
Mainland and Hong Kong Frontier Discipline Development Forum - Digital Transformation and Innovation in Manufacturing (内地与香港前沿学科发展论坛:制造业数字化转型与创新) (Part 2)

I was honor to be invited as one of guest speakers for the Mainland and Hong Kong Frontier Discipline Development Forum - Digital Transformation and Innovation in Manufacturing (内地与香港前沿学科发展论坛:制造业数字化转型与创新) which was coorganized by National Natural Science Foundation of China (国家自然科学基金委员会) and Beijing – Hong Kong Academic Exchange Centre (京港学术交流中心), and undertook by Guangdong University of Technology (广东工业大学) from 29th to 30th Nov 2018.  I took a photo in front of the banner.

During two days forum, I met many professors and professional.  Some photos were taken for memory below.
Prof. Huang Guo Quan (黄国全) (香港大学) (Chair Professor, Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering, HKU) and I were IISE Whatsapp group members.  

 Prof. CHEN Youhua Frank (陈友华) (香港城市大学) (Department of Management Science, CityU) who knew my EngD supervisor Dr. KS Chin. 

Photo with Prof. Xie Weihong (谢卫红) (广东工业大学科技处副处长).

 Photo with Prof. Helen S Du (杜松华) (广东工业大学) (School of Management, GDUT).

Photo with Prof. Wei Qiang (卫强) (清华大学) (Tsinghua University).

I also met Ms. Lydia Lin (Head, Division of Science and Technology, Bejing-Hong Kong Academic Exchange Centre) who knew Dr. Aaron Tong - Former Chairman of HKSQ.  

I also took a photo with Dr. Ren Shuyun, Shara (任淑云) (香港理工大学) (middle) and Dr. Guo Yujuan, Alice (郭玉娟) (香港理工大学) (left).

In the beginning, Prof. Li Weining (李卫宁) (华南理工大学) (South China University of Technology) was session chair and introduced speakers. 

The first speaker was Ms. Xiang Xiaomei (向晓梅) (广东省社科院产业经济研究所) and her presentation topic entitled “Research on Industrial Synergy Development in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area” (粤港澳大湾区产业协同发展研究). 

Firstly, she briefed three new industries development in the Greater Bay Area included Digitalization, Robotic and E-commercial.   

Then Ms. Xiang mentioned the advantage of industrial synergy in Greater Bay Area.

At the end, she discussed the system and mechanism innovation in Greater Bay Area included Free Trade, Trade Barrier, Cross boundary industry cooperation and talent exchange. 

The second speaker was Prof. Helen S Du (杜松华) (广东工业大学) (School of Management, GDUT) and her topic named “Achieving Mobile Social Media Popularity to Enhance Customer Acquisition: Cases from P2P Lending Firms” (企业移动社交媒体知名度与其客户获取能力关系的实证研究:以P2P企业微信公众号为例).  

In the beginning, Prof. Du briefed the mobile social media and its popularity definition that the number of users (e.g. followers), views, comments and likes, and/or re-posts on a mobile platform (移动社交媒体知名 = 流量).  Then she mentioned her research questions “RQ1: Whether and to what extent the poplarity of a firm’s mobile social media platform is associated with its customer acquisition?  and RQ2: What (designable) factors affect the popularity of a firm’s mobile social media platform?”  She studied in two aspects named Inter-personal level and Intra-personal level.

Finally, Prof. Helen S Du shared her research model and results, indicating that there had positive proportional relationship between Mobile social media and Customer acquisition.  Content freshness had higher relationship to Mobile social media than source credibility and Application utility.  Since the coefficient was low, more cognitive cues or other influence factors should be considered into the current research. 

Dr. Ren Shuyun, Shara (任淑云) (香港理工大学) was the fourth speaker and her presentation entitled “Digital Transformation and Innovation of Local Fashion Industry” (本土时尚产业的数字化转型与创新).  She said market prediction on fashion industry was very important and the customer behavior changed to more and more personalization. 

Dr. Ren raised an example about men T-shirt and using Big Data to analysis.  She found that the most frequency word was Husband (老公) indicating that wife searched much for her husband’s T-shirt.  Therefore, women’s view would be more important than men’s view. 

Finally, she discussed the inventory management with the model used by Ayilian (阿依蓮).

Dr. Guo Yujuan, Alice (郭玉娟) (香港理工大学) was the last speaker and her topic named “Do customers’ opinions affect companies’ performance? The impact of customer participation in social media on customer satisfaction and firm reputation” (顾客的意见是否会影响公司的业绩?一项关于顾客参与社交媒体对公司顾客满意度以及公司声誉影响的实证研究).

Firstly Dr. Alice Guo briefed the impact of customer participation in social media and using Starbuck and McDonald as case for discussion.

Finally, Dr. Alice Guo described her research methodology using Dynamic Panel Data Model (DPD model) and got implications.  Theoretically, the customer co-creation mechanism was verified by using secondary data in the social media environment. Practically, it called for operations managers to make use of customers’ opinions on the social media platform. 

At the end, Prof. Xie Weihong (谢卫红) (广东工业大学科技处副处长) chaired the discussion panel and we exchanged ideas with professors and their students very well. 

After the lunch, it had technical visit to Midea factory.  It was pity that I needed to go back to Hong Kong for chair the HKSQ seminar at that night.  When I returned to station, I passed the Sun Yat-sen Memorial and took some photos for memory.

Since day 1 had two parallel sessions, I presented and joined the session 1.  The session 2 topics and speakers are recorded as follows.
Parallel Session 2: Digital innovation driven by Big Data (基于大数据驱动的数字化创新)
1.      廖少毅 (香港城市大学) “人工智能和大数据分析技术在智慧医疗领域的研究与应用
2.      罗利 (四川大学) “大数据驱动的医疗健康服务工程研究
3.      张惠民 (香港中文大学) “物联网与大数据在运营管理中的应用
4.      吴俊杰 (北京航空航天大学) “大数据与用户分析
5.      张晓明 (香港浸会大学) “大数据分析中的非平衡学习
6.      赵文辉 (上海交通大学) “基于使用和年限的保修期下预防性维护策略设计

NSFC-国家自然科学基金委员会 - http://www.nsfc.gov.cn/
BHKAEC-京港学术交流中心 - http://www.bhkaec.org.hk/  
GDUT广东工业大学 - http://www.gdut.edu.cn/
20181129: Mainland and Hong Kong Frontier Discipline Development Forum - Digital Transformation and Innovation in Manufacturing (内地与香港前沿学科发展论坛:制造业数字化转型与创新) (Part 1) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2018/11/mainland-and-hong-kong-frontier.html

20181130: Mainland and Hong Kong Frontier Discipline Development Forum - Digital Transformation and Innovation in Manufacturing (内地与香港前沿学科发展论坛:制造业数字化转型与创新) (Part 2) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2018/11/mainland-and-hong-kong-frontier_30.html



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