
PolyU ABCT Guest Talk for “HKQF-TIC & Experience Sharing”

I was honor to be invited by Prof. Gary Tang to introduce the HKQF and share my industry experience to the student in BSc (Hon) in Analytical Sciences for Testing and Certification under the Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology (ABCT), PolyU on 18th Mar 2025. My talk topic named “The Hong Kong Qualification Framework for testing, inspection and certification (TIC) and the education and career pathways of the TIC profession”. In the beginning, we took a photo for memory. 

Firstly, I introduced Hong Kong Society for Quality (HKSQ) and its accreditation of ABCT’s course to achieve the requirement of Certified Laboratory Quality Specialist (CLabQS). And then I briefed the Hong Kong Qualification Framework for testing, inspection and certification (TIC).

After that I shared my career experience entitled “Connect the dots” and discussed different testing areas with students. Then student voted that top three interested areas are Medical Test, Toys and Food Test.

Finally, I surveyed students’ expected career and found that most of students hadn’t clear ideas.

Lastly, I took a photo with Prof. Gary Tang and another guest Prof. Choi Koon Kay.



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