
Visit to MIT Hong Kong Innovation Node

Today, I visited MIT Hong Kong Innovation Node after my lecture to CityU BEng SEM students and I met Ms. Angel Lai (Senior Manager, Industry Liaison) here.  We took a photo in from of MIT banner (in Chinese) for memory.

We discussed the cooperation and collaboration with CityU Apps Lab (Local student) and Hong Kong Society for Quality (Industry experts) for future events.  Ms. Angel Lai introduced their vision as follows:
-          To enrich the educational experiences of MIT and Hong Kong students, working together with others in the Hong Kong community, by creating new opportunities to study and practice methods of accelerated innovation.
-          To foster and champion innovation in academic, commercial, and social communities, both locally and globally, through the Node’s efforts in Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta.

Then I also introduced HKSQ service on local students including HKSQ Company-based Student Project Competition, Seminar/Visit, as well as, University course accreditation for CQE, SSGB, CQLabS, etc.

I had visited MIT during stated in Boston after ASQ World Conference in 2011.

MIT Hong Kong Innovation Node - https://hkinnovationnode.mit.edu/
CityU Apps Lab (CAL) - http://appslab.hk/
HKSQ - http://www.hksq.org/index.asp
HKSQ Company Based Student Project Competition - http://www.hksq.org/company_based_competition.htm
20170924: MIT Hong Kong Innovation Node Opens Doors for Innovators in Hong Kong - https://hkinnovationnode.mit.edu/2017/09/24/mit-hong-kong-innovation-node-opens-doors-innovators-hong-kong/
20110529: USA Trip after ASQ World Conference (Visited MIT) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2011/05/usa-trip-after-asq-world-conference.html



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