
The 17th Extenics Annual Meeting (全国第17届可拓学年会) – Day 1

 The 17th Extenics Annual MeetingArtificial Intelligence Frontier Forum and Extension Innovation Method Traning Course ("全国第17 届可拓学年会""人工智能前沿论坛""可拓创新方法培训班") were organized by Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence (CAAI) (中国人工智能学会) and Extenics Professional Committee of CAAI (中国人工智能学会可拓学专业委员会) from 12th to 15th Aug 2021. The first day is mainly for keynotes reporting and second day for AI frontier forum in the morning and sharing session in the afternoon, as well as, closing at the end.

Day 1 on 14th Aug 2021
In the beginning, Prof. Li Xingsen (李興森教授) gave welcoming speech and Prof. Cai Wen (蔡文研究员) gave an opening speech. And then Prof. Jiang Jiading (蔣甲丁, 南京審計大學) represented Nanjing Audit University to gave guest speech. After that all supporting organization representations gave congratulation speech.

Group photo

Then Prof. Zhang Lingling (张玲玲教授) presented the Professional Committee Work Summary Report (专委会工作总结报告).

She mentioned some publication recently including HKSQ published introduction book named “Extenics: Logic of Innovation”.

Prof. Cai Wen (蔡文研究员) was the first speaker and his presentation entitled “Extension Intelligence (可拓智能)”.  In the beginning, Prof. Cai briefed his topic selection for solving contradiction problem and separated into two direction that was man and machine (computer).  Then he mentioned the 40 years development history.

After that he explained why study “Extension Intelligence” and its limitations including classification, model, thinking and logic.  He said Extenics is the fundamental of Extension Intelligence and introduced some research achievements.

Finally, Prof. Cai Wen stated the future development of Extension Intelligence through Extenics and Extension Innovation Method and solving contradiction problem through computer. Some research topics would be developed in the future such as Extension Logic, Extension Mathematics, Extension Predication, etc.

Acn. Li Youping (李幼平院士) was the second speaker and his topic named “From Planck Chain, UCL to Extenics (从普朗克链条、UCL 到可拓学)”. Firstly, Acn. Li explained Planck Chain under PNT environment that means Positioning, Navigation and Timing.

Then he mentioned GB/T35304-2017 “Uniform Content Label (UCL) Format Specification” (统一内容标签格式规范) for IoT application. After that he proposed six suggestions for the future development.

Lastly, Acn. Li Youping discussed the integration between UCL and Extenics including basic-element with time and space.

The third speaker was Prof. Tian Yingjie (田英杰研究员) and his presentation was “Some Thinking on the integration of Machine Learning and Extenics (机器学习与可拓学结合的几点思考)”.

Prof. Tian Yingjie mentioned the extenics set and how to integrate it into machine learning. The transformation of basic-element for standard training set was discussed.

Finally, Prof. Tian stated different loss functions and some suggestion on Support Vector Machine (SVM) for machine learning.

Afternoon Session
Prof. Yang Chunyan (杨春燕教授) was the fourth speaker and her topic entitled “Affair-element Theory and Its Applied Research Progress (事元理论及其应用研究进展)”.  Firstly, she introduced some theories on affair-element and then its application on innovation design, solving contradiction problem and knowledge engineering.

One of applications employed for affair-element model was face mask.  Function is affair-element with matter-element to form complex model.

Lastly, Prof. Yang introduced the extension knowledge engineering and its application.

Prof. Li Xingsen (李兴森教授) was the fifth speaker and his presentation named “An Intelligent Extension Model of Knowledge on the Intersection with Extenics and Factor Space (可拓学与因素空间交叉的知识智能拓展模型)”. In the beginning, Prof. Li introduced the background of big data environment.

Then he demonstrated characteristic database according to big data.  After that he mentioned the integration of extenics and factor space for problem solving modeling.

Finally, Prof. Li discussed the basic information and knowledge extension solution. 

The sixth speaker was Prof. Zhang Lingling (张玲玲教授) and her presentation title was “Future Prospects and Analysis of Extenics Development Based on the Four Stages of a Scientific Discipline (基于科学发展四阶段理论的可拓学发展分析及未来展望)”.  She said this theory proposed by Shneider A.M. since 2009.  Four stages were conceptual stage, tools stage, application stage and integration stage.

Based on the research different types journals and conference, Extenics is under Application Stage. 

Finally, Prof. Zhang expected we could enhance the application of Extenics and want to the next stage for integration.

The seventh speaker was Dr. Ren Shidong (任设东博士后) and his presentation named “Extension Intelligent Solving Method for Contradiction Problem of Low-Carbon Design Product (产品低碳设计冲突问题可拓智能求解方法)”.  Firstly, Dr. Ren briefed the background of low-carbon design based on government environmental policy that carbon emission max in 2030 and then carbon neutralization in 2060. 

Dr. Ren then shared his design based on Extenics and demonstrated the incompatible problem based on basic-element for different parts of low-carbon product.

The eighth speaker was Dr. Liu Shuyu (刘书宇博士后) and his topic was “Application and Practice of Extenics in Intelligent Building Design (可拓学在智能建筑设计中的应用与实践)”. Dr. Liu combined three fields into one and they were Building, Extenics and Data Mining.

Then Dr. Liu demonstrated the flow of Extension Building Design Data Mining and some basic-element model.  He said this model could enhance the high quality design and reduce the time of design.

The ninth speaker was Prof. Dou Erxiang (窦尔翔教授) and his presentation topic named “Extension of Dialectics, Temporal and Spatial Self-evidence and Entropy Reduction of Region Market (可拓辩证、时空自证与域市场熵减)”. 

Prof. Dou introduced his TIF region model (T is Data Technology, I is Industry Life Cycle and F is Finance Chain) and combined with Extenics in two levels of intelligence. 

Mr. Yin Hanfan (鄞汉藩会长) was the tenth speaker and his topic entitled “The enhancement strategy on the quality and value of extension patent (可拓专利质量与价值提升的策略)”. 

Mr. Yin briefed the stages of four steps of extension innovation method from modeling to extension to transformation and then selection.  He use four different terms to explain that were Innovation Element, Intelligence Region, Strategy Matrix and Extension Distance. 

Finally, Mr. Yin shared the strategy for preparing patent application document.

Dr. Sun Yongwei (孙永伟博士) was the eleventh speaker and his topic named “An Study on the Position of Extenics in the R&D Method System (可拓学在研发方法体系中的定位探讨)”.

Firstly Dr. Sun explained the R&D method pyramid system from project level to process level to R&D strategic level and then to corporate development strategic level.

Finally, Dr. Sun suggested that we needed to positioning the Extenics and found its advantage and disadvantage.  It had better integrated with other R&D methodology so as to complement each other. More trainers need to be trained. 

The twelfth speaker was Prof. Hong Zhenting (洪振挺教授) and his presentation topic was “Extensible innovation model of talent cooperation training in the Tus College of Digit (启迪数字学院人才合作培养的可拓创新模式)”.

Prof. Hong explained how to employ basic-element theory to integrate resource for multi development in collaboration in both academic and industry.

The last speaker was Mr. Mo Shuangqing (么双庆高级经济师) and his presentation entitled “Extension Governance Method for Contradictions in Business Management (企业经营管理中矛盾问题可拓治理方法)”. 

Then Mr. Mo briefed extension concept and transformation in business management.


HKSQ - http://www.hksq.org/index.asp

Extenics (可拓學) - http://extenics.gdut.edu.cn/

Research Institute of Extenics and Innovation Methods, GDUT (廣東工業大學可拓學與創新方法研究所) - http://extenics.gdut.edu.cn/info/1041/1302.htm

Guangdong University of Technology (廣東工業大學) - http://www.gdut.edu.cn/

全国第17届可拓学年会于2021812-15日在线上成功举办 - https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/f6O6i0DDqbGdb_Eim5Xd-A

20210813: Extension Innovation Method Training Course (可拓创新方法培训班) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2021/08/extension-innovation-method-training.html

20210814: The 17th Extenics Annual Meeting (全国第17届可拓学年会) Day 1 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2021/08/the-17th-extenics-annual-meeting-17-day.html

20210815: The 17th Extenics Annual Meeting (全国第17届可拓学年会) Day 2: AI Frontier Forum (人工智能前沿论坛) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2021/08/the-17th-extenics-annual-meeting-17-day_15.html

20210815: The 17th Extenics Annual Meeting (全国第17届可拓学年会) Day 2: Sharing Session & Closing (论文分组交流及闭幕) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2021/08/the-17th-extenics-annual-meeting-17-day_60.html

Previous Extenics Annual Meeting activities:

20160810: Pre-Extenics Annual Meeting (全國第15屆可拓學年會) Extenics Level 1 Exam - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2016/08/pre-extenics-annual-meeting-15-extenics.html

20160811: The 15th Annual Meeting of the Extenics (全國第15屆可拓學年會) Day 1 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2016/08/the-15th-annual-meeting-of-extenics-15.html

20160812: The 15th Annual Meeting of the Extenics (全國第15屆可拓學年會) Day 2 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2016/08/the-15th-annual-meeting-of-extenics-15_12.html

20180818: The 16th Annual Meeting of the Extenics (全國第16屆可拓學年會) Day 1 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2018/08/the-16th-annual-meeting-of-extenics-16.html

20180818: Committee Meeting of Extenics Society, CAAI and Work Meeting of Research Institute of Extenics and Innovation Methods - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2018/08/committee-meeting-of-extenics-society.html

20180819: The 16th Annual Meeting of the Extenics (全國第16屆可拓學年會) Day 2 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2018/08/the-16th-annual-meeting-of-extenics-16_19.html

2020年可拓学云论坛”通知 - https://extenics.gdut.edu.cn/info/1049/2840.htm

2020年可拓学云论坛”日程安排 - https://extenics.gdut.edu.cn/info/1049/2830.htm



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