
HKSQ AGM 2021 & Technical Seminar on Intelligence of Everything

HKSQ Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held on 24th Sept 2021 after the technical seminar with the theme “Intelligence of Everything (萬物智能)”. In Policy Address 2016, the Chief Executive of the HKSAR has affirmed the significance of "reindustrialization" as a potential area of economic growth for Hong Kong. In order to facilitate industrial upgrading and transformation, digitalization and intelligence manufacturing becomes a critical success factors for "reindustrialization". This seminar aims to share data science, AI innovation method and intelligent manufacturing for the digital era. The seminar was co-organized by HKSQ, ADSE Dept., CityU and Minitab.  In the beginning, organizers and speakers took a group photo. 

(Left: Mr. Calvin Yim (Product Manager, Techmax / Minitab), I, Dr. Albert Tsang and Dr. KS Chin)

(Left top: Dr. KS Chin, Dr. Albert Tsang, Mr. Calvin Yim; Left down: Ms. Minda Chiang, Ms. Angela Wong and I)

Dr Albert Tsang (Former Chairman, HKSQ) was the first speaker and his topic entitled “From Knowledge to Making Evidence-Based Decisions”. Firstly, Dr. Tsang briefed the cause-and-effect relationships through the story on The Garden of Eden.  And said the leap from data to knowledge required a push from humans because humans evolved from processor of data to makers of explanations.

Then Dr. Tsang introduced three level of causation including “Seeing – Associating”, “Doing – Intervention” and “Imagining – Counterfactuals”. 

After that he briefed each causation as below.

Level 1: Seeing – Associating Correlation and regression as present-da machine learning system to give a “Hindsight”.

Level 2: Doing – Intervention Analyze data obtained from controlled experiments with strong and accurate causal models to make predictions.

Level 3: Cognitive revolution of humans giving “Insight” and “Foresight”. 

Finally, Dr. Tsang mentioned different machine learning techniques including supervised and unsupervised learning. Supervised learning tools included classifiers and regression models and unsupervised learning tools included clustering, anomaly identification and data reduction algorithms. 

Lastly, Dr. Albert Tsang briefed the case study using Minitab CART® (Classification & Regression Trees) to predict heart disease and stated machine learning projects in business.

Dr. Lotto Lai (Chairman, HKSQ) was the second speaker and his presentation title named “Recent Applications of Extension Intelligence”. My topics included Extenics, Extension Intelligence, Extension Innovation Method and Case Studies in Mainland China and Hong Kong.

I briefed the history of Extenics and introduced the extension theory including basic-element theory, extension set theory and extension logic.

And then I quoted Prof. Cai Wen conclusion in the 17th Extenics Annual Meeting that Extenics is the fundamental of Extension Intelligence. Extension Intelligence is a new kind of AI which can deal with contradictions intelligently by extending and transforming information and knowledge based on the theory and methods of Extenics especially extension set.

After that I briefed four cases employed extension innovation method in Mainland China including medical device, reconstruction in Fangshan District, the interior design of driverless car, and design of automated 3D warehouse. 

Finally, I shared my four extenics researches in Hong Kong including Extenics plus QStartupMS, Extension Business Innovation Model, ExSS approach and QInnoMS with Extension Innovation Methodology. 

The last speaker was Dr. KS Chin (Former Chairman, HKSQ) and his topic was “Intelligent Manufacturing Engineering – Contributes to a Smarter World”.  Firstly, Dr. Chin discussed smart world that an increasingly urban world where the flow of people becomes more prominent and resources become scare, it’s essential to manage everything in the best possible way.

And then Dr. Chin briefed the Intelligent Manufacturing that is the implementing agent of Smart Industry and Industry 4.0.

After that he mentioned different technologies in the intelligent manufacturing including AI, IoT, CPS, etc. In broad sense, AI refers to systems that are with a self-aware form and capable of performing very complex tasks that aiming to achieve the imitation by a machine of the cognitive abilities of a human being.

Finally, Dr. Chin introduced a new degree course named “BEng in Intelligent Manufacturing Engineering (BEng ITME)” offered by Department of Advanced Design and Systems Engineering, CityU. The course content involved many advanced technology for manufacturing industry.

After the technical seminar, HKSQ Annual General Meeting (AGM) was performed.  We took a group photo online and offline together.

(Left: Ms. Angela Wong, Ms. Jane Wong, Dr. KS Chin, Ms. Minda Chiang, I, Dr. YC Chau, Mr. Ben Tsang and Dr. Albert Tsang; Online: Mr. Peter Fung, Mr. Humphrey Lee and Dr. Aaron Tong, etc.)

Firstly, I presented Chairman Report included all activities in the last year including seminar, conference and visit online and offline.  

I also presented our first TID funded project for startup and its schedule.

After that Ms. Angela Wong (Hon. Treasurer, HKSQ) presented the financial report. 

At the end, HKSQ exco member had dinner together.


HKSQ - http://www.hksq.org/

Past HKSQ AGM Seminar:

20201017: HKSQ AGM 2020 & Seminar on Local Production of Facial Mask in Hong Kong - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2020/10/hksq-agm-2020-seminar-on-local.html

20190927: HKSQ AGM Seminar on Industry 4.0 in Quality Management - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2019/09/hksq-agm-seminar-on-industry-40-in.html

20180804: HKSQ AGM Quality Innovation Seminar on “Extenics and AI Application” - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2018/08/hksq-agm-quality-innovation-seminar-on.html

20170728: HKSQ AGM 2017 and Extenics Seminar - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2017/07/hksq-agm-2017-and-extenics-seminar.html

20160812: HKSQ AGM 2016 and QFD Seminar - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2016/08/hksq-agm-2016-and-qfd-seminar.html

20150717: HKSQ AGM 2015 and Zero Defect Strategy Seminar - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2015/07/hksq-agm-2015-and-zero-defect-strategy.html

20140726: HKSQ AGM 2014 and IP Audit Seminar - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2014/07/hksq-agm-2014-and-ip-audit-seminar.html

20130719: ASQ Master Black Belt Seminar after HKSQ AGM - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2013/07/asq-master-black-belt-seminar-after.html

20120819: The 23rd HKSQ Annual General Meeting - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2012/08/the-23rd-hksq-annual-general-meeting.html

20110729: The 22nd HKSQ Annual General Meeting and Quality Seminar - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2011/07/22nd-hksq-annual-general-meeting-and.html

20100724: The seminar on “The Best Renewable Energy for Hong Kong” - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2010/07/seminar-on-best-renewable-energy-for.html

20100724: The 21st Annual General Meeting (AGM) – Hong Kong Society for Quality (HKSQ) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2010/07/21st-annual-general-meeting-agm-hong.html




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