Firstly, Dr. Wan gave a welcome speech.
Many industry experts attended the seminar.
The first speaker was Dr. Richard Cheung (Asso. Professor of BCH Dept.) and his topic named “Toxicity Assessment of Marine Sediments and Oil Dispersants Using Aquatic Organisms”.
Dr. Cheung showed the exercise tests responses in combating oil spill in Hong Kong. The oil dispersants should be approved by EPD under Dumping at Sea Ordinance (Chapter 466). CityU had been commission by the government to test oil dispersants available in the market on species which are ecologically important in Hong Kong.
Dredge / Excavate sediment cause of bad smell.
Management Framework for Dredged / Excavated Sediment in Hong Kong (Environment, Transport and Works Bureau, Technical Circular (Works) No. 34/2002) was explained.
CityU has mainly focused on Biological Screening using local organisms.
Dr. Cheung said using local species were expected more suitable for toxicity testing on local sediments disposed in local waters.
The local species called “Melita koreana” was employed to investigate the amphipod survivals in sediment samples of different contaminant levels.
The experimental setup was demonstrated.
Amphipod burrows in sediment (We need to observe their behavior.)
The experiment used the sediment covered different locations of Hong Kong which included polluted areas and clear areas.
Finally, Dr. Cheung concluded that this species had potential to be used as test organisms under sediment management framework. However, a habitat and distribution survey of this species, an inter-species comparative study and a round robin test are recommended to be conducted.
The second speaker was Dr. James C.W. Lam (Scientific Officer, State Key Laboratory in Marine Pollution) and his topic was “Detection and quantification of toxic substances in the environment”.
Dr. Lam introduced the state key laboratory was established by six local universities (included CityU, HKU, CUHK, HKUST, PolyU and BU) in 2009.
Team of interdisciplinary and technology integration is through this platform.
Then the concept of management and control of toxic was explained.
Pollution Monitoring and Risk Assessment was the key works on the laboratory. There were four kinds of substances concerned.
· Perfluorinated Compounds
· Halogenated Flame Retardants
· Pharmaceuticals & Personal Care Products
· Marine Toxin
The analysis procedure was showed in four steps (Sampling > Extraction > Clean-up > Instrumental Analysis).
The last speaker was Dr. Oscar Hui (Lecturer of MEEM) and he presented “Plasma-assisted Catalytic Oxidation (PACO) Technology for VOCs Removal. His talk included “Indoor air quality (IAQ)”, “Performance of some commercial air cleaners” and “Plasma-assisted catalytic oxidation (PACO) technology”.
Knowledge Transfer Office, CityU: