
CityU Alumni Reunion Gala 2023

I was honor to be invited by Alumni Relations Office for joining CityU Alumni Reunion Gala 2023 - the 20th Anniversary Ceremony of Alumni Ambassador Scheme cum Alumni Leaders Gathering. I was on behalf of CityU EngD Society for this event in Faculty Lounge on 14th Oct 2023.

I met my teacher Prof. Jonathan C. Y. CHUNG (Department of Materials Science and Engineering).

I also took a photo with Ms. Cindy Kuan (ARO).

I recognized a new friend Mr. Ken Yeung (Representative of Shanghai Alumni) and met an old friend Mr. William Mak (Member of CityU Eminence Society).

In the beginning, Prof. Roy C. W. Kwok (Department of Information System) briefed the aims of the alumni reunion gala and welcome all alumni. 

Then Ms. Cindy Kuan invited all alumni representative to introduce themselves and their societies. 

I briefed my journey in CityU and introduced the background of EngD program as well as CityU EngD Society.

Then Prof. Ron Kwok presented souvenirs to all representatives and took a group for memory;

Mr. Ken Yeung introduced Shanghai alumni society.

After that all faculty members are took a group photo.

Finally, we discussed the hurdles for our alumni work and proposed different solutions.

We discussed the questions and had a good tea.  We identified two hurdles that were time and location. We proposed to cooperate with other alumni societies and seek CES sponsor for visit activities with all mainland alumni societies.

At the end, all guests and faculty members were took a group photo for memory.


CityU ARO - https://www.cityu.edu.hk/aro/main/

CityU EngD Society - https://engds.org/



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