
CityU Research Seminar – How to Succeed with RGC Grant Applications

 The CityU Research Seminar named “How to Succeed with RGC Grant Applications” was organized by the College of Engineering on 30th Aug 2021.  This talk aims to share successful experience in winning grants strategies in writing grant applications. Prof. Moshe Zukerman (Chair Professor of Information Engineering, EE Dept., CityU) was the seminar facilitator.

Prof. Wang, Cong (Department of Computer Science) was the first speaker and his topic entitled “Thoughts on Preparing a GRF Proposal”. He said it is all about delivering a research vision including proper topic identification and writing a convincing proposal.

Firstly, Prof. Wang discussed how to choose a proper topic (Theory or application, classic or trendy) and then mentioned the research content matters that clearly formulated problem scope and appropriately match the funding scale.

A convincing proposal included content-driven scheduling, coherence, preliminary results and effective presentation. The content-drive scheduling was showed as follow diagram.

Finally, Prof. Wang suggested to get an early start the draft (e.g. as early as August) and coherence (logical & consistent). He also shared some exemplary negative comments and preliminary results. The effective presentation included to provide the roadmap, aim for clarity, necessity and relevance, as well as a great story. Lastly, he quoted Maya Angelou statement to encourage us to prepare a good proposal.

Prof. Chan, Nelson Sze Chun (Department of Electrical Engineering) was the second speaker and his presentation named “Sharing on RGC Grant Application”. His topic included perspective as departmental coordinator and as Principal Investigator (PI) 

In the beginning, Prof. Chan discussed the timeline that start early, quality time and planning.  For planning, he suggested to obtain preliminary data and figures before drafting the proposal and also to get quotations for expensive equipment ahead of schedule. Then he introduced two approaches to write the abstract.

Then Prof. Chan shared department management included endorsement procedure allowing constructive feedback: PI è (GRF Coach) è Team Leader è Ass. Head è Head. And then he shared the departmental practice as following diagram.

Finally, he discussed this practice one by one included Title (Conservative / Aggressive), Abstract (Must highlight the innovation), Objectives (reasonable 3-5 goals), Background/Methodology (clear figures, solid information & preliminary data to support feasibility), Reference List and Budget.  Other issues were mentioned at the end.

The last speaker was Prof. Zhi, Chunyi (Department of Materials Science and Engineering) and his topic was “Proposal Preparation”.  Firstly, Prof. Zhi briefed to choose a topic and he said GRF is a small project.

Eventhough it is a small project, it needs a general impactful background. So that Prof. Zhi use this topic related Battery as example to explain it.

And then he discussed content of proposal including:

1)      Extend your research – new research, new ideas for proposal, and multidisciplinary idea for GRF (but don’t go too far away!)

2)      Do it early – prepare your proposal application calendar

3)      The criteria

4)      The abstract and figure – a full story in abstract and by your figures.

Lastly, Prof. Zhi stated Impact should be something big, and including social, economic and academic aspects.

Many CityU researchers and professors attended the seminar.


College of Engineering, CityU - https://www.cityu.edu.hk/ceng/

Research Grants and Contracts Office - https://www.cityu.edu.hk/ro/



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