
Visit to DALI (大理) - DAY 2

After the HKSQ study mission to visit KUNMING Pharmaceutical Corp. (昆明制药集团股份有限公司) and YUNNAN University (雲南大学) from 24 to 27 June 2010. We stayed behind to visit Dali (大理) & Nujing (麗江).

On 29 June 2010, we visit the Chongeheng Temple’s Three Pagodas Park (崇聖寺三塔) in Dali (大理).
In the beginning, we took some photos of Three Pagodas.

We found the Inverted image of Three Pagodas in the lake.

Then we went into Buddha City (佛都).

The model of the whole Buddha City

We hired a travel car to go to the Main Temple (大雄寶殿).

Many Buddha (佛), Bodhisattva (菩薩) & Rohan (羅漢) were showed.

Mural(壁畫) about Buddha were found around the temple.

Then we walk down to Rohan Temple (羅漢堂).

So many Rohans with different characteristic were observed.

Outside the Temple

A Mercy Buddha Hall (觀音殿) was visited the next temple.

The Guanyin (觀音) was in man-kind.

Another Temple called Maitreya Temple(彌勒殿)

Maitreya Buddha (彌勒佛)

In King Hall (天王殿), we saw Four Diamond (四大金剛).

(Lute) 那個拿琵琶的,叫魔禮海。 (Sword) 那個拿寶劍的,叫魔禮青。

(Umbrella) 那個拿寶幡的「混元傘」,叫魔禮紅。 (Silk cord) 那個拿絹索的,叫魔禮壽。

One temple must be visited. It is God of Wealth (財神).


Hall of Medicine Buddha (藥師殿)

He should be a Pharmacist.

In the front door of Buddha City (佛都), we saw two Door-God (also called two Deva Kings (哼哈二將)).

We left and saw a Golden Bird.

We employed a minibus to go to NUJING (麗江). By the way, we visit ethnic minorities called White (白族).

It was a marriage ceremony show.

The chopsticks in the top of door mean to have a baby soon.

Different ethnic minorities wedding clothes were demonstrated.

The marriage ceremony show was performed.

The restaurant we used in the way of Nujing.

The whole table was made by Marble.

Through the Army Horse Farm, we went to Frontier Ancient Stockaded Village (邊陲古寨).

Indigenous live in here.

My wife and I played the indigenous drum.

Indigenous played fire.

One of indigenous carried I and then ran on fired metal plate. (Terrible!)

Indigenous God

White (白族) dancing

Then we went to hotel and observed many solar energy traffic lamps.

We arrived the Han San Ge Hotel which located in Li Jiang Old Town (麗江古城)

A nice room

We had a dinner in Black Goat.

A nice black goat hot pot



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