I would like to summarize all quality related activities I attended in 2010 as follows:
Seminar x34; Training x10, Visit x12 and Conference x7; Arrange visit to HKSTP x2 and Invitation Gathering x14
20100312: Electric vehicles – Impacts, recent development and future (HKSQ)
20100318: Seminar on Medical Equipment and Looking after the Animals (CUBIC, CityU)
20100327: Technical Seminar on Worldwide Product Certification (PSES)
20100507: Aligning IP with the Growth of a Biopharmaceutical Company: the FibroGen Experience (HKSTP)
20100525: “Doping Control for Horseracing” Seminar – MSc in Analytical Chemistry, HKBU
20100528: Seminar on Technology Approaches to Quality Management – with Case Studies in Medical Devices and Pharmaceuticals Industry (HKIE, HKPC and IEEE-EMBS)
20100528: Regulatory Forum – Hong Kong Medical Device (BSI)
20100531: Briefing Forum on Report of HKCTC20100611: Solar Simulator Standard Testing for Solar Panels Seminar (HKSTP)
20100618: Seminar on LED Testing Standards and its underlying opportunities in Hong Kong (HKSTP)
20100712: Forum on “Know your Business and its Potential, Local Testing and Certification Industry” (HKTIC)
20100714: Seminar on Shenzhen-HK Innovation Circle Sponsorship Policy (HKSTP)
20100716: The Five Pitfalls of Key Performance Indicators (KPI) and Balanced Scorecard (CUHK & HKSTP)
20100723: The seminar on “The Best Renewable Energy for Hong Kong” (HKSQ)
20100723: Seminar on Measuring Solar Energy Properties of Photovoltaic (PV) Materials (HKSTP)
20100806: Seminar on Market-oriented Environmental Management and Evaluation (HKSQ)
20100813: The Ultimate 9 Ways to Increase Supply Chain Speed (CUHK & HKSTP)
20100820: Seminar on Shazhai Culture (山寨文化) and Innovation Management (HKSQ)
20100917: China Strategy: The Underestimated Power Doing Business with Internet in Mainland (CUHK & HKSTP)
20100917: Seminar on Cutting Edge LED Technology and Products Design (HKSTP, HKPC & HKSSLIC)
20100929: LED Focus Workshop (ASTRI, ITC, HKSTP, HKEIA & HKSSLIC)
20101002: Seminar on Six Sigma Black Belt entitled “Innovative Solutions Made Possible: Win Acceptance for Stakeholders” (HKPC & SPI)
20101007: Groundwork of adopting Changes and Improvements: People management – Make everyone move! (TQM)
20101022: 9 Ways of Effective Forecasting (CUHK & HKSTP)
20101023: Seminar on Technology Management, Social Responsibility and Crisis Communications (科技管理與企業的社會責任 / 危機溝通) (EngD Society)
20101025: Introduction to European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) (HKSQ)
20101025: Seminar on Support to Testing and Certification Industry (HKCTC)
20101029: Lean Thinking for Supply Stream (HKSQ & ISM-PRD)
20101103: Briefing Session on Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Standards – Mainland and Hong Kong (內地與香港信息通訊技術標準交流與合作研討會) (ITC)
20101108: Seminar on Metrology in Chemistry (MiC) (Gov Lab of HKSAR)
20101116-18: Seminar for Microbiology Laboratories (HKAS)
20101124: Introduction of Upcoming Energy Management System Development (SGS & HKSQ)
20101209: New Trend of CSR & Sustainability Reporting Seminar (SGS & HKSQ)
20101216: CityU Technology Transfer Forum entitled “Environmental Pollution and Technologies” (CityU)
20100228: VDA 6.2 QM in the Automotive Industry Standard – Awareness and Application Training (HKPC)
20100416-0514: Lectures on Pharmacy Legislation (DoH and PSHK)
20100527-0607: Art of Borrowability (HKPC)
20100727: Common nonconformities encountered in assessments using ISO 15189 (HKAS)
20100827: Training workshop entitled “Usage of Raman Spectroscopy (HKSTP)
20100910: HKQAA seminar: How to become Lean Sigma Green / Black Belt?20100911-1218: General Education and Public Affairs Certificate Course (通識及公共事務證書課程) (「新力量網絡」與香港教育學院合辦)
20101013: Training of Ellipsometer for Solar Thin Film analysis (HKSTP)
20101129-1201: The training “Medical Laboratory Quality Management based on ISO 15189” (IANZ & HKAS)
20101210: Laboratory Quality Management In-house Training (CEPREI)
20100108: Visit to China Factories of TCL Corporation and Eastech Asia Technology Limited (HKSQ)
20100206: The Technical Visit to Techworld Industries Ltd. for the HKSQ Company Based Student Project Competition (HKSQ)
20100325: Industrial Visit to Standards and Calibration Laboratory, ITC, HKSAR (HKSQ and BCH, CityU)
20100430: Technical Visit to MTR West Rail Operations Control Centre and Depot (HKSQ)
20100514: Technical Visit to Intertek LED Testing Centre (HKSQ)
20100531: Tolomix Networking group to visit Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute Company Limited (ASTRI) – (Samson Tam)
20100624-27: HKSQ Study Mission on Quality Management 2010: KUNMING Pharmaceutical Corp. and YUNNAN University (HKSQ)
20100730: Visit to BYD Company Limited (比亞迪) and Huizhou Desay SV Automotive Co., Ltd (德賽西威) (HKSQ, HKETA & HKCCMA)
20100808: Visit to Bio Valley (Personal)
20101128: Visit the University of Macau (Personal)
20101203: Technical Visit to AES Destructive and Non-Destructive Testing Ltd. (HKSQ)
20101217: Visit to Huawei, IGRS and Tsinghua University in Shenzhen (華為, 閃聯, 清華一天考察團) (HKEIA, HKSQ, ASQ-HK, TQM and ITQM)
20100317: Hong Kong Software Quality Assurance (HKSQA) Conference 2010 – Software Assessment and Certification (HKPC & HKCTC)
20100319: BSI Technical Conference 2010 “Wrestling with Greenhouse Gases to Win Sustainability”
20100416: Symposium on Development of Product Testing and Certification in Hong Kong (IVE and HKQAA)
20100919-22: ANQ Congress Delhi 2010 (Remark: Registered but can’t attend)
20101004: HKSP 1st Occupational Safety and Health Conference (HKSTP)
20101124-26: Inno Asia 2010 (HKSTP)
20101126: HKQAA Symposium 2010 – Sustainability Challenges
Visit to HKSTP:
20100115: The Institute of Industrial Engineers (Hong Kong) visiting Technology Support Centre (TSC) in Science Park
20101028: CityU Materials Science Students visit HKSTP
Invitation Gathering:
20100223: Annual Gala of the Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management Students’ Society (IELMSS)
20100313: Industrial Visit to HKSTP Laboratories by HKSQ and BCH, CityU
20100505: ISSC Six Sigma Networking Dinner
20100518: CityU Orientation for Class Liaison Ambassadors (CLS) 2010
20100520: Qualifications Framework for Testing and Certification Industry Consultation Forum (HKQF)
20100603: Hong Kong Biotechnology Organization (HKBIO) inauguration ceremony
20100822: Lunch with Prof. SI (School of Management, Fudan University)
20101006: Testing, Inspection and Certification (TIC) Industry Training Advisory Committee (ITAC) – The 1st Meeting (HKQF)
20101106: HKCIPS / ISM-PRD Networking Annual Dinner
20101108: Industrial Guest Talk to BEng(Hon) in Total Quality Engineering, CityU
20101120: EngD Graduation Dinner 2010 & Peak Performance Talk
20101207: HKTIC 30th Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Annual Gathering
20101013: CityU Eminence Society Launching Ceremony
20101221: CAQ, HKQMA and HKSQ meeting at HKSTP
通識及公共事務證書課程 單元二:兩岸國際 (Part 2)
I attended the General Education and Public Affairs Certificate Course on 11 Sep 2010. I would like to summarize the interesting things of this course for sharing. Since some topics were localized, some discussions were recorded in Chinese.


第八課 (6 November 2010)
第九課 (13 November 2010)
第十課 (20 November 2010)
第十一課 (27 November 2010)
第十二課 (4 December 2010)
第十三課 (11 December 2010)
第十四課 (18 December 2010)
何偉立先生主講 – 天駿資產管理投資總監
新力量網絡SynergyNet - 通識及公共事務證書課程
新力量網絡SynergyNet 的網誌 (Facebook): http://zh-hk.facebook.com/notes.php?id=250164765864
第八課 (6 November 2010)
第九課 (13 November 2010)
第十課 (20 November 2010)
第十一課 (27 November 2010)
第十二課 (4 December 2010)
第十三課 (11 December 2010)
第十四課 (18 December 2010)
何偉立先生主講 – 天駿資產管理投資總監
新力量網絡SynergyNet - 通識及公共事務證書課程
新力量網絡SynergyNet 的網誌 (Facebook): http://zh-hk.facebook.com/notes.php?id=250164765864
後海嘨時代的全球經濟 (Lecture 14)
The last lecture of General Education and Public Affairs Certificate Course (通識及公共事務證書課程) was held on 18 December 2010. I would like to summarize it for sharing.
第十四課 (18 December 2010)
何偉立先生主講 – 天駿資產管理投資總監
Mr. Marko Ho (Chief Investment Officer, Legends Asset Management) presented the topic called “Global Economics of the Post Financial Tsunamis”.

Firstly, Mr. Ho explained the US housing market bubble was started in 2000. The following diagram showed the US housing price index.

Then Mr. Ho briefed the path to financial tsunamis included i) Bubble forming, ii) Weakening fundamentals, iii) Financial system meltdowm and iv) Unprecedented intervention. The more details description was stated in the following diagrams.

After that Mr. Ho explained how USA to counter financial tsunamis. They used Quantitative Easing (QE) like to flow money on helicopter. In theory, Banks with more money would increase lending and stimulate the economy. The traditional equation is PQ (GDP) = M (Money Supply) x V (Vecosity).
Actually, the money was not invested in USA but went to Asia asset market.

The side-effect of QE was US Dollar to be further depreciated.

For China, GDP contracted during crisis but with a turnaround in Q1 2009 by the sharp money supply and fiscal spending. There were two tools used by China Gov.
i) Fiscal policies: RMB 4 Trillion; Quicken the railway network development and Heavy subsidization on auto and white appliance consumption;
ii) Monetary policies: Huge incremental new loan and money supply; Low interest rate to counter deflation; Property market sales booming and Stock market rebounding.

China GDP was able to keep the certain percentage in 2009. It was found that the Gross Capital Formation could cover the loss of Net Export.

Hong Kong was also affected by the crisis. The continuously decrease the GDP in 3 quarters. Impact mostly in financial industry and the unemployment rate was only 5.43% at the peak in 2009, implying that not much painful out of financial industry.

However, property prices soften for a short term during crisis, which reached record high in 2010 and surpassing the level of 1997. The following diagram showed the private housing was under-supply to 2012.

Property value per GDP from now was higher than the level in 1997!

Mr. Ho said Hong Kong government was do nothing for this crisis and QE form USA that resulted housing market bubble in Hong Kong again.
第十四課 (18 December 2010)
何偉立先生主講 – 天駿資產管理投資總監
Mr. Marko Ho (Chief Investment Officer, Legends Asset Management) presented the topic called “Global Economics of the Post Financial Tsunamis”.
Firstly, Mr. Ho explained the US housing market bubble was started in 2000. The following diagram showed the US housing price index.
Then Mr. Ho briefed the path to financial tsunamis included i) Bubble forming, ii) Weakening fundamentals, iii) Financial system meltdowm and iv) Unprecedented intervention. The more details description was stated in the following diagrams.
After that Mr. Ho explained how USA to counter financial tsunamis. They used Quantitative Easing (QE) like to flow money on helicopter. In theory, Banks with more money would increase lending and stimulate the economy. The traditional equation is PQ (GDP) = M (Money Supply) x V (Vecosity).
Actually, the money was not invested in USA but went to Asia asset market.
The side-effect of QE was US Dollar to be further depreciated.
For China, GDP contracted during crisis but with a turnaround in Q1 2009 by the sharp money supply and fiscal spending. There were two tools used by China Gov.
i) Fiscal policies: RMB 4 Trillion; Quicken the railway network development and Heavy subsidization on auto and white appliance consumption;
ii) Monetary policies: Huge incremental new loan and money supply; Low interest rate to counter deflation; Property market sales booming and Stock market rebounding.
China GDP was able to keep the certain percentage in 2009. It was found that the Gross Capital Formation could cover the loss of Net Export.
Hong Kong was also affected by the crisis. The continuously decrease the GDP in 3 quarters. Impact mostly in financial industry and the unemployment rate was only 5.43% at the peak in 2009, implying that not much painful out of financial industry.
However, property prices soften for a short term during crisis, which reached record high in 2010 and surpassing the level of 1997. The following diagram showed the private housing was under-supply to 2012.
Property value per GDP from now was higher than the level in 1997!
Mr. Ho said Hong Kong government was do nothing for this crisis and QE form USA that resulted housing market bubble in Hong Kong again.
全球化下的風險與資訊管理 (Lecture 13)
The lecture 13 of General Education and Public Affairs Certificate Course (通識及公共事務證書課程) was held on 11 December 2010. I would like to summarize it for sharing.
第十三課 (11 December 2010)
陳智傑先生主講 – 香港中文大學新聞與傳播學院博士候選人/新力量網絡秘書

Mr. Chan’s topic entitled “Globalization and Risk Management”. He introduced a risky world to us. For instance, Financial Tsunami came from ‘AAA’ Asset-grading companies in 2008, and Asset bubbles form QE2 recently. For safety concern, milk powder, Indonesian noodles, drugs recalled were mentioned.
Mr. Chan stated that Risk Management beyond scientific calculation (calculation of probability) because risk as social perception. A case study about falling tree in Hong Kong was discussed.

The tree fall accident had no evident that it was high possibility to occur.

However, the recently cases were blamed from public. The change was from “misfortune” to “human-made blunder”. The issue of Risk Management was considered not only the probability, but also the perception.
第十三課 (11 December 2010)
陳智傑先生主講 – 香港中文大學新聞與傳播學院博士候選人/新力量網絡秘書
Mr. Chan’s topic entitled “Globalization and Risk Management”. He introduced a risky world to us. For instance, Financial Tsunami came from ‘AAA’ Asset-grading companies in 2008, and Asset bubbles form QE2 recently. For safety concern, milk powder, Indonesian noodles, drugs recalled were mentioned.
Then Mr. Chan described the nature and origins of risk. It was come from future uncertainties which cause FEAR. The brief summary of risk was:
· Risk: capturing future uncertainties by risk premium
· Expert knowledge and system: crucial to risk assessment
· A double-edged sword: unintended consequence of risk control → a more risky world with new and less predictable risks
· Risk: capturing future uncertainties by risk premium
· Expert knowledge and system: crucial to risk assessment
· A double-edged sword: unintended consequence of risk control → a more risky world with new and less predictable risks
Mr. Chan stated that Risk Management beyond scientific calculation (calculation of probability) because risk as social perception. A case study about falling tree in Hong Kong was discussed.
The tree fall accident had no evident that it was high possibility to occur.
However, the recently cases were blamed from public. The change was from “misfortune” to “human-made blunder”. The issue of Risk Management was considered not only the probability, but also the perception.
全球安全:衝突及挑戰 (Lecture 12)
The lecture 12 of General Education and Public Affairs Certificate Course (通識及公共事務證書課程) was held on 4 December 2010. I would like to summarize (in Chinese) below.
第十二課 (4 December 2010)
袁彌昌博士主講 – 英國雷丁大學戰略研究系博士


第二是冇王管.如民族國家的衰落.如威斯特伐利亞體系 – The Westphalian System (1648) – 的衰落,非國家(non-state)的抬頭,以及失敗(Failed states)國家與疲弱(weak states)國家.

超人(Super-empowered Groups of Individuals)的冒起如恐怖分子,投機者,黑客等. 他們正在重要系統中尋找漏洞,運用一種小型,廉價的行動方式以產生巨大的回報.

國家的衰落與非國家的抬頭如索馬里(Somalia). 她的有效政府早於1991年倒台.
第十二課 (4 December 2010)
袁彌昌博士主講 – 英國雷丁大學戰略研究系博士
之後袁博士介紹了21世紀世界的本質. 第一,全球超級系統(The Global Supersystem). 它是個非常複雜的系統(Complex Adaptive System - CAS)如全球市場,金融海嘨及網絡的危險性等.
第二是冇王管.如民族國家的衰落.如威斯特伐利亞體系 – The Westphalian System (1648) – 的衰落,非國家(non-state)的抬頭,以及失敗(Failed states)國家與疲弱(weak states)國家.
超人(Super-empowered Groups of Individuals)的冒起如恐怖分子,投機者,黑客等. 他們正在重要系統中尋找漏洞,運用一種小型,廉價的行動方式以產生巨大的回報.
國家的衰落與非國家的抬頭如索馬里(Somalia). 她的有效政府早於1991年倒台.
Innovative Wedding Gift
Tonight, my wife and I joined a marriage ceremony. We found that the gift for memory was very special.

It was heart shaped noodle. (Shape patent was applied – 09000594.7)
It was heart shaped noodle. (Shape patent was applied – 09000594.7)
My wife friend’s work was related to food and nutrient. Therefore, it was a meaningful gift. The photo showed bride and groom dance.
Christmas Holiday Trip - Guangdong
My wife and I joined the Christmas trip entitled “Three day photo trip for Maple Leaf in Guangdong “Xinfengxian Yun Ji Shan”, Nine Buildings with Eighteen Wells, Liuxihe National Forest Park, Conghua Shek Mun National Forest Park, Xuanxin Village and Tong Mei ancient buildings”
(廣東紅葉楓林“新豐縣雲髻山” 九棟十八井、流溪河國家森林公園、從化石門森林公園、宣星古村和塘尾村古建築群攝影聖誕三天之旅)
Day One (25 Dec 2010)
We started the trip in the morning about 8:00am and reached the first location Jingxin Hotel (景新大酒家) for lunch.

One of famous foods called “Beard Chicken” (鬍鬚雞).

The other was pork.

After the lunch, we visited Nine Buildings with Eighteen Wells (九棟十八井).

It was a rainy day.

The window on the roof (天窗)

The well was right under the window. It used for cleaning and had drainage design.

Things about Mao Zedong (毛澤東) were usually observed in Rural Area.

Then we went to Yun Ji Shan Hot Spring Resort (雲髻山溫泉度假山莊).

My house named The Kunlun Mountains (昆崙山).

I enjoyed the Spa but the temperature was only 42 degree.
The most special was the rice in the Beggar Pot. The taste was so good.
Tonight was very cool (Temp: 1 to13 C ).
Beggar Chicken (乞衣雞/土窯雞) was our night snack (宵夜).
We went to Yun Ji Shan (雲髻山) in the morning.
Photo in front of Tea Shop
The carved stone called the Source of Xinfeng Jiang (新豐江之源).
The waterfall was showed.
Then we climbed to the top of the water fall.
When we climbed down, we met the store and had bean curd (豆腐花).
The cooking method was found very traditional.
Then we saw two peaks of Yun Ji Shan.
In the middle of two peaks, a stone liked a dog (also like Snoopy) was observed. It was called “The dog watch the moon” (天狗望月).
After that we returned to the hotel and had lunch. It was also chicken but different cooking method; and also pork with different vegetables.
In afternoon, we went to Liuxihe National Forest Park (流溪河國家森林公園).
We saw many cured meat, fish, (臘味) etc. The most special was cured vole (臘田鼠).
We walked around a lake.
TheJinan University research observation station for reservoir was observed.
Then we saw a special flower called Silktree Albizziae Flower (合歡花).
The next visit point was Xuanxin Village (宣星古村). The temple was visited.

The door-gods were Zhang Fei (張飛) and Guan Yu (關羽)!
The other temple was very interested. It was hundred words for Blessing (福) and for Longevity (壽).
Blessing (福)
Longevity (壽)
Again, words about Mao Zedong (毛澤東) were observed in Rural Area.
A beautiful river
A beautiful girl (she was a model employed by photographers) was saw. The bridge behind the girl had a love story.
Moreover, Tai Chi (太極) design was observed on everywhere.
Our dinner was in Xin Jiang Seafood Restaurant (新江海鮮酒家).
We shared a plum wine (青梅酒).

This dinner was very rich included chicken, fish, soybean curd, etc.
After dinner, we went to Howard Johnson Hawana Resort (廣州東方夏灣拿豪生大酒店).
My wife and I took a photo with the Christmas tree.

Day Three (27 Dec 2010)
We visited Conghua Shek Mun National Forest Park (從化石門森林公園) and took some photos for memory.
It was a nice trip for Christmas holiday and we all enjoyed the food and the scene.
Yun Ji Shan Hot Spring Resort (雲髻山溫泉度假山莊) – http://www.yjswq.com/
(廣東紅葉楓林“新豐縣雲髻山” 九棟十八井、流溪河國家森林公園、從化石門森林公園、宣星古村和塘尾村古建築群攝影聖誕三天之旅)
Day One (25 Dec 2010)
We started the trip in the morning about 8:00am and reached the first location Jingxin Hotel (景新大酒家) for lunch.
One of famous foods called “Beard Chicken” (鬍鬚雞).
The other was pork.
After the lunch, we visited Nine Buildings with Eighteen Wells (九棟十八井).
It was a rainy day.
The window on the roof (天窗)
The well was right under the window. It used for cleaning and had drainage design.
Things about Mao Zedong (毛澤東) were usually observed in Rural Area.
Then we went to Yun Ji Shan Hot Spring Resort (雲髻山溫泉度假山莊).
My house named The Kunlun Mountains (昆崙山).
The red house was for Spa.
That red house I used.I enjoyed the Spa but the temperature was only 42 degree.
After the spa time, we went for dinner in the Moon House (望月樓).
Chicken was must and the taro was also good.The most special was the rice in the Beggar Pot. The taste was so good.
Tonight was very cool (Temp: 1 to
Beggar Chicken (乞衣雞/土窯雞) was our night snack (宵夜).
Day Two (26 Dec 2010)
Since it was too heavy for us, we made a Shredded Chicken (手撕雞) plus porridge for breakfast.Photo in front of Tea Shop
The carved stone called the Source of Xinfeng Jiang (新豐江之源).
The waterfall was showed.
Then we climbed to the top of the water fall.
When we climbed down, we met the store and had bean curd (豆腐花).
The cooking method was found very traditional.
Then we saw two peaks of Yun Ji Shan.
In the middle of two peaks, a stone liked a dog (also like Snoopy) was observed. It was called “The dog watch the moon” (天狗望月).
After that we returned to the hotel and had lunch. It was also chicken but different cooking method; and also pork with different vegetables.
In afternoon, we went to Liuxihe National Forest Park (流溪河國家森林公園).
We saw many cured meat, fish, (臘味) etc. The most special was cured vole (臘田鼠).
We walked around a lake.
Then we saw a special flower called Silktree Albizziae Flower (合歡花).
The door-gods were Zhang Fei (張飛) and Guan Yu (關羽)!
Blessing (福)
Longevity (壽)
Again, words about Mao Zedong (毛澤東) were observed in Rural Area.
A beautiful river
A beautiful girl (she was a model employed by photographers) was saw. The bridge behind the girl had a love story.
Moreover, Tai Chi (太極) design was observed on everywhere.
We shared a plum wine (青梅酒).
This dinner was very rich included chicken, fish, soybean curd, etc.
My wife and I took a photo with the Christmas tree.
Day Three (27 Dec 2010)
We visited Conghua Shek Mun National Forest Park (從化石門森林公園) and took some photos for memory.
It was a nice trip for Christmas holiday and we all enjoyed the food and the scene.
Yun Ji Shan Hot Spring Resort (雲髻山溫泉度假山莊) – http://www.yjswq.com/
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