
Information for World Quality Month, Week and Day

The summary of World Quality Month and Day is mentioned in ASQ WorldPartners Workshop on 16 May 2011.

Summary of World Quality Month & Day

World Quality Day:

* Chartered Quality Institute - Celebrates each year in November with activities and events to promote quality around the world
* JUSE - Celebrates World Quality Month in Japan by collaborating with JSA, JCCI, NHK, JSQC, JPC, JCA, QES, QC, Keidanren, on events since 1960
* Many organizations in Europe have marked "Quality Week" for 20 years, including EOQ, WAQ, ISQ, VCK
* Many other organizations and governments organize quality events locally and nationally

National Quality Month in the USA

* In the 1980-90s ASQ played a leadership role in establishing and conducting National Quality Month in the USA.
* Events, publications, corporate endorsements, member events, etc.
* Some ASQ divisions and sections continue to celebrate National Quality Month in October.

World Quality Month Concept to Action 2010:

* Build on collaboration, cooperation of world quality leaders to increase the visibility and global understanding of quality techniques, tools and systems
* Heighten focus on advancements and contributions in businesses, institutions and communities - locally, regionally, nationally, globally
* By uniting in vision, voice and a virtual showcase each year, the story and importance of World-wide Quality in the 21st Century will be told
* Many organizations, including CQI, JUSE, PGQP, APQ and VCK, shared their on-going annual events celebrations and ideas for partnering

Background Information for World Quality Month, Week and Day

Quality Month

In Japan, November is designated "Quality Month" since 1960. Quality Month activities have been organized to foster greater quality awareness and wider dissemination of quality control activities. (Information comes from Japanese Standards Association)

In China, Quality Month has started since 1978. September is designated "Quality Month"

(China Association for Quality (CAQ) - http://baike.baidu.com/view/458851.htm & http://www.chinatt315.org.cn/zly/quality_intr.htm)

In USA and Canada, Quality Month has started since 1988. October is designated "Quality Month". National Quality Month (NQM) is a public awareness campaign that encourages business, industry, government, and academia to focus on the strategic importance of quality and continuous improvement. (Information comes from America Society for Quality (ASQ))

World Quality Day

First promulgated by the United Nations in 1990, it aims to raise international awareness of the important role quality plays in ensuring nations' prosperity; now celebrated annually on the second Thursday of November.

In England (UK), Celebrated with events are from 7 to 11 November 2011 by Chartered Quality Institute (CQI).

(The purpose of World Quality Day is to promote awareness of quality around the world and to encourage individuals' development and organizations' prosperity.)


In a global economy where success depends on quality, innovation and sustainability, World Quality Day is our chance to reinforce these as the foundations of your organisation and focus on the importance of Quality. Information provided by The South African Quality Institute (National Quality Week)

Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers (JUSE)

JUSE is promoting World Quality Day to its members and community alongside the CQI.

The European Quality Week

The European Quality Week is organized by the European Organization for Quality (EOQ). The European Quality Week is an annual focus for campaigns of public awareness, promotion and demonstration of the advantages and importance of quality to competitiveness across Europe. It takes place in November during the week that includes the second Thursday of the month - World Quality Day.

In 2008 the competition the Quality Manager of the Year is in progress as well, which is announced by the Czech Society for Quality in connection with international competition European Quality Leader proclaimed by the European Organisation for Quality (EOQ).

Results will be announced in November 2008 within the framework of the Quality Month and European Quality Week in the Czech Republic.

Over the past ten years, European Quality Month has become established as a focus for campaigns of public awareness, promotion and demonstrations of the importance of quality to competitiveness. Several types of initiatives (conferences, training, workshops, etc.) related to quality give the occasion to the wide public to become acquainted with the principles and the rationales of quality matters. Last year more than 1.000 official events took place in 34 countries reaching an estimated total audience of 1 million people. The scale and positive impact of the initiative has grown significantly each year. The European Quality Month takes place in November. It includes the second Thursday of the month, which is the World Quality Day. (http://aspn.dfk.dk/uploads/Internet/EOQ%20Annual%20report%202007.pdf)


HKSQ activities – http://www.hksq.org/nevents.htm

ASQ – World Quality Month – http://worldqualitymonth.org/

CQI – World Quality Day – http://www.thecqi.org/worldqualityday



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