
The 4th Summit of pre-World Alliance for Chinese Quality (WACQ) – Day 1 (Part B)

The 4th Summit of pre-World Alliance for Chinese Quality (WACQ) (全球華人品質峰會) was organized by WACQ and CAQ which held together with “The Commemorative Congress of the 40th Anniversary of China Quality Association and TQM Promotion” (全面質量管理推進暨中國質量協會成立40週年紀念大會) from 27th to 31th Aug 2019.  The schedule arranged i) registration on 27th Aug, ii) Attend the Commemorative Congress of the 40th anniversary of CAQ and technical visit on 28th Aug, iii) pre-WACQ Summit on 29th Aug, iv) Technical visit in Taiyuan and pre-WACQ working meeting on 30th Aug and v) Chinese culture tour from 31st Aug to 1st Sep. The founding members of Pre-World Alliance for Chinese included China Association for Quality (CAQ), Chinese Society for Quality (CSQ), Hong Kong Society for Quality (HKSQ) and Singapore Quality Institute (SQI).  This Alliance was established after the 3rd Chinese Quality Forum (CQF) in Beijing in 2015.  Before afternoon session of the summit, Minda and I took a photo in front of banner for memory.

Dr. Aaron Tong and I represented HKSQ took a photo with Mr. Jia fuxing (賈福興) (Chairman, CAQ) and Prof. Phulporn Saengbangpia (Honary Advisor, SQAT).

Then I took a photo with Dr. Lin Chang (林暢) (Chairman, Macau Quality Management Association (MQMA)).

Ms. Wang Li-Lin (王麗林) (Director, International Exchange Department, CAQ) was MC in the afternoon session.

The first speaker of afternoon session was Ms. Liu Ming (劉明) (MBB, 品質棲所; daughter of Prof. Liu Yuanzhang) and her presentation entitled “Study the pass for knowing new thingsPass the torch to the next generation: Reviewing "Father of China's Quality" Academician Liu Yuanzhang Discusses China's Total Quality Management” (溫故知新、薪火相傳:重溫“中國質量之父”劉源張院士論述中國全面質量管理)

Firstly, she showed many old photos to review the TQM development in China.  The first photo is the first QC training course in China held in Oct 1957.  Then first textile factory started quality management in 1958.  In 1966, quality control facilitator training course performed.  Until 1977, TQM was first implemented in the textile factory.  The success key factors of early development on quality were Open-up policy, state organization from top down approach and cooperation policy among worker, leader and technical staff.

Then Ms. Liu Ming reviewed the content of TQM in 70s, 80s and 90s.

After that she shared quality to be separated into material quality and impression quality both affect the customer experience.  Finally, she quoted Mr. Deng Xiaoping (鄧小平) definition of quality that the product quality reflect the quality of people and also quoted his father statement as conclustion that “The highest level of Quality is Beautiful”. 

The second speaker was Mr. Li Jingyuan (李京苑) and his topic named “Independent Innovation of Chinese Traditional Culture and Quality Management of Launch Vehicles” (中國傳統文化與運載火箭質量管理的自主創新). 

In the beginning, Mr. Li compared the Chinese Traditional Culture and Modern Quality Management and found that many thoughts were aligned. Then he reviewed their long range launch vehicles development history and mentioned all components were independent developed since 1980.

Mr. Li quoted Mr. Qian Xuesen (錢學森) conclusion that China independent research experience created system engineering. It is China Aerospace Systems Engineering Management (中國航天系統工程管理).  He added Independent Innovation is their fundamental principle. He also introduced China Aerospace Quality Culture included problem-oriented quality action and zero defect quality management. 

Finally, he briefed their success-oriented quality management system employed different methodology including Business Excellence Model, 6 sigma, Lean, QFD, QCC, and FTA-FMEA, etc.  

Prof. Dennis Tien (田墨忠) (Asso. Professor, Vanung University) was the third speaker and his topic named “Encourage CARF certification to improve the Quality of Rehabilitation Medical Institutions in the Chinese region” (提昇華人地區康復醫療機構的質量鼓勵 CARF 認證).  Firstly, he introduced rehabilitation medicine (or Physical medicine and rehabilitation in Taiwan).

Then he introduced the accreditation of CARF (Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities) which established in USA since 1966.  The accreditation scopes included aging service, child and youth service, Behavioral health, Durable medical equipment, prosthetics, Orthotics (DMEPOS), Employment and community services, Medical rehabilitation, Opioid treatment program and Vision rehabilitation service.  And then he stated the ASPIRE to Excellence framework for self-assessment.

After that Prof. Tien briefed the CARF accreditation process and stated number of accreditation in mainland China (6), Taiwan (3) and Singapore (12).  Lastly, he concluded to improve the Quality of Rehabilitation Medicine was effective through external accreditation. He used the statement from the father of Rehabilitation Medicine in Taiwan as the last slide.

The fourth speaker was Mr. Weng Tianshan (翁田山) and his presentation title was “Precise Optimization” (精準優化).  Firstly, he briefed the overall content of Precise Optimization from the objective achievement, do it right the first time, logic rules and priority sequence.

Then he briefed the definition of quality through three steps that were “Do it right the first time”, “Done well in process” and “Precision at the end”.  

Lastly, he introduced the system framework like “Human body meridian” (人體經絡) to solve problem.  The procedure was to observe in system view and found the root cause, then seek the solution.

Dr. Lin Chang (林暢) (Chairman, MQMA) was the fifth speaker and his talk entitled “The Improvement of Tourism Service Quality under the Background of Holistic Tourism Development - Macau Case Study” (全局旅遊發展背景下旅遊服務質量的提升以澳門為例).  Firstly, Dr. Lin briefed the characteristic of tourism industry in Macau.

And then he analyzed the tourism statistics such as top ten visitor source where number one is from China, number two is from Hong Kong; Taiwan is number three in Jun 2019. 

After that he briefed the concept of Holistic Tourism that employed whole resource of Macau to create visitor hot point. They developed new eight scenes through the global survey for Macau. Finally, he demonstrated some new idea for experience the hot point from KOL.

Dr. Lotto Lai (黎劍虹) (Chairman, HKSQ) was the sixth speaker and his topic entitled “Preliminary Study on the QMS based Innovation Management with Extension Innovation Methodology” (於品質管理系統基礎上運用“可拓學”的創新管理初探).  In the beginning, I briefed the organization innovation involved system innovation, operational innovation, service innovation, product and process innovation. It needed not only system but innovation methodology.  

Then I introduced the integration approach among ISO 9001:2015 QMS, CEN/TS 16555-1:2013 Innovation Management and the most updated ISO standard – ISO 56002:2019 Innovation Management System – Guidance.  I explained the new standard “ISO 56002” different development stage because I was the first observer in ISO/TC 279 in Hong Kong and nominated by HK government.  

After that I introduced the Extenics and Extension Innovation Method.  Prof. Cai Wen (蔡文) is father of Extenics and he started to study this topic since 1976.  I had invited Prof. Cai Wen (蔡文) and Prof. Yang Chunyan (楊春燕) to be keynote speakers in the first World Summit of Chinese Quality (or named Summit of WACQ / WACQ Summit) in 2016 to introduce the China original discipline “Extenics” to participants.

Finally, I mentioned the diamond thinking using Extension Innovation Method to enhance the organization innovation under the QMS based Innovation Management framework.  

I usually used Prof. Cai Wen (蔡文) statement “Let’s establishing the China Original Discipline “Extenics” together!” as conclusion at the end.

It is my certificate.

The seventh speaker was Mr. Wang Huiwen, Kevin (王會文) (VP, PCSD Quality, Lenovo Group) and his presentation title named “New Ideas and New Methods for Lenovo Quality Performance Management” (聯想質量績效管理新思路,新方法).  Mr. Kevin Wang introduced Lenovo strategy that using new technology to service customer and focused on customer expectation and feeling.

Then he explained how Lenovo employed data-driven strategy for quality transformation. He used Kano model to develop their Product Satisfaction Index (PSI).

Finally, Mr. Kevin Wang demonstrated the visual management on data analysis in Lenovo for monitoring customer PSI.  It is a good example for demonstrating digitalization using big data. 

After Mr. Wang talk, we had discussed about Kano model application and he said it is real time assessment. We then took a photo for memory.

Finished afternoon session, Ms. Wang Li-Lin (王麗林) presented certificate to all speakers.

Ms. Duan Yihong (段一泓) (Under Secretary, CAQ) chaired the closing session.

Prof. TN Goh (吳桐毅) (SQI, NUS, NTU) was the last keynote speaker and his topic entitled “Towards 5G Quality” (邁向5G 質量).  Prof. Goh briefed where quality professional come from that they usually come from other industries and through continuous quality education/training.

In the beginning, Prof. Goh show a photo with Prof. Liu Yuanzhang (劉源張).

Then he said the traditional quality management named “Hard Technology” were not enough such as DMAIC in six sigma.  Because we had new requirement in the new era.  He also quoted Jack Welch statement that “If the rate of change on the outside exceeds the rate of change on the inside, the end is near.”

And then Prof. Goh introduced new DMAIC and they were Digital Technology, Machine Learning, AI, IoT and Cloud Computing. 

After that he introduced 5G quality that 5G is not the telecom’s one.  It was different generation of quality management from 1G – Guard to 2G – Gain, 3G – Guarantee, 4G – Grow and then to 5G – Globalize.  

Lastly, Prof. Goh concluded quality field needed to have large view and improve to higher stage.

Dr. Duan Yonggang (段永剛) (Vice-Chairman, CAQ) presented certificates to Prof. Goh.

After that Dr. Duan Yonggang (段永剛) gave WACQ flag to Dr. Lin Chang (林暢) (Chairman, MQMA) and the 5th Summit of WACQ would be held in Macau and Zhuhai.

Mr. Lin Chang (林暢) (Chairman, MQMA) introduced Macau Quality Management Association and welcome all to join the coming summit in Macau.

At the end, Dr. Duan Yonggang (段永剛) (Vice-Chairman, CAQ) gave closing speech.  He expected to further promote the quality and strength of Chinese people so as to build a closer community of Chinese quality, and enlarge this community to contribute Chinese industries.

After the summit, we had dinner outside.

We enjoyed the good food, wine and friendship of WACQ.

第四届全球华人品质峰会上的华人质量管理配方 - http://www.caq.org.cn/html/xhxw/zxxw/13323.html
China Association for Quality (CAQ) - http://www.caq.org.cn/
Chinese Society for Quality (CSQ) - http://www.csq.org.tw/mp.asp?mp=1
Singapore Quality Institute (SQI) - http://www.sqi.org.sg/
Hong Kong Society for Quality (HKSQ) - http://www.hksq.org/index.asp

History (Past Events & Meeting);
Chinese Quality Forum
20120526: The first meeting for the Chinese Quality Forum (華人品質論壇) - http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2012/05/first-meeting-for-chinese-quality-forum.html
20140314: Pre-Chinese Quality Forum (華人品質論壇) Dinner Meeting 2014 - http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2014/03/pre-chinese-quality-forum-dinner-meeting.html
20140315: The 2nd Chinese Quality Forum (華人品質論壇) - http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2014/03/the-2nd-chinese-quality-forum.html
20150923: Pre-Chinese Quality Forum (華人品質論壇) Meeting & Dinner 2015 - http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2015/09/pre-chinese-quality-forum-meeting.html
20151104: The 15th China Quality Award cum Chinese Quality Forum – Day 1
20151105: The 15th China Quality Award cum Chinese Quality Forum – Day 2
20151106: The 3rd Chinese Quality Forum – Day 3 Work Meeting & Visit TusPark
World Alliance for Chinese Quality
20160707: The Pre-World Alliance for Chinese Quality (全球華人品質聯盟()) Meeting - http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2016/07/the-pre-world-alliance-for-chinese.html
20160709: Post-WSCQ Seminar on Extenics (可拓學) and its application - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2016/07/post-wscq-seminar-on-extenics-and-its.html
20171116: The 2nd World Summit for Chinese Quality – Part 1 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2017/11/the-2nd-world-summit-for-chinese.html
20171116: The 2nd World Summit for Chinese Quality – Part 2 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2017/11/the-2nd-world-summit-for-chinese_16.html
20171117: Post - World Summit for Chinese Quality (WSCQ) Technical Visit - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2017/11/post-world-summit-for-chinese-quality.html
20181107: Per – The 3rd World Summit for Chinese Quality (WSCQ) Visit - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2018/11/per-3rd-world-summit-for-chinese.html
20181108: The 3rd World Summit for Chinese Quality (WSCQ) – Day 1 (Part A) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2018/11/the-3rd-world-summit-for-chinese.html
20181108: The 3rd World Summit for Chinese Quality (WSCQ) – Day 1 (Part B) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2018/11/the-3rd-world-summit-for-chinese_8.html
20181109: The 3rd World Summit for Chinese Quality (WSCQ) – Day 2 (Technical Visit) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2018/11/the-3rd-world-summit-for-chinese_9.html
20190827: The Commemorative Congress of the 40th Anniversary of China Quality Association and TQM Promotion cum the 4th Summit of pre-World Alliance for Chinese Quality (WACQ) - Registration and Banquet - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2019/08/the-commemorative-congress-of-40th.html
20190828: The Commemorative Congress of the 40th Anniversary of China Quality Association and TQM Promotion – Opening & Technical Visit - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2019/08/the-commemorative-congress-of-40th_28.html
20190829: The 4th Summit of pre-World Alliance for Chinese Quality (WACQ) – Day 1 (Part A) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2019/08/the-4th-summit-of-pre-world-alliance.html
20190829: The 4th Summit of pre-World Alliance for Chinese Quality (WACQ) – Day 1 (Part B) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2019/08/the-4th-summit-of-pre-world-alliance_29.html
20190830: The 4th Summit of pre-World Alliance for Chinese Quality (WACQ) – Day 2 (Technical Visit) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2019/08/the-4th-summit-of-pre-world-alliance_30.html
20190831: The 4th Summit of pre-World Alliance for Chinese Quality (WACQ) – Post-Summit Culture Tour - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2019/08/the-4th-summit-of-pre-world-alliance_31.html



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