
The 7th World Summit of Chinese Quality (Onsite & Online)

 The 7th World Summit of Chinese Quality (全球華人品質峰會) was organized by Chinese Society for Quality (CSQ), National Quemoy University (金門大學) and pre-World Alliance for Chinese Quality (pre-WACQ - 全球華人品質聯盟()) on 16th Sep 2022. The theme was Environmental, Social, Governance and Chinese Culture”「ESG與中華文化」. The summit was held onsite and online in Kin Men (金門). Minda and I took a photo in front of the screen that we arranged onsite in CityU to attend the summit.

I captured participants group photo in the summit for memory.

In the beginning of the summit, Mr. Lu Ruiyan (Chairman, CSQ) (盧瑞彥先生 - 臺灣廣運集團副董事長) gave welcoming speech and he explained the relation among environmental, social and governance (ESG) and Chinese culture. Finally, he said we need to exceed customer expectation and sustainable development with the earth 「超越顧客期待 與地球永續」.

Mr. Lee - 李增財 (金門縣政府 副縣長) gave welcoming speech to all participants and introduced background of Kin Men (金門).

The representative of National Quemoy University (NQU) gave welcoming speech and he briefed that NQU established in 1997. Then he mentioned some Chinese cultures in Kin Men (金門) and expected all of participants would visit here after pandemic.

World Alliance for Chinese Quality member representatives’ speech section:
Firstly, Mr. Jia fuxing (Chairman, CAQ) (賈福興 - 中國質量協會會長) gave a speech and reminded Three Treasures of Kinmen: Sorghum Wine, Tribute Candy, Steel Knife (金門三寶:高梁酒、貢糖、鋼刀). Then he introduced CAQ activities related to ESG and establishing ESG system standard.

Then Mr. Johnson Tan Swan San (Chairman, SQI) (陳川昌 - 新加坡質量學院主席) gave a speech and he remembered joining the 3th WSCQ in Singapore and sharing quality management. He expected we continued to participate the establishing Chinese culture quality management and to enhance our quality level.

And then Dr. Jane Wong (Chairman, HKSQ) (黃惠僑 - 香港質量學會會長) gave welcoming speech. She briefed ESG and financial requirement in Hong Kong. As one of the pioneers in developing the green bond market, Hong Kong is the first region in Asia to sign a green bond commitment, reflecting the government's commitment to the environment.

After that Prof. Lin Chang (Chairman, Macau Quality Management Association (MQMA)) (林暢 - 澳門品質管理協會會長) gave speech. He said Macau economic was affected by pandemic and reduced half GDP before pandemic. We needed to think how to recover in the post-pandemic era. Thus, we promote ESG on industry and society about risk and quality management.

Finally, Mr. Chung (Director, THQA) (鍾國屏 - 臺灣醫療品質協會理事) gave a speech and he firstly introduced THQA to us. He supported the healthcare industry should focus on customer satisfaction and achieve perfection as Chinese culture (盡善盡美).

Summit keynote speech session:
The first speaker was Mr. Yang (楊駕人) (金門酒廠實業() 總經理) and his topic named “Kinmen Winery Company sustainable development and social responsibility” (金酒公司永續發展與社會責任). In the beginning, Mr. Yang briefed the development history of his company and mentioned their quality, technology and management.  In quality management, they achieved ISO 9001, ISO 22000, HACCP, ISO 17025 and Quality Winery Certification. 

Then he introduced their environment activities to match Kinmen low carbon strategies including water usage reduction, reuse and waste water treatment.

Finally, he introduced the social aspect such as maintaining the Chinese wine culture. He also stated the governance to reduce the risk and enhance the sustainable supply chain management. Lastly, he said this year is 70th anniversary and they expect the next 70 years to enhance their ESG unit sustainable development.

The second speaker was Mr. Li Yongsheng (李永生) (國家能源集團企管法律部(改革辦) 副主任) and his topic named “Realizing the Truth, Goodness and Beauty of ESG through establishing a World-Class Enterprise” (在建設世界一流企業中實現ESG的真善美). Firstly, he introduced their group.

Mr. Li also mentioned the original of ESG in view of Chinese Culture such as Tao Te Ching (道德經). Then ESG could be traced back to BC1044 in China. And now China government is focused on environmental protection and governance.

At the end, Mr. Li proposed several actions to achieve ESG through Truth, Goodness and Beauty (真善美) in different aspects including Industry, Investment, Management, Technology and Responsibility.

The third speaker was Prof. Tan Cher Ming (陳始明教授) and his topic entitled “Lifetime Extrapolation from Accelerated Life Test Data and its Challenges”. Firstly, he briefed the important of extrapolation for lifetime prediction especially in electronic and semiconductor product.  Accelerated life testing (ALT) was mentioned that could help to save time and money for identifying design and manufacturing deficiencies. 

And then Prof. Tan introduced three common models employed in ALT and they are Arrhenius Model, Peck Model and Coffin-Manson Model.

Finally, Prof. Tan showed some case studies such as high power LED packaging to explain how different model predicted their lifetime so as to understand the physics of failure and to assess the model correctness or derive a correct acceleration model.

The fourth speaker was Mr. Dominic Lam (林俊康) (香港中華廠商聯合會工業發展基金有限公司 (CMA檢定中心) 首席營運總監) and his topic was “Commercialization of technology to help the industry transformation” (科技商品化, 助業界轉型). Minda and I took a photo during Dominic presentation for memory.

In the beginning, Mr. Lam introduced CMA Testing and CMA plus, as well as, Hong Kong reindustrialization policy. Then he mentioned their Technology Commercialization Platform. The pathway was introduced from Screening to Reindustrialization (SOCCER).

Finally, Mr. Lam demonstrated some projects cooperated with universities in Hong Kong and transferred their technology for contributing to society such as mobile PCR car for Covid testing.

The fifth speaker was Mr. Wang-Chuan Juang (莊旺川) (臺灣醫療品質協會 秘書長) and his presentation title was “From the Wisdom of Ancestors, Deeply Cultivating the Practice of Hospital Quality Control Promoters” (從老袓宗的智慧深耕醫院品管推動者的修練). Mr. Wang considered organization culture in three dimension including Management, Technical and Philosophy.

Then Mr. Wang summarized the wisdom of “To be Water” and “Tao Te Ching”. Finally, he purposed eight strategies as follows.

i)                   The highest good is like water, good for all things without fighting (水善利萬物而不爭)

ii)                 Do what everyone hates (處眾人之所惡)

iii)               Deep Mind and Think Big (心善淵)

iv)               Give and Resilience (與善仁)

v)                  Integrity (言善信)

vi)               Good Governance such as ISO (政善治)

vii)             Professional and Versatile (事善能)

viii)           Face to resistant like water (動善時)

The last speaker was Mr. Shuh Chen(陳樹) (中華中道領導文化總會 理事長) and his presentation topic named “Middle Way (Zhongdao) Lead to Implement the Sustainable Governance” (中道領導落實永續治理). He said the effective way to solve problem of human being is “Zhongdao”(中道).

Then he briefed the relationship among leadership, implementation and organization culture. Then he explained how to employ “Zhongdao” from social, science, philosophy and self.

Lastly, Mr. Chen discussed the integration between “Zhongdao” and Sustainable Governance.

After keynote speech session, Dr. Duan Yonggang (Vice-Chairman, CAQ) (段永剛博士 - 全球華人品質聯盟()理事長、中國質量協會副會長兼秘書長) gave speech and he appreciated all supporters to WACQ activities. Quality is inseparable from cultural genes and WACQ focused on Chinese Culture. China Quality magazine would do more jobs on Chinese Quality. Moreover, WACQ would expand to individual member in future.

Before the end of summit, Mr. Johnson Tan Swan San (Chairman, SQI) (陳川昌 - 新加坡質量學院主席) introduced the 8th World Summit for Chinese Quality in Singapore.

Then Mr. Tan showed a video to visit Singapore.

Finally, Mr. Tan showed a sing named “The Story of a Small Town”

At the end, all participants took a group photo online and onsite.

Then Minda and I had lunch in CityU. After that we joined the afternoon paper presentation session.

Paper presentation session was for onsite only and video presentation would be posted in CSQ website. My video topic named “Use Transformation Bridge to analyze the Contradictions among different Anti-epidemic Methods to Enhance the Decision Quality” (運用轉換橋分析不同抗疫方法之間的矛盾問題以提升決策質量).

Onsite Paper presentation session:

The first speaker in paper onsite presentation session was Mr. Wong (黃偉春) and his topic named “Quality Care of Myocardial Infarction in Taiwan” (台灣心肌梗塞品質照護). After four innovation improvement including self-analysis ECG system, transportation system, ambulance to hospital process and GPS location system, the efficiency enhanced 19%!

The second speaker was Ms. Wang (王美慈) and her topic entitled “Smart Medical Care for Severe Cases and Innovative Quality Improvement” (重症智慧醫療及創新品質精進). She firstly introduced their core values and then briefed their innovation on different medical care activities including Open Style Hand Restraint Device, Dynamic Kanban, AI Diagnostic using Random Forest, etc.

The third speaker was Ms. Pao-Lin Jen (任寶玲) and her presentation topic entitled “Establishment and Effectiveness Evaluation of Performance Bonus Appraisal System (PBAS) for Nursing Staff in a Public Hospital in Mainland China” (大陸某公立醫院護理人員績效獎金評核制度之建置與成效評估).  Firstly, she briefed the research goal and background.

Finally, Ms. Jen found that management team recognition of PBAS was higher than non-management team.  Working experience range from 3 to 10 years were found to be higher recognition.

The fourth speaker was Mr. ‪Juang Wang-Chuan (莊旺川) and his topic was “Analyzing hospitals’ drill of the social engineering attack to improve employee information security awareness” (分析醫院社交工程攻擊演練以改善員工資安意識). Mr. Juang found that high turnover department staff and short-term staff had low awareness on information security.

The fifth speaker was Mr. ‪Juang Wang-Chuan (莊旺川) and his topic named “To explore the knowledge, attitudes, behaviors and teamwork of Taiwanese emergency medical staff towards palliative care for non-cancer diseases patients” (探討台灣急診醫護人員對非癌症疾病安寧緩和醫療的知識、態度、行為及團隊合作). He found that no relationship between knowledge and behavior but high relationship between behavior and teamwork.

The sixth speaker was Ms. Wu Meng-Chieh (吳孟潔) and her presentation title was “Focus on the Doctor-Patient Relationship during the Pandemic of Covid 19” (聚焦醫病關係灰犀牛,轉化後疫情時代為新常態). Patient left hospital and return within 3 days for positive of Covid analysis and process improvement were discussed.

The seventh speaker was Mr. Huang Ching-Tai (黃景泰) and his presentation topic named “Improving the Quality of Central Catheter Care with an Intelligent System Prediction Model” (以智能系統預測模型提升中央導管照護品質). Firstly, he briefed Central Venous Catheter (CVC) bundle care and business intelligent system. Then traffic lamp design for the prediction model was discussed. He concluded that reduction of CVC day and enhance fever recovery.

The eighth speaker was Mr. Lam (林威辰) and his topic entitled “A Study of Lean Management in ESG” (以精實管理落實企業ESG之探討). Mr. Lam briefed some basic principles in Lean and ESG and then discussed different cases employing Lean for ESG performance.

The ninth speaker was Mr. Lau (劉百銓) and his topic was “Production and Application of Energy-Saving and Carbon-Reducing Quick-Screening Tools in Small Assembly factor” (小型組裝工廠節能減碳快篩工具的製作與應用). He studied dynamic and static electricity consumption for energy saving and optimization method.

The tenth speaker was Ms. Guo (高佳霙) and her presentation title was “The Service Effect of Implementing Large-scale Screening Station under the Covid Epidemic” (新冠肺炎疫情下執行大型篩檢站之服務成效). Ms. Guo explained the rotation adjustment for large-scale screening station so as to enhance the effectiveness.

The eleventh speaker was Ms. Wong (黃婕羚) and her topic entitled “The Effect of Medical Staff and Patient Safety Culture on Work-life Balance - the Moderating Effect of Resilience” (醫事人員病人安全文化對工作生活平衡之影響 - 復原力之調節效果). She found that positive effect between Patient Safety Culture on Work-life Balance; but no moderating effect of resilience.

Prof. Kuan Sheng-Pin (官生平) was the last speaker and his topic named “The Philosophy and Foundation of Quality Sustainable Development” (品質永續發展哲學與基礎). Prof. Kuan reviewed quality management as foundation, relationship between population and environment, and philosophy of sustainable development.

Finally, Mr. Lu Ruiyan (Chairman, CSQ) (盧瑞彥先生 - 臺灣廣運集團副董事長) gave closing speech for the paper presentation session.

Technical Visit:

Visit to Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor Inc. on 17 Sep 2022


China Association for Quality (CAQ) - http://www.caq.org.cn/

Chinese Society for Quality (CSQ) - http://www.csq.org.tw/mp.asp?mp=1

Singapore Quality Institute (SQI) - http://www.sqi.org.sg/

Hong Kong Society for Quality (HKSQ) - http://www.hksq.org/index.asp

Macau Quality Management Association (MQMA) - https://www.mqma.org/

Taiwan Healthcare Quality Association (THQA) - https://www.ahqroc.org.tw/

第七屆全球華人品質峰會 - https://sites.google.com/view/wscq2022/home?authuser=2

第七屆全球華人品質峰會共話“ESG與中華文化”- http://big5.taiwan.cn/xwzx/la/202209/t20220917_12470902.htm

華人學者共話「ESG與中華文化」- https://www.tkww.hk/a/202209/17/AP6325774ce4b0a46902a44d99.html

History (Past Events & Meeting);

Chinese Quality Forum

20120526: The first meeting for the Chinese Quality Forum (華人品質論壇) - http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2012/05/first-meeting-for-chinese-quality-forum.html

20140314: Pre-Chinese Quality Forum (華人品質論壇) Dinner Meeting 2014 - http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2014/03/pre-chinese-quality-forum-dinner-meeting.html

20140315: The 2nd Chinese Quality Forum (華人品質論壇) - http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2014/03/the-2nd-chinese-quality-forum.html

20150923: Pre-Chinese Quality Forum (華人品質論壇) Meeting & Dinner 2015 - http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2015/09/pre-chinese-quality-forum-meeting.html

20151104: The 15th China Quality Award cum Chinese Quality Forum – Day 1


20151105: The 15th China Quality Award cum Chinese Quality Forum – Day 2


20151106: The 3rd Chinese Quality Forum – Day 3 Work Meeting & Visit TusPark


World Alliance for Chinese Quality

20160707: The Pre-World Alliance for Chinese Quality (全球華人品質聯盟()) Meeting - http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2016/07/the-pre-world-alliance-for-chinese.html

20160708: The 1st World Summit for Chinese Quality - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2016/07/the-1st-world-summit-for-chinese-quality.html

20160709: Post-WSCQ Seminar on Extenics (可拓學) and its application - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2016/07/post-wscq-seminar-on-extenics-and-its.html

20160919: ANQ-CEC and Pre-WACQ Meeting & Dinner 2016 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2016/09/anq-cec-and-pre-wacq-meeting-dinner-2016.html

20171116: The 2nd World Summit for Chinese Quality – Part 1 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2017/11/the-2nd-world-summit-for-chinese.html

20171116: The 2nd World Summit for Chinese Quality – Part 2 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2017/11/the-2nd-world-summit-for-chinese_16.html

20171117: Post - World Summit for Chinese Quality (WSCQ) Technical Visit - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2017/11/post-world-summit-for-chinese-quality.html

20181107: Per – The 3rd World Summit for Chinese Quality (WSCQ) Visit - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2018/11/per-3rd-world-summit-for-chinese.html

20181108: The 3rd World Summit for Chinese Quality (WSCQ) – Day 1 (Part A) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2018/11/the-3rd-world-summit-for-chinese.html

20181108: The 3rd World Summit for Chinese Quality (WSCQ) – Day 1 (Part B) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2018/11/the-3rd-world-summit-for-chinese_8.html

20181109: The 3rd World Summit for Chinese Quality (WSCQ) – Day 2 (Technical Visit) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2018/11/the-3rd-world-summit-for-chinese_9.html

20190827: The Commemorative Congress of the 40th Anniversary of China Quality Association and TQM Promotion cum the 4th Summit of pre-World Alliance for Chinese Quality (WACQ) - Registration and Banquet - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2019/08/the-commemorative-congress-of-40th.html

20190828: The Commemorative Congress of the 40th Anniversary of China Quality Association and TQM Promotion – Opening & Technical Visit - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2019/08/the-commemorative-congress-of-40th_28.html

20190829: The 4th Summit of pre-World Alliance for Chinese Quality (WACQ) – Day 1 (Part A) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2019/08/the-4th-summit-of-pre-world-alliance.html

20190829: The 4th Summit of pre-World Alliance for Chinese Quality (WACQ) – Day 1 (Part B) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2019/08/the-4th-summit-of-pre-world-alliance_29.html

20190830: The 4th Summit of pre-World Alliance for Chinese Quality (WACQ) – Day 2 (Technical Visit) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2019/08/the-4th-summit-of-pre-world-alliance_30.html

20190831: The 4th Summit of pre-World Alliance for Chinese Quality (WACQ) – Post-Summit Culture Tour - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2019/08/the-4th-summit-of-pre-world-alliance_31.html

20200925: The 5th World Summit of Chinese Quality (Online) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2020/09/the-5th-world-summit-of-chinese-quality.html

20211126: The 6th World Summit of Chinese Quality (Online) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2021/11/the-6th-world-summit-of-chinese-quality.html

20220420: The Annual Working Meeting of World Alliance of Chinese Quality 2022 (全球華人品質聯盟年度工作會議) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2022/04/the-annual-working-meeting-of-world.html



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