The symposium’s frame entitled “Tackling Sustainability Challenges with a Fact-based Approach” and I summarized it below for sharing.
Afternoon Session – Measuring CSR to Drive Sustainability
Dr. Michael P.H. Lam (CEO of HKQAA) gave an introductory remark.
Ms. Teresa Au (Head of Corporate Sustainability Asia Pacific Region, HSBC) gave a keynote remark about HKQAA-HSBC CSR Index establishment. She said the index was based on ISO 26000.
Ms. Connie Sham (Senior Manager of Strategic Business, HKQAA) was the first speaker in afternoon session and her topic was “Announcing HKQAA-HSBC CSR Index 2010 Benchmarking Results”.
Firstly, Ms. Sham recited a poem and then she said it was a choice to take responsibility or not.
After that she introduced the HKQAA-HSBC CSR Index which aimed to establish a level playing field for organizations in Hong Kogn to enhance the CSR performance by applying the principles of ISO 26000.
She mentioned Hong Kong CSR Advocate Index to be voluntary benchmarking project and 27 organizations participated in 2010.
The CSR Seven Core Subjects were “Community Involvement and Development”, “Consumer Issues”, “Fair Operating Practices”, “The Environment”, “Labour Practices”, “Human Rights” and “Organizational Governance”. Its average Hong Kong CSR Index score in 2010 were discussed.
CSR Advocate Mark Presentation Ceremony
Sammy Wan represented ATAL (one of awarded companies) to receive the Advocate Mark.
Group photo of all awarded companies
The second speaker was Ms. Ada Fung (Deputy Director – Development and Construction, Housing Department, the Government of the HKSAR) and her topic named “Managing Sustainability Risks by Means of ISO 31000”.
She quoted the Brundtland Commission (1987) and Rio Declaration on Environment and Development (1992) to explain the sustainability as follows, respectively.
“Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”
“Sustainable Development concerns with Economy and Environment”
She introduced the guidelines on social responsibility based on ISO 26000 which was issued on 1st November 2010.
Ms. Fung then explained how to use risk management approach for sustainability.
Risk matrix sample for public housing development was briefed.
She said the risk management should be considered holistically and applied in the procurement cycle.
Finally, she shared two examples. The first one was “The comprehensive redevelopment programme for the Ngau Tau Kok resettlement estates”.
The second one was “Comprehensive redevelopment of Sau Mau Ping estates”.
The last speaker was Mr. Kam-Hung Lee (Hong Kong Media Practitioner) and his topic entitled “Voice of the Society”.
Mr. Lee told a story about an old woodcutter who always cut more wood than the young guy. The young guy didn’t understand and asked for the old woodcutter. The old woodcutter answered that he had do three things: i) when he went home, he made ax shape; ii) he understood the characteristic of tree; and iii) he had a skill to cut down the tree.
Then Mr. Lee said the Sustainability was not what we do but what we didn’t do.
He explained the concept of ICAC that was Integrity, Connective, Accountability and Creativity.
Q&A Session
During this session, I asked a question to Mr. Lee about the ability of conflict adaptation which stated by Ohmae's book entitled “The Professionalism”. It was because CSR and profit seemed to be conflict. Mr. Lee said that means to think the solution out of the box with creative idea. Mr. William W.H. Lam (Corporate Responsibility Development Manager, MTR Corporation Limited) added that it was conflict if we considered short-term for profit maximization. If sustainable profit was considered, we would found it was a long-term profit which better than short-term for profit maximization.
Friend photo: Mr. Sammy Wan and I
Friend photo: Mr. P.C. Chan and I
HKQAA Symposium 2010 – Hong Kong was ended and I found that the location in Langham Place Hotel was a very good choice. Moreover, I like this sculpture.