
Patriotic Education Activities (China Association of Artificial Intelligence) (爱国教育活动 (中国人工智能学会))

 I was honor to be invited by Prof. Guo Chaoyun (郭超雲) (Visiting Professor, 北京理工大學珠海學院中國管理科學研究院) as one of speakers for the Patriotic Education Activities named “Attend Same Class and Love Our Country (同上一堂课,共爱我的国)”. We introduced the China original innovation method “Extenics (可拓學)” which was created by Prof. Cai Wen (蔡文). Extenics is one of fundamental principles of AI. The theme of seminar named “AI Extenics Thinking • Innovation Management (人工智能可拓思維創新管理)”.

When I arrived the closest station (蕉門站), Dr. Guo Jiayong (郭嘉詠) and Ms. Tian Weimei (田伟媚) led me to go to the Sunwah Global Youth Innovation Center (廣州南沙新華港澳國際青創中心). 

After lunch, we went to the venue. 

(Left: I, Prof. Guo Chaoyun (郭超雲), Mr. Yin Hanfan (鄞漢藩) and Mr. Wang Rui (王睿))

The venue is in the Innovation Bay.

We took a group photo in front of the venue. 

(Left: Prof. Du Qingping (杜青平), Prof. Guo Chaoyun (郭超雲), Prof. Xingsen Li (李興森), Mr. Yin Hanfan (鄞漢藩), I and Ms. Liu Hui (劉惠))

I also took a photo with Prof. Xingsen Li (李興森) inside the center.

I met Mr. Michael Stone (史冬冬) (Center Director, Sunwan Global Youth Innovation Center) who can speak Cantonese.

Before the talk, introductory video was played.

In the beginning, Dr. Guo Jiayong (郭嘉詠) as our MC and introduced different guests and speakers.

Firstly, Mr. Michael Stone (史冬冬) gave welcome speech to us.

Then Prof. Guo Chaoyun (郭超雲) introduced the activity background.

Prof. Xingsen Li (李興森) was the first speaker and his topic entitled “Extension Intelligence Detonates Creative Revolution (可拓智能引爆創意革命)”

Firstly Prof. Li briefed some background of Extenics and then mentioned the limitation of AI including data dependence, transparent and explainable, bias, security and problem solving.

Then he explaned the Extendable Intelligent through Extenics that could extend information in higher dimensions for solving problem. There were many paths to achieve it.

After that He raised many example and one is the different between square and circle. If we thought in higher dimension (e.g. 3D) that both square and circle come from a cylinder through different views. 

Finally, Prof. Li explained how to detonate creative revolution based on Extenics, big data, and 4 steps of extension Innovation method. There were six charateristics and they were basic elements, interaction between human and machine, digitalization, process-based, explainable and data mining.

Mr. Yin Hanfan (鄞漢藩) was the second speaker and this topic named “Application of Extenics in Intellectual Property Strategy (可拓學在知識產權戰略中的應用)”. In the beginning, he also briefed basic-element and Extenics theory. 

Then he briefed the IP policy issued in 2008 and 2013, respectively. China planned to be IP Great Nation from 2021 to 2035.

And then he demonstrated how to employ basic-element in IP. Using matter-element, object is IP, characteristics could be type, special and feathers. They had different values.

After that Mr. Yin briefed the basic-element thinking from direction, method, programme and policy.

Lastly, he showed how to employ Extension Logic into IP management through Model, Extension, Transformation and Selection.

I was the last speaker and my topic named “Introduction to Innovation Development in Hong Kong and the Promotion of Extenics (介紹香港創新管理發展及可拓學的推廣)”. 

Firstly, I briefed the history of Hong Kong Patents System before and after 1997. Until 19 Dec 2019, Hong Kong introduced original grant patent (OGP) system for standard patents that could be filed directly in Hong Kong.

Then I introduced the development of quality and innovation in Hong Kong based on different government departments and societies establishment. 

After that I briefed the startup ecosystem and its cooperation between university and science park, as well as startup life cycle.

Finally, I briefed HKSQ TID funded project for supporting sustainable business growth of startup in Hong Kong. 

Lastly, I mentioned the deep thinking is to solving contradiction problem that is Extencis. And I also shared my recently research to combine ChatGPT into the 4 steps of Extension Innovation Method to create new product prototypes.

At the end, Ms. Liu Hui (劉惠) (Chairlady, Guangzhou Extenics Information Technology Co., Ltd.) gave closing speech.

Before left, we took a group photo for memory.

(Left 1st row: Prof. Du Qingping (杜青平), Prof. Guo Chaoyun (郭超雲), Mr. Yin Hanfan (鄞漢藩), Dr. Lotto LAI and Prof. Xingsen Li (李興森);

Left 2nd row: Ms. Peng Lishi (彭麗詩), Ms. XXX, Dr. Guo Jiayong (郭嘉詠), Ms. Liu Hui (劉惠), Ms. Lu Xiaoe (卢晓娥), Mr. Wang Rui (王睿) and Ms. Tian Weimei (田伟媚))


首场粤港澳合作开展的“同上一堂课,共爱我的国”爱国教育活动(公益)圆满成功! - https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/hb-4pApbkm_wtmRhDI7KVA

20230914: International Forum on Innovation Management and Intellectual Property (創新管理與知識產權國際論壇) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2023/09/international-forum-on-innovation.html

20230602: The Theme Salon of the international standard "Innovation Management - Intellectual Property Management Guidelines" - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2023/06/the-theme-salon-of-international.html

20230819: The 18th National Extenics Annual Conference and the 40th Anniversary Seminar (全国第18届可拓学年会暨可拓学创立40周年研讨) – Day 1 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2023/08/the-18th-national-extenics-annual_19.html

20230820: The 18th National Extenics Annual Conference and the 40th Anniversary Seminar (全国第18届可拓学年会暨可拓学创立40周年研讨) – Day 2 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2023/08/the-18th-national-extenics-annual_20.html

20190621: HKTDC Global New Economy Prospective Forum (環球新經濟前瞻論壇) in Zhuhai - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2019/06/hktdc-global-new-economy-prospective.html

20190615: The Meeting of International Academy for Extenics (IAE) Development Plan - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2019/06/the-meeting-of-international-academy.html

20190511: CAAI可拓創新特訓營 Day 1 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2019/05/caai-day-1.html

20190512: CAAI可拓創新特訓營 Day 2 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2019/05/caai-day-2.html



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