Mr. Peter Fung (Chairman, HKSQ) held the Extra
General Meeting on 29 Jan 2016. It aimed
to handle the cutoff date of finance reports for coming years. After the adoption of new arrangement, the account
reported on each financial year and the finance report would be approved in AGM
in Jun/Jul.
Mr. Karson Chiu (Treasurer, HKSQ) reported the last
year financial report and concluded HKSQ had health finance performance.
Then we held the HKSQ Exco meeting to discussion different items.
Ms. Angela Wong (Vice-chairman, HKSQ) reported the
progress of HKSQ 30th Anniversary Book.
Then we also discussed the formation rule of World Alliance
for Chinese Quality (WACQ) and the first summit of WACQ in Hong Kong and venue
in CityU which would be held on 8 July 2016.