After Mr. To Cheung (Chairman, WTIA) welcome speech, all representatives of organizers, sponsor companies and supporting organizations were taken a group photo.
The first speaker was Mr. Leon Lai (Director, Overseas Business & Operations, 淘寶網) and his topic named “How to market using mainland’s B2C platform”
Mr. Leon Lai introduced the market of online trade in China and showed the annual transaction of from 2008 to 2010. It was increasing doubly.
The geographical distribution of online trade in China was also introduced. Obviously, coastal cities had higher percentage but some inland cities such as Sichuan (四川) and Hubei (湖北) were also had high percentage.
Then Mr. Leon Lai briefed was the largest online trade platform in Asia. It had 370M registered members, 60M visits per day and 48000 goods sell per minute. There were three platforms from TaoBao included (淘寶網), (淘寶商城) and (一淘). Mr. Leon Lai focused on that had established since 2008 and briefed the foundation requirement to become shop in
The second speaker was Mr. Joseph Chan (CEO of AsiaPay Limited) and his topic was “Unleash China Market with Online Payment”.
Firstly, Mr. Joseph Chan introduced the online trade scale in China and its growth rate.
Then he mentioned there were 73% users paid online but the most concerned item was security.
The trends of online payment was discussed and UPOP from China Unionpay was mentioned.
Finally, Mr. Chan introduced AsiaPay which established in Hong Kong since 2000 and they provided a payment solution through online platform. The details processes were shown below.
Ms. Salina Ghafur (Head of Marketing, SINA HK Limited 新浪微博) was the third speaker and her presentation title was “Maximize Your Brand Power with SINA Weibo”.
Ms. Salina Ghafur introduced what is Weibo which was a microblog in Chinese version. Moreover, Weibo could through mobile apps to attain and spread the news and information instantly.
Until Nov 2011, SINA Weibo had 250M users and more than 50,000 corporate accounts, as well as, 86M Weibo posts per day. There were six types of participants in Weibo included Celebrities, Media, Government, General User, Entrepreneurs and Corporates.
The Customized Interface of SINA Weibo of Enterprise Page was introduced and it was found as powerful as Blog!
At the end, Salina introduced the different channel of SINA Weibo in Hong Kong.
The fourth speaker was Mr. Arthur Chang, (Founder and CEO, Marco Polo E-commerce (Holding) Ltd.) and his topic entitled “Successful Case Sharing: Selling Cosmetics Online in China, Opportunities and Challenges”.
The online B2C Cosmetic / Skin Care market was briefed and it was huge in China.
Market Challenges were the brand and customer trust. Therefore, they targeted quality customer.
Mr. Chang summarized Critical Success Factors included Branded E-Commerce Platform, Merchandising, Online Marketing, Secure Shopping, Payment Processing, Warehousing & Delivery, Customer Service and Measurement & Optimization.
Discussion Panel and Q&A Session (Morning)
Before lunch, Hong Kong ICT Awards 2012 was mentioned and separated into four award streams which included Digital Media Marketing Campaign, Mobile Enterprise Solution, Mobile Infotainment Application and Mobile Publishing
Mr. Alan Lau (Partner, Greater China Head, Technology, Media, Telecom Practice, McKinsey & Company, Inc. Hong Kong) was the sixth speaker and his presentation was “Where are Chinese consumers spending their time and money on the Internet?”
Mr. Alan Lau said the future trend of China internet would be in four directions. They were Social Network, Online Game, E-commerce and Mobile Online. Then he introduced McKinsey survey result named “iConsumer”.
It was found that 2/3 income of Social Networking Services (SNS) come from online game virtual items and e-commerce.
Another finding was 2/3 people change a new game per week. Moreover, two games (in average) were installed in the mobile per people.
The online trade delivery time was found to exceed the customer expectation.
The sixth speaker was Mr. Charlse Liu (Senior Project Manager, BestIn Operation Centre/China Telecom (Hong Kong) International Ltd.) and his topic named “Extended the Mainland China domestic market through independent travel (自由行) to Hong Kong”.
Mr. Liu said there were two choices if you want to enter China domestic market. One was to set up a shop in China and the other was to let China customer to buy your product in Hong Kong. Therefore, independent travel (自由行) to Hong Kong was a business chance.
Then Mr. Liu briefed six methods to promote SME’s product through BestIn online platform for independent travel (自由行) to Hong Kong.
The seventh speaker was Ms. Cat Fu (Key Account Manager, Baidu, Inc. 百度) and her topic entitled “The Ways to Marketing Effectively”.
In the beginning, Ms. Cat Fu briefed the significant increase of people online from 2001 to 2011.
Internet user’s behavior was changed to be more diversity such as online trade, video, SNS, microblog, group sell, etc.
Baidu was not only searching but also had data analysis. Moreover, Baidu used integrating approach in their service.
Mr. Norman Tam (Head of Hong Kong Office, International Business Group, Tencent Holdings Limited 騰訊) and his presentation named “The Mobile Instant Messenger Market”.
Firstly, Mr. Tam introduced the different platform of Tencent in QQ IM.
Then he analyzed Kakao Talk in Korea and its business model.
Weixin (微信) was developed by Tencent to share every moment through mobile.
One of cases was shared using Weixin for promotion (i.e. Chow Tai Fook)
Discussion Panel and Q&A Session (Afternoon)
Many participants were exchanged ideas about digital media marketing.
Hong Kong Wireless Technology Industry Association (WTIA) -
Hong Kong ICT Awards 2012 -