I was invited to participant the 2nd BScFTAI Student/Staff
Consultative Group (SSCG) Meeting on 28 Feb 2025. We communicated with students
and subject teachers for improving the programme continuously. In the
beginning, I met Dr. XIE Hongcheng and took a photo together.
Year 1 to 4 student representatives joined the meeting
and feedback different courses content and teaching as well as difficulty
I am subject lecturer of COMP 3511 and also teaching half
course of COMP 1433 in this semester. I asked students any difficulty. They
replied that it would be difficult if student without took M2 under DSE in high
Dr. Kevin Yuen taught the subject COMP 4432 Machine
At the end, we took a photo together with Year 4 student representative.
(Left: I, Student Rep, Dr. Kevin Yuen, Dr. Raymond Pang
and Dr. XIE Hongcheng)
After SSCG meeting, we had lunch together with Kevin’s
student - Mr. Cheuk Kin MA who studies COMP IT Master course and worked in
ASTRI. His former boss was Mr. Jim Hui (HKSQ member).
(Left: I, Dr. Jeff Tang, Mr.
Cheuk Kin MA and Dr. Kevin Yuen)
COMP, PolyU - https://www.polyu.edu.hk/comp/
20180709: Experience Sharing by
ASTRI on implementation of ISO 9001 for R&D Company and visit to Smart City
Innovation Centre - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2018/07/experience-sharing-by-astri-on.html
20181130: HKSQ Seminar on
Implementation of ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 for R&D Companies – ASTRI
Experience Sharing - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2018/11/hksq-seminar-on-implementation-of-iso.html