Mr. CP Chow (Former Chairman, HKSQ) (CP) was our tour guide and explained the travel agenda.
The walking path was explained as the following map.
Then we took some photos for memory.
Lei Yue Mun Seafood District
CP explained the history about Ling Nam Sun Tsuen. We located at the public toilet.
Then we saw a temple named 華嚴閣.
Church was found and it was a primary school in the past.
Next location named明照堂.
Old Mailbox (郵筒)
Well (水井)
Then we passed the restaurant which we had dinner for Post-ANQ Congress Networking and Ceremony on 4th Aug 2012.
We visited Tin Hau Temple (天后廟).
And saw many Stone Words.
We saw a large Cruises led by Pilot. CP said the Pilot had flag with white and red in color.
We needed to pass a narrow path to go to the other side. Peter was enough slim to pass it.
CP explained the rock milling history to us.
We went to the shore.
Backward path we overcame.
We went to the edge rock.
The rock numbered D23 and with different stories but no one knew the actual meaning.
Minda and I took a photo in front of the lighthouse.
The lighthouse was the last location of this walk in which many people shopped goods and product to China during Korea War in the past.
(韓戰爆發,港英殖民地政府加入對中國大陸實施禁運的行列,銅鐵、藥物、紡織品等物資一律嚴禁運往內地,中港之間正常貿易幾近停頓,卻造就了擁有船隊的霍英東(Mr. Henry Fok)、曹文錦等港商,經營偷運物資生意致富。( ))
CP hoped that HKSQ members could learn / understand more about unique and valuable heritage in different part of Hong Kong.
1 則留言:
wow, nice info,nice blog succes for you