I was pleasure to be invited to attend Dr. Ng (吳宣倫博士) Evangelistic Night and his topic entitled “Certainty Among the Uncertainty”. He used bible to explain the world. (I had studied “Uncertainty of Uncertainty” for calculating the measurement of uncertainty but I didn’t know the certainty among the uncertainty. So I found it interested.)
Since I am not a Christian, many examples quoted I did not know. However, I would like to share some examples.
However, I had the same experience of misinformation about bible below.
During the seminar, I knew Dr. Ng was near 70 years old and used his live to serve his believe (God). He is a funny man and said many jokes. I recorded one of jokes in Chinese below.
三國人物相信大家都認識如劉備,關公及張飛. 如果Sammy有張演唱會飛, 會給誰呢? 答案是關公. (因為張飛劉備關公)
Dr. Ng would come to
I believe something if I am not doubt. I will find the solution if I have time and interested in.