CEPREI Calibration and Testing Center, which belongs to China Electronic Product Reliability and Environmental Testing Research Institute (CEPREI) [工業和信息化部電子第五研究所 (即中國賽寶實驗室)], is an authorized and accredited organization providing series of technology services such as calibration, testing, repair.
Inside the Hong Kong branch
The activities of the center complied with the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025 (& CNAS-CL01) which accredited by CNAS.
The speaker for this training was Mr. Wang Tao (Officer) [王韜–王主任] and he introduced the training content included ISO 17025 standard requirement, laboratory documentation, internal audit, management review, proficiency test and statistical method for quality control.
The diagram showed the structure of laboratory documentation.
The hierarchy of quality management system documentation
The different responsibility of Internal Auditor and Reviewer was showed.
After went through the managerial requirement of ISO 17025, he started to brief the technical requirements. The first item to be discussed was staff’s competence which included knowledge, skill and experience.
Then the traceability of CEPREI diagram was demonstrated and explained.
After lunch, we discussed some items before started the training.
The statistical process control methodologies were briefed for internal quality control.
Different distributions were introduced.
Control Chart and Range Chart needed to search table.
Different Inter-laboratory comparison evaluation methods were mentioned.
Finally CNAS rules of Proficiency Test were introduced.
Finally CNAS rules of Proficiency Test were introduced.
At the end, Ji Ling (Deputy General Manager) [紀玲 – 副總經理] and I took a photo for memory.
CEPREI Calibration and Testing Center - http://www.ceprei.com