
HKSAR CE Candidates' Capability - Survey Design (以品質管理原則看特首候選人能力的調查(問卷設計))

Recently, many surveys about Hong Kong citizen's perspective on HKSAR Chief Executive candidates were performed by different universities. I had already proposed to evaluate HKSAR Chief Executive capability based on Eight Quality Management Principles on 28 Nov 2011 in my blog (at: http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2011/11/blog-post.html in Chinese). Then I conducted a survey which based on Quality Professionals' Perception to evaluate the capability of HKSAR Chief Executive (CE) candidates using the Eight Quality Management Principles.

The experiment was designed as follows:

- 8 questions designed in relation to the Eight Quality Principles with seven-point likert scale

- 3 questions for background information collection such as "Position", "Working Experience" and "Industry"

Seven-point likert scale used as follows:

(Capability Level: 7-Very Capable,6-Comparative Capable,5- Slightly Capable,4-Accepted Capable,3-Slightly Incapable,2-Comparative Incapable,1-Very Incapable)


The 8 questions in accordance with the Eight Quality Principles (code) were shown below:

一、市民為重 (Customer Focus) (CF)

二、領導才能 (Leadership) (LD)

三、全民參與 (Involvement of People) (IP)

四、流程方法 (Process Approach ) (PA)

五、系統管理 (System Approach to Management) (SM)

六、持續改善 (Continual Improvement) (CI)

七、據實決策 (Factual Approach to Decision Making) (FD)

八、互利關係 (Mutually Beneficial Supplier Relationships ) (MS)

The questionnaire was designed to distribute to quality professionals included quality professional association/society members, quality professionals in manufacturing, testing & certification industry, and education institutions, as well as in related government department. It was distributed via email to 1053 professionals. The response rate was about 7% (73 valid reply). The survey period was from 1 to 14 Jan 2012 (within two weeks) and three reminder emails were followed. Before the commencement of survey, CE Primary Pan-Democrats (泛民特首候選人初選) was not performed (It was held on 8 Jan 2012.). Therefore, four candidates were considered in this survey.

HKSAR Chief Executive Candidates 2012 on 1st Jan 2012 were:

- Mr. Henry TANG Ying-yen (唐英年) (HT)

- Mr. LEUNG Chun-ying (梁振英) (CY)

- Mr. Albert HO Chun-yan (何俊仁) (AH)

- Mr. Frederick FUNG Kin-kee (馮檢基) (FF)

The participants' background information were shown as follows:


1) Top Management (e.g. CEO/VP/Director/Professor/GM) 14 (19.2%)

2) Senior Management (e.g. Sr. Manager/Manager/Consultant) 38 (52.1%)

3) Middle Management (e.g. Sr. Engineer/Teacher/Auditor) 9 (12.3%)

4) Technical Staff (e.g. Engineer) 11 (11.5%)

5) Front Line Staff (e.g. Technician) 1 (1.4%)

The Top and Senor Management was 71.3% (~71%).

Working Experience (WkEx):

1) 0yr to 5yr 5 (6.8%)

2) 6yr to 10yr 8 (11.0%)

3) 11yr to 20yr 23 (31.5%)

4) Above 20yr 37 (50.7%)

Participants had more than 10 years working experience was 82.2% (~82%).


1) 服務業 (Service) 22 (30.1%)

2) 製造業 (Manufacturing) 29 (39.7%)

3) 金融業 (Finance) 2 (2.7%)

4) 地產業 (Land/Construction) 2 (2.7%)

5) 政府部門 / 非營利的 (Gov/Non-profit / University) 18 (24.7%)

Service, Manufacturing and Government/Non-profit/Univerity was about 94.5% (~95%).

The 8 capability survey results based on quality management principles would be analysized by using different statistical methods in "Survey Result and Analysis" and would be issued.


ISO 9000:2000 - Quality management systems -- Fundamentals and vocabulary



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