
Visit to NUJING (麗江) - DAY 3

After the HKSQ study mission to visit KUNMING Pharmaceutical Corp. (昆明制药集团股份有限公司) and YUNNAN University (雲南大学) from 24 to 27 June 2010. We stayed behind to visit Dali (大理) & Nujing (麗江).

We stayed in Nujing Old Town (麗江古城) on 30 June 2010.

It was a Large Water Tankers (大水車)

I took a photo in the top of old town.

I found a police electric car. (Very Environmental Friendly)

Dancing show was observed.

Group photo in the old town

Night photo and street view

Then we went to Black Dragon Pong (黑龍潭).

Some girls of ethnic minorities rested in the park.

The view of Black Dragon Pong

A temple called Solution Forest (解脫林). We called it Elmer Gantry (神棍) because the donation behavior seems to cheat for money rather than to respect Guanyin (觀音).

We met the Shuhe Ancient Town (束河古鎮) but without visit it.

A traffic accident was observed and it caused us to think about Fedex Overloaded advertisement. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psivbDHtHYk)

Then we had lunch in a restaurant.

One thing we learnt was how to use candle to drive flies away.

Mao Ze Dong Sculpture was found.

The next station was the Ancient Tea Horse Road (茶馬古道).

Old house for traveler

Chinese famous traveler (徐霞客) had visited here and the Pavilion used his name for memory (霞客亭).

We reached the small train station.

Saw a Guanyin Gorge (觀音峽)

Drum house

Across the wood bridge

People caught fish using a net.

We took a boat to go back to the start point of Ancient Tea Horse Road.

Photo was taken in aeroplane which flied from Nujing (麗江) to Dali (大理).

Photo was taken in aeroplane which arrived to Hong Kong on 1 July 2010 (Morning).

3 則留言:

L L 說...

Thank you for sharing, QA .

Hana 說...

Thank you for sharing, QA .x2



Quality Alchemist 說...

茶馬古道沒有馬騎, 這是古代用馬來運輸的必經之路.


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