HKQAA Symposium 2011 was held on 25th November 2011. Hong Kong Society for Quality (HKSQ) was one of supporting organization.
The symposium’s frame entitled “Performing Your Social Responsibility to Recreate the World” and I summarized it below for sharing.
I took a photo with HKQAA friends in front of the symposium banner

(Left: Coleman Tse, Bryan Peng, I, PC Chan and Billy Man)
Morning Session – Sustainable Infrastructure in the Making
In the beginning, Ir. Dr. W.K. Lee (Deputy Chairman of HKQAA) gave a welcoming speech. He introduced the important of building sector in sustainability and CSR.

Then the Launch Ceremony of Sustainable Building Index (SBI) was performed.

Ir. Prof. Peter K.W. Mok (Chairman of HKQAA) was the first speaker and his topic named "Measuring Building Sustainability in Hong Kong: HKQAA Sustainable Building Index".

Prof. Mok said the building and construction industry is one of the key industries that affect the sustainable development of the community. 60% of the total Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions are come from electricity generation and building account for some 89% end uses of electricity in Hong Kong. It is the reason to develop BSI to monitoring the building. The scope of sustainable building included "Urban Planing & Transportation Issues", "Economic Consideration", Social & Culture Issues" and "Green Building".

HKQAA-SBI aims to enhance buildings' sustainability in terms of environmental, social and economic aspects and hence drive the sustainability development in Hong Kong in the long run. HKQAA-SBI provides a quantitative assessment model with a set of simple, useful metrics for assessing & rating the key sustainability performance indicators of buildings. The sustainability performance indicators are shown in the following diagram.

Prof. Mok explained the overall rating for BSI and encouraged buildings of all types and ages to contribute to the sustainable development of our community.

The second speaker was Mr. Christopher To (Executive Director, The Construction Industry Council) and his topic was "Sustainable Built Environment".

Mr. To said Hong Kong Government had recently targeted for Carbon Reduction from 50% to 60% by 2020 compared to 2005 baseline. In line with the Government's climate change police, Construction Industry Council was developing the first Zero-Carbon Building in Hong Kong.

The Zero-Carbon building's key features implemented as a showcase for the state-of-the-art eco-building design and technologies to the construction industry internationally and locally.

There were 3 highlights included "Cogen", "Pioneer" and "BEAM Plus" in order to promote the green living and working concept and the human behaviour change. Mr. To pointed some future developments especially in Carbon Labeling Framework.

The third speaker was Mr. Michael Lynch (Chief Executive Officer, West Kowloon Cultural District Authority) and he presented the topic "Accessibility Matters - The Making of a Cultural District".

Mr. Lynch explained the important of accessibility to a Cultural District in four areas included "Physcial Accessibility", "Programme Access", "Effective Communication" and "Training and Education".

Mr. Lynch said the design of products and envionments to be usable by the broadest public to the greatest extent possible and benefit people of all ages and abilities. Finally, he concluded West Kowloon Cultural District is "A Place for Everyone".

Ms. Ada Fung (Deputy Director (Development and Construction) Housing Department, the Government of the HKSAR) and her presentation title was "The Mosaic of Social Responsibility in Public Housing Development.

Firstly, Ms. Fung introduced the public Housing development in Hong Kong and Housing Authority's Vision, Mission and Core Values. She said "We care for sustainability: We care for social, environment and economic sustainability." The following diagram showed the concept of building a sustainable community.

There were 7 cares of Social Responsibility in Public Housing Development included "Staff", "Labour", "Environment", "Energy", "Business Partners", "User" and "Community".

She emphasized Integration and Innovation. They had implemented many system including ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, ISO 26000, ISO 31000, ISO 50001 and EFQM Excellence Model, etc. The Tricks for success were explained as follows:
Teamwork & trust
Respect, recognition & rapport
Integrity & integration
Creativity, courage & collaboration
Knowledge sharing

Panel Discussion was performed at the end of Morning Session and the guest moderator was Dr. Nigel Croft (ISO Technical Subcommittee on Quality Systems (ISO/TC176/SC2)).

Afternoon Session – Sustainable World in the Making
Ir. Prof. Peter K.W. Mok (Chairman of HKQAA) gave an introductory remarks.

The first speaker in this session was Mr. Liang Gang (Deput Director General, Department of Accreditation Supervision, Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China) and his topic entitled "Latest Development of CSR in China".

Mr. Gang's talk was separated into three parts. They were "The characteristic of Mainland China's CSR implementation", "The introduction of Mainland China's CSR standard" and "CNCA CSR certification situation". In 2004, CNCA issued that industries fulfilled SA8000 was not equal to CSR. CNCA would take ISO 26000 as a reference to develop the third party certification system from 2010 to 2013. Mr. Gang suggested five items for CSR.
1. To consider enterprise characteristic and legal requirement
2. To consider enterprise and social expectation & requirement
3. To priority the action based on enterprise understanding on CSR
4. To manage enterprise systematically on CSR elements
5. To build up a leading role based on the CSR implementation result

After that Ms. Connie Sham (Senior Manager of Strategic Business, HKQAA) presented the results of the HKQAA-HSBC CSR Indices and Carbon & Energy Management Advocate Sub-Index.

Before the topic, Ms. Sham introduced CSR development history from 17th Century to 21st Century. Most of famous people were summarized below:
17th Century - Adam Smith (Father of economics) - Wealth of Nations (1776)
18th Century - Gharles Dickens (1812-1870) gave us Scrooge, Oliver Twist and Mrs. Jellyby
19th Century - Andrew Carnegie - Gospel of Wealth (1899)
20th Century - Howard Bowen (Father of Corporate Social Responsibility) - Social Responsibility of Businessmen (1953) and Milton Friedman - Capitalism and Freedom (1970)
21st Century - John Elkington - Cannibal with Forks (1997) - Triple Bottom Line Principle included Environmental, Social and Economic.

Then Ms. Connie Sham introduced the result of HKQAA-HSBC CSR Advocate Index. There were 23 organization participated in 2011 and the average score was 4.62 which higher than the score in previous years.

Carbon & Energy Management Advocate Sub-Index was a new item which added into HKQAA-HSBC CSR Advocate Index.

Then Connie briefed the Hong Kong 100 CSR Index which was come from 100 companies selected from 14 industrial sectors.

Because the earth resource is limited, it cannot support human's expense habit (It need 1.5 earth resource now). At the end, Connie quoted Mark Twain statement that "Always do right; this will gratify some people and astonish the rest".

CSR Advocate Mark Presentation Ceremony
MTR representative received the certificate. (Moreover, MTR is one of sponsors for ANQ Congress 2012 Hong Kong. )

The last speaker was Mr. Chong Chan Yau (President, Hong Kong Blind Union) and his presentation title was "How businesses should react to the prevailing views and sentiments of the public".

Mr. Chong mentioned the important of CSR. However, Hong Kong responded to CSR was much slower than its economic development. In West, the ethical background and fare trade (e.g. Fare Trade Label) were very common. He said that business should explore the minority need.

Panel Discussion was performed at the end of Afternoon Session and Ms. Connie Sham was the moderator to lead the topic entitled "Performing Your CSR to Drive Sustainability".
During the discussion, Mr. Chong used an example about accessibility to internet for blind people. IPhone had apps to help people operating the phone with sound.
Mr. K.T. Poon (Director-Corporate Communications, The Link Management Limited) said he did not agree the word responsibility because of difficult to define. He proposed Society Sustainability.

At the end of the symposium, Dr. Michael P.H. Lam (CEO, HKQAA) gave a closing remarks.

Prof. Mok's new book entitled "Corporate Social Responsibility in Hong Kong" was issued and HKSQ ANQ Congress 2012 Hong Kong leaflet was also distributed.

I brought the book with Prof. Mok signature.

Previous HKQAA Symposium: