
HKFSTA AGM and Spring Dinner 2015

Hong Kong Food Science and Technology Association Limited (HKFSTA) AGM and Spring Dinner was held on 15 Mar 2015. I was honor to be invited by Dr. Jennifer Wan (Chairperson, HKFSTA) on behalf of Hong Kong Society for Quality (HKSQ) to attend this Annual Dinner.

Before dinner, I took some photos with friends in HKFSTA.
(Left: Mr. Leo Yuen (Founding Chairperson), I and Miss Winne Wong (Vice-Chairperson (Internal)))

I met Ms. Meico Cheong (Business Manager, HKQAA) and Dr. Ka-Sing Leung (Visiting Associate Professor, ABCT Dept., PolyU).
(Left: Ms. Meico Cheong, I, Dr. Ka-Sing Leung and Mr. Leo Yuen)

I also took a photo with Dr. Chan Shun Wan (Assistant Professor, Faculty of Science of Technology, Thei).

Then I met Mr. Kwok Ming Cheung (Managing Director, Vital-Health Livestock Development Limited) and took a photo for memory.

We took a group photo in head table.
(Left: Dr. Jennifer Wan (Chairperson, HKFSTA), Mr. Li Xiao (Director), Ms. Vivian Taam Wong (Chief Executive, MCMIA), Ms. Winne Wong, I, Mrs. Kwok, Mr. Kwok Ming Cheung, Dr. Albert K.B. Chiu (Group R&D/Technical Director, Lam Soon HK Group), Dr. Mingfu Wang (Asso. Professor, School of Biological Sciences, HKU) and Prof. CY Ma)

In the beginning, Mr. Li Xiao (Director, Department of Educational, Scientific and Technology Affairs, Liaison Office of The Centre People’s Government in the Hong Kong SAR) was invited to give a speech. He said Food quality and safety were very important and it needed technology to improve the existing situation. He also said most of industries were supported the development of Innovation and Technology Bureau in Hong Kong.

Then Dr. Gloria TAM (Controller for Food Safety, Food and Environmental Hygiene Department and Centre for Food Safety, HKSAR) gave a speech. She appreciated food industries, academic and society effort on food safety.

Dr. Jennifer Wan (Chairperson, HKFSTA) gave a welcome speech and she tool a story about the relationship of Year of Goat and Guangzhou. Long time ago, there was a disaster. People had no food and then 5 goats brought many foods from the sky.

After that committee members of HKFSTA had toast for celebrating the 17th Anniversary Spring Dinner.

I met Minda’s old colleague (also her MSc student) Ms. Yolanda Chow (Senior QM Consultant, Best Key Consultants) and we took a photo for memory.

I was one of lucky draw winners for a wine.

Leo explained one of souvenir “Rice”.

Moreover, I was invited to be one of expert panel members in the “Food Safety and Food Quality Assurance”. I had written an article named “Introduction to 7S and Daily Management for Food Quality and Safety” in the 17th Anniversary Commemorative Publication.

Reference: HKFSTA - http://www.hkfsta.com.hk/



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