I (represented Hong Kong Society for Quality (HKSQ)) was indeed pleased to be invited by Dr. Rita Wan to attend International Six Sigma Council (ISSC) Networking Dinner on 5 May 2011.
In the beginning, Dr. Rita Wan (Director of AC&A Consultancy & Training Co. Ltd) introduced the ISSC. The ISSC is a non-profit making organization of quality practitioners and subject matter experts that saw the need for standardization in the Six Sigma field. Moreover, Dr. Wan said it was honor that ISSC was selected to be one of the Hong Kong’s Most Valuable Companies 2011 by Mediazone’s Magazine.
Then Dr. Wan explained the philosophy of ISSC to us.
Dr. C.O. Chan (Chairman of ISSC and Director of Great Tech Ltd.) reported the ISSC activities.
The ISSC committee members took a group photo.
Ir. Prof. Philip Chan (Arbitrator – Guangzhou Arbitration Commission) was the guest speaker and his topic was “Nokia Salcomp Six Sigma Successful Implementation”. In the beginning, Prof. Chan introduced the 30yr history of Salcomp (1975 to 2005).
Then the quality concept of Salcomp was briefed. That was included Customer Satisfaction, Productivity and Profitability. Moreover, their 3 steps for quality development methodology were “Process Development and Control”, “Continuous Improvement & Systematic Problem Solving” and “Best Practice Focus Advanced Quality Techniques”.
He explained why Salcomp implemented Six Sigma. There were three reasons included “Unit price drop”, “Customer Request” and “Increasing Quality Expectation”. After implemented Six Sigma in 2004, a big return was obtained (Saving RMB$2.5M).
Finally, Prof. Chan summarized the critical success factors for implementation of Six Sigma as follow:
- Top management commitment
- Middle management support
- Company culture
At the end, Prof. Chan shared the success business strategy as below.
1. Quality
2. Technology
3. Time to Market
4. Focus
Group photo of all participants (including ISSC, HKSQ, HKIE, HKQMA, etc.)
Photo taken with Dr. CO Chan and Dr. Rita Wan
The success ISSC networking dinner was performed annually. It was a valuable platform for quality professional to exchange idea.
International Six Sigma Council - http://www.isixsigmacouncil.org/
Hong Kong’s Most Valuable Companies 2011 by Mediazone’s Magazine - http://www.mediazone.com.hk/magazine/hkmvc2010/
Ir. Prof. Philip Chan - http://blog.sina.com.cn/chenqinye