
HKSQ Quality Month Seminar on Digitalisation

HKSQ organized Quality Month Seminar on Digitalisation on 24th Nov 2023. The seminar aimed for sharing the concepts and examples of digitization, digitalization, and digital transformation. Digitization refers to the process of converting analogue information into digital format. Digitalization involves leveraging digital technologies to improve processes and enhance business operations. The seminar performed both onsite and online. In the beginning, group photo was taken with guest speaker and our oversea representative Prof. KF Pun. 

(Left: Dr Cathy Lam (Chairlady of BDIC, HSUHK), Dr Daniel Mo (Senior Member, HKSQ), Prof. K.F. Pun (Representative of The Americas, HKSQ), Ms. Kelly Liu (Hon. Secretary, HKSQ), Dr Jack Wu (Speaker, HKSQ))

Dr. Jack Wu (Associate Professor, HSUHK) was the guest speaker and he introduced that Digital Transformation (DT) encompasses the broader organizational shift towards a digital-first mindset and the integration of digital technologies across all aspects of the business.

Then he discussed the DT challenges including technological change budget, skill gap, resources, security risk, organization culture change, legacy system and decision-making.

There was a fruitful discussion on the definition of digitalization, the processes in different industries, and the application of the digitalization framework. Prof. Pun also pointed out the need for digital transformation and the importance of change management. Also, the pros and cons of higher education under the digital transformation have been discussed.


HKSQ - https://hksq.org/

Similar previous HKSQ seminar:

20210924: HKSQ AGM 2021 & Technical Seminar on Intelligence of Everything - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2021/09/hksq-agm-2021-technical-seminar-on.html

20201128: IET Technical Webinar: Digitalization and Quality Management - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2020/11/iet-technical-webinar-digitalization.html



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