The 4th
Summit of pre-World Alliance for Chinese Quality (WACQ) (全球華人品質峰會) was organized by WACQ and CAQ
which held together with “The Commemorative Congress of the 40th Anniversary of
China Quality Association and TQM Promotion” (全面質量管理推進暨中國質量協會成立40週年紀念大會) from 27th to 31th
Aug 2019. The schedule arranged i)
registration on 27th Aug, ii) Attend the Commemorative Congress of
the 40th anniversary of CAQ and technical visit on 28th
Aug, iii) pre-WACQ Summit on 29th Aug, iv) Technical visit in
Taiyuan and pre-WACQ working meeting on 30th Aug and v) Chinese
culture tour from 31st Aug to 1st Sep. The founding
members of Pre-World Alliance for Chinese included China Association for Quality (CAQ), Chinese
Society for Quality (CSQ), Hong Kong Society for Quality (HKSQ) and Singapore
Quality Institute (SQI). This Alliance
was established after the 3rd Chinese Quality Forum (CQF) in Beijing
in 2015. Before the summit, Minda and I
took a photo in front of banner for memory.

representatives and CAQ members took a group photo.
Mr. Li Gaoshuai (李高帥) (CAQ), Ms.
Duan Yihong (段一泓) (CAQ), Dr. Duan Yonggang (段永剛) (CAQ), Dr. Lotto Lai (HKSQ), Mr. Jia fuxing (賈福興) (CAQ), Mr. Tan Gheng Een (陳敬賢) (SQI), Prof.
Ching-Chow Yang (楊錦洲) (CSQ), Ms. Gao Xiuyan (高秀燕) (CAQ), Ms. Wang Lin (王琳) (CAQ), Dr. Lin Chang (林暢) (MQMA), Ms. Wang Lilin (王麗林) (CAQ) and Prof. TN Goh (吳桐毅) (SQI))
Then I
took a photo with Mr. Jia fuxing (賈福興) (Chairman, CAQ). Since WACQ
logo was designed by HKSQ, I explained my idea for WACQ logo design that the
earth background means the World, the Chinese characters “華人” and the outline like “Q”
indicating Chinese Quality.
Ms. Wang
Lin (王琳) (Deputy
Secretary General, CAQ) was MC in the morning session.
In the beginning,
Mr. Jia fuxing (賈福興) (Chairman, CAQ) gave welcome
speech. He expected the Summit of pre-World Alliance for Chinese Quality (WACQ) (全球華人品質峰會) to enhance the recognition on
Chinese culture and enhancing the power of Chinese Quality.
Ching-Chow Yang (楊錦洲)
(Chairman, CSQ) gave guest speech. He
reviewed the development of pre-WACQ from Chinese Quality Forum since 2012, as
well as, quality development in Taiwan.
Prof. Yang hoped that pre-WACQ members would be enlarged in near future.
Lotto Lai (黎劍虹) (Chairman, HKSQ) represented HKSQ to give guest speech. He briefed the quality movement in Hong Kong
from the era of quality awareness to continual improvement and then to TQM and
quality innovation. Finally, he shared
his prospective that to develop QMS based Innovation Management, promoting the
China original discipline “Extenics” for innovation, cooperation with Shenzhen
for innovation and technology industry, as well as, promoting quality
innovation to Belt and Road.
Mr. Tan Gheng Een (陳敬賢) (Chairman, SQI) gave an opening
remark and he congratulated for the 40th anniversary of CAQ in the
beginning. He also shared Singapore
service quality and quality management.
The sharing session started and we all learnt from each
Aaron Tong led his team members (TQM Consultants Co. Ltd.) to join pre-WACQ
first keynote speaker was Mr. Pan Yinsheng (潘銀生) (大亞灣核電運營管理有限責任公司黨委書記、總經理) who was awardee of China Outstanding
Quality Professional (中國傑出質量人) 2019 and his topic entitled “Practice the truth, quality in the East”
(實踐出真知,品質看東方). Firstly, he quoted Peter Drucker that
“Management is practice but not only knowledge. Verification is not from logic
but result. The only authority is