
Hong Kong Science and Technology Forum – Celebrating the 72nd Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China

 The Preparatory Committee for the National Day Celebration of Hong Kong Science and Technology Community (香港科技界慶祝國慶籌委會) was established in 1994. It was spontaneously organized by the Hong Kong science and technology community. It aims to unite the scientific and technological scholars and experts through celebrations of the National Day, build consensus and promote industry exchanges. Because of Covid-19, this forum prepared both online and onsite mode.

Before the forum, all onsite participant stand up and sing a national song.

In the beginning, Prof. Yuk-Shan Wong (香港科技界慶祝國慶籌委會主席團主席-黃玉山教授) gave a welcome speech.

Then, Academician Zhang Yuzhuo (中國科協分管日常工作副主席、書記處第一書記 張玉卓院士) gave guest speech. He briefed the “Opinions on further promoting the innovation development of the China Association for Science and Technology” (关于进一步推动中国科协学会创新发展的意见).

Mr. Paul Chan Mo-po GBM GBS MH JP (Financial Secretary) gave guest speech. It is appreciated that "Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Development Plan" support Hong Kong development and in the "14th Five-Year Plan Outline" that further clearly supports Hong Kong's construction of an international innovation and technology center.

Mr. Ye Shuiqiu (Deputy Minister of Education and Science Department, Liaison Office, Hong Kong) (香港中聯辦教科部副部長葉水球) gave guest speech. He said government of PRC support Hong Kong to develop innovation and technology and embed into Mainland China’s development plan.

Dr. Lo Wai Kwok (香港科技界慶祝國慶籌委會執委會主席-盧偉國博士) gave guest speech and he appreciated all supporting people for this forum. 

Dr. David Chung Wai-keung (Under Secretary for Innovation and Technology of HKSAR) gave keynote speech entitled “The 14th Five-Year Plan brings opportunities for innovation and technology (十四五規劃帶來創新科技的機遇)”. He introduced recently Innovation and Technology policy in Hong Kong and current situation in I&T ecosystem.

Prof. Alexander Wai Ping-kong (President, HKBU) was the second keynote speaker and his topic named “The role of universities should play for Hong Kong's construction of an international innovation and technology center” (香港建設國際創新科技中心 大學應該擔當的角色).

Prof. Wai briefed the Innovation and Technology ecosystem including talent, capital, facilities and innovation culture.  He also compared the I&T model among USA, China and Korea. 

Finally, Prof. Wai suggested government and universities should enhance investment on applied research and technology transfer research. It is not only focused on university ranking.

Academician Du Xiangwan (Former Vice President of Chinese Academy of Engineering, Senior Scientific Advisor of Chinese Academy of Engineering Physics) (中國工程院原副院長、中國工程物理研究院高級科學顧問杜祥琬院士) was last keynote speaker and his presentation topic entitled “Achieve the "Double Carbon Goal" and build a beautiful China” (實現「雙碳目標」建設美麗中華).

Academician Du said the 14th and 15th Five-Year Plan are critical for reduction of carbon emission through high quality development. It estimates the GDP growth around 5% and energy consumption growth around 2%.

Then he also pointed out some difficulties and challenges such as heavy industry, depends on fossil fuel, low efficiency, etc.

After that Academician Du explained China energy consumption and CO2 emission from 1980 to 2020. The growth was observed to be slow down.  Finally, he introduced different approach to achieve “Double Carbon Goal” through different technologies and policies in China.

At the end of forum, Dr. Lo Wai Kwok gave closing remark and appreciated all participants.


財政司司長於「香港科技界慶祝中華人民共和國成立72週年科技論壇」致辭 - https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202109/25/P2021092500048.htm

张玉卓出席香港科技界庆祝中华人民共和国成立七十二周年科技论坛并致辞 - https://www.cast.org.cn/art/2021/9/25/art_79_169256.html

香港科技界庆国庆科技论坛举行 为创科发展出谋划策 - https://www.chinanews.com/ga/2021/09-25/9573435.shtml

关于进一步推动中国科协学会创新发展的意见 - http://www.gov.cn/zhengce/zhengceku/2020-12/16/content_5569817.htm



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