
CityU Seminar on Hong Kong Reindustrialization - Textiles and Clothing Industry Case (香港再工業化的前景:以香港紡織及服裝工業為例)

The seminar named “Hong Kong Reindustrialization - Textiles and Clothing Industry Case” (香港再工業化的前景:以香港紡織及服裝工業為例) was organized by Research Centre for Sustainable Hong Kong (CSHK) of City University of Hong Kong (CityU) and held on 28 Oct 2019. Led by Professor Linda Chelan Li and a cross-disciplinary team of experts, the mission of CSHK is to conduct impactful applied research in response to real-life sustainability challenges in Hong Kong and the Region.  In the beginning, Prof. Linda Li (Director, CSHK) briefed the background of CSHK and introduced the guest speaker.

Dr. K.C. Ho (何繼超) (Research & Development Director, Hansk New Materials Holdings Ltd.) was the guest speaker to discuss the vision of Hong Kong Reindustrialization especially in Textiles and Clothing Industry as example.  

In the beginning, Dr. Ho reviewed the industry movement in Hong Kong since 1970.  

Dr. Ho explained how important of Industrialization that affected different part of economics in Hong Kong. 

Then he also briefed the background of Hong Kong’s Textiles & Clothing Industry. And then he asked which processes could back to Hong Kong?  Do infrastructure support such industry?

After that he said we needed innovative and creative design, market-oriented and fast response production, as well as, smart business model.  Middle class product and labor intensity production were no longer back to here. 

Dr. Ho mentioned the government support policies in the reindustrialization included Science Park infrastructure, Postdoctoral Hub, Reindustrialization and Technology Training Programme (RTTP), 

Finally, Dr. Ho introduced government support on Textiles & Clothing Industry such as PolyU Textile department’s textile and apparel technology; and Hong Kong Design Institute for fashion & brand design.  

Lastly, Dr. K.C. Ho concluded that Hong Kong Government needed to support reindustrialization in policies and hardware as well as pilot test, talent training, etc. 

At the end, Prof. Linda Li presented souvenir to Dr. K.C. Ho.




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