The objectives of this workshop are:
i) To invite and gather Hong Kong government departments to express their wills, demands and the related guidelines for deploying energy-efficient LED-lighting products, including the experience of LED-lighting practice shared by China;
ii) To invite several R&D Centers/Associations/Organizations to report their roles for providing the LED-lighting related supports;
iii) To invite and gather industries to voice out the issues and their demands about the government guidelines and incentive supports for commercialization.
The workshop was summarized below.
The first speaker was Ms. Katharine CHOI (Principal Assistant Secretary for the Environment (Energy), Environment Bureau) and her speech named “The Government Policy on LED Lighting and Environment Protection”.

She briefed government policy on energy and some public consultation with NGO and considered renewal energy for power station. On LED efficiency, she mentioned EMSD studying the energy efficiency label scheme for LED lamp.
She briefed government policy on energy and some public consultation with NGO and considered renewal energy for power station. On LED efficiency, she mentioned EMSD studying the energy efficiency label scheme for LED lamp.
The second speaker was Ir. Wing-ip HO (Sr. Bldg Services Engineer, Housing Department) and his topic entitled “Lighting and Energy in Public Rental Housing”.

His topic included six sections:
i) Electricity Consumed by Residential Sector (26% increase from 1997 to 2007, or 2.6% per annum)
ii) Electricity Consumed by HA Existing Buildings (494gWh; Average 808kWh/Flat)
iii) Electricity Consumed by HA New Buildings (476,332kWh per annum; 596kWh/Flat per annum; where 264,799kWh due to Lighting)
iv) Lighting at HA New Buildings
v) Lighting at HA Buildings History
vi) Lighting at HA Future Buildings
Electricity Consumed by HA Existing Buildings was reducing.

55% of Electricity Consumed by HA New Buildings was from Lighting.

2 Level Lighting System at HA New Buildings

Ir. Ho stated the four prerequisites lighting at HA future buildings included User-friendly, Environmentally friendly, Energy Saving and Pay back. Moreover, the future buildings directions would be to adopt “2-Level Lighting System”, employ new bulkhead lighting fitted with LED lamp. So it could save at least 20% of electricity. Finally, he concluded that “Energy saving is not an option, it’s an obligation”.
The third speaker was Mr. BS YEUNG (Sr. Manager, ITC) and his presentation named “Funding Support Schemes for LED Lighting.

Mr. Yeung introduced the Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF) which was established in November 1999. There were four funding programmes below.
i) Innovation and Technology Support Programme (ITSP)
ii) University-Industry Collaboration Programme (UICP)
iii) General Support Programme (GSP)
iv) Small Entrepreneur Research Assistant Programme (SERAP)

R&D Cash Rebate Scheme was launched on 1st April 2010. Mr. Yeung explained that the cash rebate equivalent to 10% of a company’s expenditure in ITF projects or Partnership projects.
After tea break, our Honorable Guest (Ms. Janet Wong) arrived HKSTP. (Her car was observed – AM88)

Ms. Janet Wong (Commissioner, ITC) gave her speech. She introduced the role of government in Innovation and Technology. Then she briefed ITC history and structure.

Ms. Wong introduced all R&D Centers under ITC.

She mentioned the liaison with key players for LED lighting.

Some projects about LED lighting were briefed such as bulk head lighting in housing estates under Housing Department, Street lighting on streets under Highway Department, and Street lighting on streets in HKSTP.

After the speech, a group photo was taken.

The fifth speaker was Ms. Ling WU (Director, China Solid State Lighting National Office) and her topic was “China LED Lighting Practice”. Ms. Wu introduced the SSL importance for and status in China.

There were three factors about SSL including Sustainable Economic Development, Energy & Environment Strategy and Cultivate Emerging Strategic Industries.

In 2009, approximate 36% of LED packaging production in world market. Market growth rate was about 40% in 2009. It was found the major application was architectural lighting.

The following photos showed some case for LED application.

Finally, she briefed China Solid State Lighting Alliance (CSA) which supported the development of government policy and strategy on SSL technology and industry, managed national SSL related R&D programs, and coordinated technical specification and standard development.
Prof. Tongsheng MOU (Zhejiang University, China) was the sixth speaker and his topic was “Update of Testing Standards for LED Lighting Industry”. Prof. Mou introduced the standardization of LED Products and the development of testing and measurement.

Energy Star testing requirement showed as follow.

There were two organizations for standardization of LED Products.
· IEC – International Electrotechnical Commission “Industrial standards”
· CIE – Commission Internationale de I’Eclairage “Technical Reports” – Recommendation.

There some standards related to LED.
IEC 62031:2008
- LED modules for general lighting – Safety specifications
IEC 62560
- Self-ballasted LED-lamps for general lighting services > 50V – Safety specifications
IEC 60061-1 Amd 32 – Caps
IEC 60061-2 Amd 29 – Holders
IEC 60061-3 Amd 31 – Gauges
IEC 60838-2-2:2006
- Miscellaneous lampholders – Part 2-2: Particular requirements – Connectors for LED modules
IEC 61347-2-13:2006
- Lamp controlgear – Part 2-13: Particular requirements for d.c. or a.c. supplied electronic controlgear for LED modules
For LED Luminaires, IEC 60595-1 and serial documents related to safety and particular requirements.
IEC TC76 Photobiological Safety worked for IEC 60825-1 and considered the photobiological safety of lamps and lamp system (CIE S 009:2002 and IEC 62471:2006).
Prof. Mou mentioned the development of testing and measurements should be considered Optical Performance, Lifetime and Photobiological Safety.

He concluded the four key factors of LED were Efficiency, Comfortable, Healthy and Safe.
Prof. OnChing YUE (Science Advisor, ITC) was the moderator of Panel Discussion.

During Panel Discussion, Prof. KB Chan (Chairman, HKEIA) reported the progress of LED Task Force.

The objective of the task force is to foster cooperation and collaboration between the different organizations, to sparkle synergy, to formulate a strategy to move forward, and to develop substantial business model. A consensus was obtained that Hong Kong Government must take a leadership role in the LED technology field as follows:
i) to provide R&D funding
ii) to encourage application of LED lighting
iii) to formulate a long term policy
iv) to actively promote LED lighting
Prof. Chan reported this workshop was one of results in the Task Force. Other results were:
i) Industry work with ASTRI and HKSTP to build and install trial test street lamps in HKSTP.
ii) Start discussion on LED lighting for the next phase of HKSTP green buildings
iii) Meeting with various Government Department on their demand on LED lightings and started projects.
After lunch, the next session mainly focused on introduction of the roles of R&D Centers and Supporting Organization in Hong Kong
The first speaker was Dr. Sandy TO (Associate Director of Advanced Optics Manufacturing Centre, PolyU). Dr. To introduced the AOMC research work on LED.

LED Lighting system – Secondary lenses and Modeling of Freeform Illumination Optics were shown.

Dr. Enboa WU (Vice President & Group Director, ASTRI) was the second speaker and his presentation entitled “Overview of ASTRI LED Technologies and Commercialization Status”.

The following was ASTRI Vertical LED Chips and Wafers.

Commercialization of streetlamp in China

The third speaker was Mr. Raymond CHIU (Principal Consultant, HKPC) and he introduced HKPC and its LED solution.

Mr. Chiu said HKPC would be partnership with Hong Kong based and PRC based test laboratories to support LED Industry. Moreover, HKPC formed Hong Kong Solid State Lighting Industry Consortium (HKSSLIC) for this purpose.
The structure of HKSSLIC was shown below.
Ir. Peter YEUNG (Sr. Manager, HKSTP) was the fourth speaker and his topic entitled “An enabling platform for LED and Luminaries Testing in Hong Kong Science Park”.

Ir. Yeung introduced the support of LED device and module from optical testing to failure analysis.

Some key equipment for solid state lighting (SSL) were described.

Some collaboration were introduced such as testing platform with Guangzhou Research Institute of Optics-Mechanics-Electricity Technology and Laser/LED Safety testing development with the Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre Ltd.
The last speaker was Dr. Peter Lee (Chief Technology Officer, Nano and Advanced Materials Institue) and his topic named “Nano Materials & Technology Applications in LED”.

Dr. Lee said they focused on LED heat management, materials and device.
LED Thermal Management



Dr. Lee concluded nano materials and technologies were already in key parts of LED devices and wide range of opportunity in heat management, quantum dots and nano processing.
His topic included six sections:
i) Electricity Consumed by Residential Sector (26% increase from 1997 to 2007, or 2.6% per annum)
ii) Electricity Consumed by HA Existing Buildings (494gWh; Average 808kWh/Flat)
iii) Electricity Consumed by HA New Buildings (476,332kWh per annum; 596kWh/Flat per annum; where 264,799kWh due to Lighting)
iv) Lighting at HA New Buildings
v) Lighting at HA Buildings History
vi) Lighting at HA Future Buildings
Electricity Consumed by HA Existing Buildings was reducing.
55% of Electricity Consumed by HA New Buildings was from Lighting.
2 Level Lighting System at HA New Buildings
Ir. Ho stated the four prerequisites lighting at HA future buildings included User-friendly, Environmentally friendly, Energy Saving and Pay back. Moreover, the future buildings directions would be to adopt “2-Level Lighting System”, employ new bulkhead lighting fitted with LED lamp. So it could save at least 20% of electricity. Finally, he concluded that “Energy saving is not an option, it’s an obligation”.
The third speaker was Mr. BS YEUNG (Sr. Manager, ITC) and his presentation named “Funding Support Schemes for LED Lighting.
Mr. Yeung introduced the Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF) which was established in November 1999. There were four funding programmes below.
i) Innovation and Technology Support Programme (ITSP)
ii) University-Industry Collaboration Programme (UICP)
iii) General Support Programme (GSP)
iv) Small Entrepreneur Research Assistant Programme (SERAP)
R&D Cash Rebate Scheme was launched on 1st April 2010. Mr. Yeung explained that the cash rebate equivalent to 10% of a company’s expenditure in ITF projects or Partnership projects.
After tea break, our Honorable Guest (Ms. Janet Wong) arrived HKSTP. (Her car was observed – AM88)
Ms. Janet Wong (Commissioner, ITC) gave her speech. She introduced the role of government in Innovation and Technology. Then she briefed ITC history and structure.
Ms. Wong introduced all R&D Centers under ITC.
She mentioned the liaison with key players for LED lighting.
Some projects about LED lighting were briefed such as bulk head lighting in housing estates under Housing Department, Street lighting on streets under Highway Department, and Street lighting on streets in HKSTP.
After the speech, a group photo was taken.
The fifth speaker was Ms. Ling WU (Director, China Solid State Lighting National Office) and her topic was “China LED Lighting Practice”. Ms. Wu introduced the SSL importance for and status in China.
There were three factors about SSL including Sustainable Economic Development, Energy & Environment Strategy and Cultivate Emerging Strategic Industries.
In 2009, approximate 36% of LED packaging production in world market. Market growth rate was about 40% in 2009. It was found the major application was architectural lighting.
The following photos showed some case for LED application.
Finally, she briefed China Solid State Lighting Alliance (CSA) which supported the development of government policy and strategy on SSL technology and industry, managed national SSL related R&D programs, and coordinated technical specification and standard development.
Prof. Tongsheng MOU (Zhejiang University, China) was the sixth speaker and his topic was “Update of Testing Standards for LED Lighting Industry”. Prof. Mou introduced the standardization of LED Products and the development of testing and measurement.
Energy Star testing requirement showed as follow.
There were two organizations for standardization of LED Products.
· IEC – International Electrotechnical Commission “Industrial standards”
· CIE – Commission Internationale de I’Eclairage “Technical Reports” – Recommendation.
There some standards related to LED.
IEC 62031:2008
- LED modules for general lighting – Safety specifications
IEC 62560
- Self-ballasted LED-lamps for general lighting services > 50V – Safety specifications
IEC 60061-1 Amd 32 – Caps
IEC 60061-2 Amd 29 – Holders
IEC 60061-3 Amd 31 – Gauges
IEC 60838-2-2:2006
- Miscellaneous lampholders – Part 2-2: Particular requirements – Connectors for LED modules
IEC 61347-2-13:2006
- Lamp controlgear – Part 2-13: Particular requirements for d.c. or a.c. supplied electronic controlgear for LED modules
For LED Luminaires, IEC 60595-1 and serial documents related to safety and particular requirements.
IEC TC76 Photobiological Safety worked for IEC 60825-1 and considered the photobiological safety of lamps and lamp system (CIE S 009:2002 and IEC 62471:2006).
Prof. Mou mentioned the development of testing and measurements should be considered Optical Performance, Lifetime and Photobiological Safety.
He concluded the four key factors of LED were Efficiency, Comfortable, Healthy and Safe.
Prof. OnChing YUE (Science Advisor, ITC) was the moderator of Panel Discussion.
During Panel Discussion, Prof. KB Chan (Chairman, HKEIA) reported the progress of LED Task Force.
The objective of the task force is to foster cooperation and collaboration between the different organizations, to sparkle synergy, to formulate a strategy to move forward, and to develop substantial business model. A consensus was obtained that Hong Kong Government must take a leadership role in the LED technology field as follows:
i) to provide R&D funding
ii) to encourage application of LED lighting
iii) to formulate a long term policy
iv) to actively promote LED lighting
Prof. Chan reported this workshop was one of results in the Task Force. Other results were:
i) Industry work with ASTRI and HKSTP to build and install trial test street lamps in HKSTP.
ii) Start discussion on LED lighting for the next phase of HKSTP green buildings
iii) Meeting with various Government Department on their demand on LED lightings and started projects.
After lunch, the next session mainly focused on introduction of the roles of R&D Centers and Supporting Organization in Hong Kong
The first speaker was Dr. Sandy TO (Associate Director of Advanced Optics Manufacturing Centre, PolyU). Dr. To introduced the AOMC research work on LED.
LED Lighting system – Secondary lenses and Modeling of Freeform Illumination Optics were shown.
Dr. Enboa WU (Vice President & Group Director, ASTRI) was the second speaker and his presentation entitled “Overview of ASTRI LED Technologies and Commercialization Status”.
The following was ASTRI Vertical LED Chips and Wafers.
Commercialization of streetlamp in China
The third speaker was Mr. Raymond CHIU (Principal Consultant, HKPC) and he introduced HKPC and its LED solution.
Mr. Chiu said HKPC would be partnership with Hong Kong based and PRC based test laboratories to support LED Industry. Moreover, HKPC formed Hong Kong Solid State Lighting Industry Consortium (HKSSLIC) for this purpose.
The structure of HKSSLIC was shown below.
Ir. Peter YEUNG (Sr. Manager, HKSTP) was the fourth speaker and his topic entitled “An enabling platform for LED and Luminaries Testing in Hong Kong Science Park”.
Ir. Yeung introduced the support of LED device and module from optical testing to failure analysis.
Some key equipment for solid state lighting (SSL) were described.
Some collaboration were introduced such as testing platform with Guangzhou Research Institute of Optics-Mechanics-Electricity Technology and Laser/LED Safety testing development with the Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre Ltd.
The last speaker was Dr. Peter Lee (Chief Technology Officer, Nano and Advanced Materials Institue) and his topic named “Nano Materials & Technology Applications in LED”.
Dr. Lee said they focused on LED heat management, materials and device.
LED Thermal Management
Dr. Lee concluded nano materials and technologies were already in key parts of LED devices and wide range of opportunity in heat management, quantum dots and nano processing.
Cash Rebate Scheme: or
CSA – China International Forum on Solid State Lighting:
The Advanced Optics Manufacturing Centr:
HKSTP: and
Cash Rebate Scheme: or
CSA – China International Forum on Solid State Lighting:
The Advanced Optics Manufacturing Centr:
HKSTP: and