my mother would like to see Ne Zha 2 and we arranged family gathering for the film on 2nd Mar 2025. We saw the film in Tuen Mun cinema. Ne Zha 2 earns HK$5.6 million on first day in Hong Kong! 

Minda and I took a photo in front of the banner.

Then we took a group photo with mother.

The cinema is mini one and smaller than my expectation because I haven’t seen the film in cinema for long time.

I selfie inside for memory.

It is a very good film and achieved international level.


20240303: Visit to Huawei European Town and CNY Family Gathering in Guangzhou - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2024/03/visit-to-huawei-huawei-european-town.html


HKSQ Social Event - Hong Kong Cemetery Heritage Walking Tour

HKSQ Social Event named “Hong Kong Cemetery Heritage Walking Tour” on 1st Mar 2025. Hong Kong Cemetery is located on the western side of Happy Valley (previously known as the Protestant Cemetery or the Colonial Cemetery) which is the oldest western cemetery in Hong Kong since 1845. In the beginning, we took a group photo in the main entry. 

(Left: I, Dr. KS Chin, Mr. CP Chow, Mr. KC Hui, Ms. Lam, Dr. Jane Wong, Ms. Minda Chiang, Ms. Angela Wong, Dr. Albert Tsang and Mr. Humphrey Lee)

Mr. K.C. Hui was our docent. He explained the design of the fountain.

He then introduced the British naval tombs related to the Opium Wars.

The grave of Henrietta Hall Shuck (October 28, 1817 – November 27, 1844), the first American woman missionary to China and the first Western woman to live in Hong Kong, is mentioned. Students of Henrietta High School would visit from time to time.

Orthodox Catholic Church (東正教) cross is different with others. The Triple Cross in Orthodox Christianity symbolizes the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, with the top beam representing Pilate's inscription, the middle beam for His nailed hands, and the slanted bottom beam signifying the footrest and the divergent fates of the two thieves crucified alongside Him.

We saw a very famous person in Hong Kong who is SIR Robert Ho Tung!

Then Dr. Aaron Tong joined us and we took a photo in front of the church.

We saw many grave with Freemasonry (共濟會) logo (The Square and Compasses).

Afterwards, we visited the tomb of Yeung Ku-wan (19 December 1861 – 11 January 1901) who was a Chinese revolutionary of the late Qing dynasty.

The original tomb was built to avoid the Qing, so it had no name, only a tomb number. Few years ago, Hong Kong government built a marble platform for him.

This cemetery was built in 1975 for moving graves during the construction of the Aberdeen Tunnel.

Mr. Chiang Chen (蔣震) who was a famous Hong Kong industrialist, founder and honorary chairman of Chen Hsong Group, was also in this cemetery.

When we left, we passed the Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery (天主教墳場) and saw the funeral couplet: "Tonight my body returns to my homeland, and tomorrow your body will do the same." (今夕吾軀歸故土,他朝君體也相同。)

After the tour, we had lunch together.


HKSQ - http://www.hksq.org/

Other HKSQ Quality Life Series activities:

20130124 - The historical development of Sheung Wan Hong Kong Island for the past 100 years (港島上環區百年變遷講座)


20130126 - The historical visit to Sheung Wan Hong Kong Island for the past 100 years (港島上環區百年變遷考察)


20130914 - HKSQ Tour to Heritage Sites of Central District


20140112: HKSQ Oyster Shucking and Wine Pairing Workshop - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2014/01/hksq-oyster-shucking-and-wine-pairing.html

20150228: HKSQ QoL Walking Tour to Tai Ping Shan Medical - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2015/02/hksq-qol-walking-tour-to-tai-ping-shan.html

20151212: HKSQ Iberico Ham and Wine Pairing Workshop - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2015/12/hksq-iberico-ham-and-wine-pairing.html

20160109: HKSQ QoL Lei Yue Mun Village Heritage Walking Tour - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2016/01/hksq-qol-lei-yue-mun-village-heritage.html

20170401: HKSQ QoL Ping Shan Heritage Trail Walking Tour - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2017/04/hksq-qol-ping-shan-heritage-trail.html

20180119: HKSQ Technical Visit to Foshan Coca Cola Plant - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2018/01/hksq-technical-visit-to-foshan-coca.html

20180120: HKSQ Cultural Visit to Foshan Ceramics Museum - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2018/01/hksq-cultural-visit-to-foshan-ceramics.html

20210402: HKSQ QoL Exco Hiking on Wu Tip Shan Trail (蝴蝶山徑) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2021/04/hksq-qol-exco-hiking-on-wu-tip-shan.html

20230319: HKSQ Social Events–Walking Tour of points of Interest in Sham Shui Po - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2023/03/hksq-social-eventswalking-tour-of.html

20250126: HKSQ Social Event - Walking Trail on the Lam Tsuen (林村) cum Reunion Dinner - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2025/01/hksq-social-event-walking-trail-on-lam.html


COMP Student/Staff Consultative Group (SSCG) Meeting

I was invited to participant the 2nd BScFTAI Student/Staff Consultative Group (SSCG) Meeting on 28 Feb 2025. We communicated with students and subject teachers for improving the programme continuously. In the beginning, I met Dr. XIE Hongcheng and took a photo together. 

Year 1 to 4 student representatives joined the meeting and feedback different courses content and teaching as well as difficulty level.

I am subject lecturer of COMP 3511 and also teaching half course of COMP 1433 in this semester. I asked students any difficulty. They replied that it would be difficult if student without took M2 under DSE in high school.

Dr. Kevin Yuen taught the subject COMP 4432 Machine Learning.

At the end, we took a photo together with Year 4 student representative.

(Left: I, Student Rep, Dr. Kevin Yuen, Dr. Raymond Pang and Dr. XIE Hongcheng)

After SSCG meeting, we had lunch together with Kevin’s student - Mr. Cheuk Kin MA who studies COMP IT Master course and worked in ASTRI. His former boss was Mr. Jim Hui (HKSQ member).

(Left: I, Dr. Jeff Tang, Mr. Cheuk Kin MA and Dr. Kevin Yuen)


COMP, PolyU - https://www.polyu.edu.hk/comp/

20180709: Experience Sharing by ASTRI on implementation of ISO 9001 for R&D Company and visit to Smart City Innovation Centre - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2018/07/experience-sharing-by-astri-on.html

20181130: HKSQ Seminar on Implementation of ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 for R&D Companies – ASTRI Experience Sharing - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2018/11/hksq-seminar-on-implementation-of-iso.html


HKSQ x Intertek Technical Visit and Seminar on Compliance of GMP

Hong Kong Society for Quality (HKSQ) and Intertek co-organized Technical Visit and Seminar on Compliance of Health Supplements and Chinese Herbal Medicine with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) Standards on 22nd Feb 2025. In the morning, everyone gathered at Futian Station.

We separated into two teams to go to the Intertek in Guangdong-Macau Medical Science and Technology Industrial Park.

We passed the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge (深中大橋) to go to Zhuhai.

The first team arrived the R&D and Testing Building.

Minda and I selfie in front of the brand “Intertek GM Testing Service Zhuhai Co., Ltd.”

In the beginning, Dr. Jane Wong (Chairman, HKSQ) gave opening speech.

And then she presented the HKSQ flag to Mr. Roger Huang (GM of HBPA Intertek China) for appreciating the arrangement of this visit and seminar. 

Mr. Roger Huang was the first speaker who introduced Intertek service on GMP compliance for health products and Chinese herbal medicines. In the beginning, he started by three key questions that were “Who am I? Where do I come from? Where am I going?”

Then he introduced Intertek background and service in China.

After that he briefed the history of GMP – 21CFR 210 & 211 as well as some key sessions.

Lastly, he shared his audit experience on Man, Machine, Material, Method, Environment, Measurement, Record and Complaint.

Mr. Zhou Haicai (Auditor and Consultant) was the second speaker and his talk named “GACP standards and certification verification points for medicinal plant bases” (藥用植物基地GACP標準與認證核查要點).

Firstly, he introduced the history of Good Agricultural and Wild Collection Practice” for medicinal and aromatic plants from 1998 to 2006.

Then he briefed China standard T/CCCMHPIE 2.1-2018 “Specification on Good Agriculture and Collection Practices for Medicinal Plants”.

After that he compared with different GACP including China, WHO, EU, etc.

Finally, Mr. Zhou explained their audit service for entering EU market.

After the seminar, we all had a gift from Intertek. It is a book named “Leadership with SOUL”.

The second part was visiting laboratory. Sample preparation room and microbiology laboratory were visited.

We observed that Intertek redefined the Total Quality Assurance and stated their purpose and vision.

Representatives of Intertek explained their daily operation.

We took a photo with flame hoods.

And then we visited the instrument room (e.g. GCMS, HPLC).

Lastly, we took a group photo for memory.

After that, we went to the canteen to have lunch. It electronically measures your food type and weight to calculate costs.

This is the recycling belt for washing dishes.

At the end, we separated two teams that Minda and I went to Futian Station. We took a photo in front of the brand “Guangdong-Macau Traditional Chinese Medicine Technology, Industrial Park” for memory.

The other team, led by Dr Jane Wong and Dr Aaron Tong, travelled to Macau to taste its special cuisine. We had a very good trip today and thanks Intertek.


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