
HKSQ’s World Quality Month Activities

November is World Quality Month. To celebrate the occasion, , HKSQ has organized or supported a series of activities including seminars and technical visits for its members and quality professionals in Hong Kong.

HKSQ’s World Quality Month Activities:

1. Seminar on “Service Quality”organized by HKSQ and co-organized by American Society for Quality (Hong Kong section) (ASQ-HK) on 4 November 2011.
2. Farm Visit 農場考察 organized by HKSQ, co-organized by ASQ-HK and Hong Kong Food Science and Technology Association (HKFSTA) on 5 November 2011.
3. Seminar onChange of Force” organized by HKSQ and co-organized by ASQ-HK on 21 November 2011.
4. Seminar: Business Excellence with Innovative Improvements organized by Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks (HKSTP) and supported by HKSQ on 22 November 2011.
5. HKQAA Symposium 2011 organized by Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency (HKQAA) and supported by HKSQ on 25 November 2011.

HKSQ designed a World Quality Month (WQM) logo and developed a new page in 2011. The information for World Quality Month, Week and Day had summarized at http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2011/10/information-for-world-quality-month.html

HKSQ - World Quality Month Logo
Designed by Double-U Design Consultant (wing_doubleu@yahoo.com.hk)

The concept behind the logo is explained below.
The alphabet "Q" is written by using style of China Calligraphy which highlights the nature of China Hong Kong; the alphabet "W&M" is presented in modern form.
That means the compromise between the traditional experience in China and advanced management technique in Hong Kong.
Black and traditional China red colors are the traditional colors of China Calligraphy.

HKSQ – World Quality Month – http://www.hksq.org/world_quality_month.htm
ASQ – World Quality Month – http://worldqualitymonth.org/
CQI – World Quality Day – http://www.thecqi.org/worldqualityday



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