
HKIE Seminar on Chinese Traditional Wise on Environment Assessment (堪輿學與環境學 2018)

The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) organized the Seminar named “Geomancy ( fung - shui ) Geography and Environics” (堪輿學與環境學 2018) on 26th Feb 2018. The seminar aimed to explain what is divination and its relationship with engineering (講解何謂術數及術數中與工程學有關之學術與硏究).  Since it is very difficult to translate into English, I summarized it using some Chinese below.

The guest speaker was Ms. Lai (黎曉日女士) and she had learnt divination from the gurus named “陳萬宜老師”.  She shared this seminar to HKIE annually since 2009.

春牛圖 (Spring Cow Picture)
Firstly, Ms. Lai showed the Spring Cow Picture in 2016, 2017 and 2018 with the farmer who was old man, young man and boy, respectively.  They related to 12 Chinese Zodiac (12生肖).
Old man: Dog (), Dragon (), Ox (), Sheep ()
Young man: Rat (), Horse (), Hare (), Rooster ()
Boy: Tiger (), Monkey (), Snake (), Pig ()
She explained the inflation would be serious in 2018.

地母經 (Bible of Mother of Land)
It was similar to the Spring Cow Picture but more details. 

廿四氣節 (24 Solar Terms)
She said the last year was double Spring (雙春兼閏月) and this year still had Spring (Not missing) based on Lunar calendar.  三伏天 – three days which were very hot!

八卦圖 (Bagua map)
Ms. Lai asked us only to focus on the four corners.  Those directions related to good luck or bad luck.  They were 蠶室 – Bad; 奏書 – Good; 力士 – Bad; and 博士 – Good.

堪輿學與商業室內設計 (geomancy and commercial interior design)
To use HKEx as example, the circle indicated Good () and red floor meant Fire ().  The whole combination was good (Chinese named 丁火練庚金).
But the new museum was found light gold words with grey white background that was not good.(淺金字灰白色背景, 叫做: 水冷金寒無得做!)

紫微斗數Chinese Astrology ZI Wei Dou Shu
She used Zi Wei Dou Shu to predict the coming month issues in 2018. 

飛星圖 (Meteor map)

太歲表 (Tai Sui Table)
Some of 12 Chinese Zodiac would be conflict with Tai Sui, so people suggested to wear some kind of jade to solve it.

Finally, Ms. Lai selected some good land for her study.  

One of examples was showed that developer had used fung – shui to design the estate and the diagram showed the ‘Gold Dragon Spit Pearl’ (金龍吐珠).

Many people attended the seminar and discussed afterward.




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