
Hong Kong Tech Community Celebrates the 73rd Anniversary of the Founding of the PRC - Technology Forum

 The Technology Forum organized by Hong Kong Tech Community for celebrating the 73rd Anniversary of the Founding of the PRC (香港科技界慶祝中華人民共和國成立七十三週年科技論壇) on 10th Sep 2022. In the beginning, all participants song the national anthem.

Firstly, Prof. Yuk-shan Wong (香港科技界慶祝國慶籌委會主席團主席 黃玉山教授) gave welcome speech.

Prof. SUN Dong (香港特別行政區政府創新科技及工業局局長 孫東教授) gave guest speech related to formulating a clear development direction and goals for Hong Kong's innovation and technology in the next 5 to 10 years. In order to enhance the innovation and technology ecosystem, the government would strengthen cooperation with the RGC for the breakthrough capability of local universities in basic scientific research "from zero to one" and also launch a new plan to encourage universities to develop "from one to N".

Mr. Ye Shuiqiu (中央人民政府駐香港特別行政區聯絡辦公室教育科技部副部長 葉水球先生) gave guest speech and he encouraged Hong Kong science and technology participants to enhance their sense of responsibility and mission to innovate Hong Kong and serve the mainland China with science and technology.

Ms. Fan Yingyan (廣東省科協黨組成員兼專職副主席范英妍) said they would support GBA science and technology development so as to enhance regions cooperation and collaboration.

Ir Dr. Lo Wai-kwok (香港科技界慶祝國慶籌委會執委會主席 盧偉國博士) gave the welcome speech.

Prof. Jin-Guang TENG (香港理工大學校長、粵港澳大灣區院士聯盟理事會副主席 滕錦光院士) was the first speaker and his topic entitled “Northern Metropolis Establishment and Development Opportunities for Hong Kong's I&T Industry” (北部都會區建設和香港創科產業的發展機遇). Firstly, Prof. Teng reviewed the background and current situation of Hong Kong’s I&T Industry.

Then he asked some critical questions about design of the top infrastructure on I&T industry.

Finally, Prof. Teng proposed to establish Hong Kong Industrial Development Corporation (HKIDC) by Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences to promote I&T industry development, as well as, some suggestions on Northern Metropolis development such as land use on universities.

Prof. Lo Yuk Ming Dennis (香港科技創新聯盟主席、轉化腫瘤學國家重點實驗室主任 盧煜明教授) was the second speaker and his presentation named “Non-invasive Prenatal Testing and Cancer Screening: From Dream to Reality” (無創產前檢測及癌症篩查:由夢想到現實). Firstly, Prof. Lo shared his study journey and his study direction started in his PhD.

Then he shared how he solved some challenging problems and think outside the box (e.g. DNA outside cells).  He found baby’s DNA from mother’s blood. And then he shared how to apply parent and form company affairs. Some challenges in GBA he faced were discussed as follows: i) restriction on cross-border transfer of samples and data; ii) restriction on ownership or companies in selected areas (e.g. genetic testing) and iii) no mechanism to automatically register patents granted in the HKSAR in mainland China.

Finally, Prof. Lo introduced their research on Nasopharyngeal Cancer (NPC) early detection technology. This technology could also transfer to other cancer early detection. Lastly, he summarized that synergy between academic research and commercialization, as well as, streamlining of policies to be essential to Hong Kong’s future as a technology hub.

The third speaker was Academician Shu Yinbiao (中國電機工程學會理事長、國際電子電機委員會主席 舒印彪院士) and his topic named “Energy and Power Technology Innovation under the "Double Carbon" Goal” (「雙碳」目標下能源電力科技創新). His presentation separated into three subjects and they were achievement on electricity technology, “Double Carbon” goal leading effort and innovation direction.

After that Academician Shu briefed “Double Carbon” goal to achieve neutralization of Carbon in 2060 in mainland China.

Finally, Academician Shu briefed some policies and clean technologies to be implemented so as to realize the “Double Carbon” goal.

The last speaker was Mr. Duncan Chiu (香港特別行政區立法會議員 邱達根先生) and his presentation title was “Briefly the Necessary Conditions for Hong Kong to be an International Innovation and Technology Center” (簡述香港成為國際創科中心的必備條件). For instance, research funding across mainland and HK, talent development and national policy support were discussed.


香港科技界慶祝國慶籌委會 - https://www.bhkaec.org.hk/a-list/8115-cht

創新科技及工業局局長出席香港科技界慶祝中華人民共和國成立73週年科技論壇致辭 - https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202209/10/P2022091000353.htm

孫東:4方向推動港創科向前發展 - https://www.wenweipo.com/a/202209/11/AP631cf5ece4b033218a61f767.html



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