
HKSQ Technical Visit to ActiveCarePharmacy Medication Management Centre

Hong Kong Society for Quality (HKSQ) organized a technical visit to ActiveCarePharmacy Medication Management Centre (ACP MMC) at Fo Tan on 28th May 2015. American Society for Quality (ASQ-HK) was co-organized on this event. ACP MMC is a setting unique in Hong Kong in providing medication management for the elderly and also mentally challenged people living in long term care institutions. To enhance medication administration, ACP has also developed an iPad based App to ensure the right drugs are given to the right patient at the right time in an effective manner. ACP MMC’s operation is ISO9001:2008 certified, and has gained recognition by the Social Welfare Department to provide weekly packs of medicine to old age homes. The Centre’s work has become the first and only pharmacy to have received a grant from the Trade and Industrial Department, won a special mention at the Hong Kong ICT Awards 2013, and also bought its chief pharmacist the Leadership in Pharmacy Award by the Royal Pharmaceutical Society in 2013.

In the beginning, Mr. Peter SUEN (Pharmacist & Owner, ACP MMC) introduced their service vision and experience of running ACP MMC. Firstly, he presented that they were Community Pharmacists to provide a peace of mind to medication management in old age home. He introduced that Medicine field had two types of theories included Evident-based and Clinical-based medicine. Hardware of ACP MMC was SOP and ISO 9001 QMS and Software of ACP MMC was knowledge of pharmacist (professional experience and judgement).

Some background information had been shared such as 60-75% of elderly were healthy and around 25-35% under chronically ill, as well as, 2-10% were unstable disability. In hospital, about 20% of emergency room patients were medicine incidents. Moreover, Mr. Suen said Hong Kong had 1 million elder people but there were only 75k quota of old age home. It predicted that there had 2.5 million elder people in Hong Kong after 15 years. We faced a great problem that we need to change the service in order to avoid mis-medicine by-product which hurt elders.

Mr. Suen quoted Dalai Lama and Mahatma Gandhi that “Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them.” and “We muct become the change we want to see.” respectively. Mr. Suen said one of key problems were lack of manpower in old age home (e.g. Nurse). It is because of career path and work nature. He also mentioned that nurse had only 16hr for training about medicine and it was obviously not enough.

After overcome many difficulty, Mr. Suen established ACP MMC through self-owned property and registered premises. Since 2008, they had tailor-made elder home system (Hardware and Software) for medication management in Hong Kong. The sample was showed below.

Finally, Mr. Suen introduced their professional work included Medication Reconciliation, Review and Drug Stability. They found that most of drug was stable within 3 week in Hong Kong (under high humidity environment). He added all professional work must be carried out by the professional BEFORE drug administration. Their duty is to prevent mistakes! Moreover, they followed the “Practice Guidelines on the Provision of Dose Administration Aid Service by Community Pharmacists for Use in Residential Care Facilities in Hong Kong” by The Pharmaceutical Society of Hong Kong. He also quoted Ralph Waldo Emerson that “Do not go where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” They developed ID device using RFID for elders.

At the end of presentation, Mr. Suen told us his vision was developed “Dispensing Robot” to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency. Ms. Minda Chiang (Hon. Secretary, HKSQ) presented a flag to Mr. Peter Suen for his kindly hospitality and sharing.

We visited the production line in next floor.

We observed the different procedures from getting medicine through hospital or clinic and then separation within different package, prioritizing the sequence and packaging the drug, etc.

After the visit, Ms. Wendy MUI (Managing Director, ACP MMC) demonstrated how to distribute drugs to patient through the video in which also demonstrate the iPad application for identification of patient and recording the drug administration.

HKSQ members took a group photo at the end of visit.

HKSQ - http://www.hksq.org/
ActiveCareGroup - http://www.activecaregroup.com/



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