
Visit to Tsz Shan Monastery (慈山寺)

Minda and I with Father-in-law, Mother-in-law, Minda’s brother as well as Uncle from USA visited Tsz Shan Monastery (慈山寺) on 21st May 2019. Minda online booked for visiting to Tsz Shan Monastery (慈山寺) and it needs at least one month ago.  Minda and I took a photo in front of Guanyin icon(觀音聖像).

We gathered in front of the entry of Tsz Shan Monastery.  We arrived on time (booking time) and checked the booking email as well as booker’s HKID.

Then we all got the visitor pass.

A family photo took in front of Guanyin icon and temple.  The temple named Universal Gate Hall (普門) in which we could write the Buddha Bible for 45 min.  Universal Gate Hall is the second great hall of Monastery.

And then we went to the Guanyin icon and took a photo again.

In front of the Guanyin icon, we observed a Bronze Otter, named "Thousands of places" (千處應).  

It has a custom to put water from the temple side into the Bronze Otter. They called it as Water Supply (供水). It is one kind of meditation by focusing on every step with cup of water that aims to clear your mind and find your nature.  It is about 100m between water supply area to the Bronze Otter.

After that we visited the Guanyin icon closely.

The pearl means wishful and the bottle contained water to washing your mind.  

We went down and took a photo again.

At 2:00pm, Tsz Shan Monastery Buddhist Art Museum opened and we visited the museum.  All bags needed to place into locker.

In the beginning, we watched a video to introduce Buddha.

A guide led us to visit the sculptures and explained those history.  All the real and original sculptures.

A rock sculpture 

Kṣitigarbha (地藏菩薩) sculpture come from Japan.

Limestone with vows, guide said most people were illiteracy at that time and were not able to read the vows.  Therefore, they walked around the limestone as they read it.  The light reflected people walked around the limestone so that it was designed to illustrate in all dimension.

Buddha sleeping sculpture

Finally, we went back to Daxiong Hall (大雄寶殿) which was the main hall for Buddha.

Inside the hall, it had three big and two smaller golden Buddha.

We passed the Buddhist Library (藏經閣).  We wondered why Guan Yu (關公) sculpture was inside.

Lastly, we enjoyed free coffee and cake.

Tsz Shan Monastery (慈山寺) - https://www.tszshan.org/home/new/zh-hk/index.php
20181115: Visit to Hong KongZhuhaiMacau Bridge (港珠澳大橋) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2018/11/visit-to-hong-kongzhuhaimacau-bridge.html



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