Hong Kong Society for
Quality (HKSQ) and Intertek co-organized Technical Visit and Seminar on
Compliance of Health Supplements and Chinese Herbal Medicine with Good
Manufacturing Practices (GMP) Standards on 22nd Feb 2025. In the morning, everyone gathered at
Futian Station.
We separated into two teams
to go to the Intertek in Guangdong-Macau Medical Science and Technology
Industrial Park.
We passed the Shenzhen-Zhongshan
Bridge (深中大橋)
to go to Zhuhai.
The first team arrived the R&D
and Testing Building.
Minda and I selfie in front
of the brand “Intertek GM Testing Service Zhuhai Co., Ltd.”
In the beginning, Dr. Jane
Wong (Chairman, HKSQ) gave opening speech.
And then she presented the
HKSQ flag to Mr. Roger Huang (GM of HBPA Intertek China) for appreciating the arrangement
of this visit and seminar.
Mr. Roger Huang was the
first speaker who introduced Intertek service on GMP compliance for health
products and Chinese herbal medicines. In the beginning, he started by three
key questions that were “Who am I? Where do I come from? Where am I going?”
Then he introduced Intertek
background and service in China.
After that he briefed the
history of GMP – 21CFR 210 & 211 as well as some key sessions.
Lastly, he shared his audit
experience on Man, Machine, Material, Method, Environment, Measurement, Record
and Complaint.
Mr. Zhou Haicai (Auditor
and Consultant) was the second speaker and his talk named “GACP standards and
certification verification points for medicinal plant bases” (藥用植物基地GACP標準與認證核查要點).
Firstly, he introduced the
history of Good Agricultural and Wild Collection Practice” for medicinal and
aromatic plants from 1998 to 2006.
Then he briefed China
standard T/CCCMHPIE 2.1-2018 “Specification on Good Agriculture and Collection
Practices for Medicinal Plants”.
After that he compared with
different GACP including China, WHO, EU, etc.
Finally, Mr. Zhou explained
their audit service for entering EU market.
After the seminar, we all
had a gift from Intertek. It is a book named “Leadership with SOUL”.
The second part was
visiting laboratory. Sample preparation room and microbiology laboratory were visited.
We observed that Intertek
redefined the Total Quality Assurance and stated their purpose and vision.
Representatives of Intertek
explained their daily operation.
We took a photo with flame hoods.
And then we visited the
instrument room (e.g. GCMS, HPLC).
Lastly, we took a group
photo for memory.
After that, we went to the
canteen to have lunch. It electronically measures your food type and weight to
calculate costs.
This is the recycling belt
for washing dishes.
At the end, we separated
two teams that Minda and I went to Futian Station. We took a photo in front of
the brand “Guangdong-Macau Traditional Chinese Medicine Technology, Industrial
Park” for memory.
The other team, led by Dr
Jane Wong and Dr Aaron Tong, travelled to Macau to taste its special cuisine.
We had a very good trip today and thanks Intertek.