
Visit to Jockey Club's Racing Laboratory for HKSQ Corporate Member

 Dr. Jane Wong (Chairman, HKSQ) invited Hong Kong Jockey Club’s Racing Laboratory in Shatin to HKSQ corporate member and HKSQ exco members visited the racing laboratory for presenting HKSQ Corporate Membership Certificate on16th April 2023. We took a photo with Dr. Emmie Ho (Chief Racing Chemist) for memory.

(Left: Dr. Mandict Wong, Dr. Jane Wong, Dr. Emmie Ho, Ms. Angela Wong and I)

In the beginning, Dr. Emmie Ho introduced the history and doping control test services of racing laboratory to us. 

When we went to the laboratory, we saw the achievement of the Proficiency Testing Program certificates issued by Association of Official Racing Chemists. 

We were in the staff rest area and saw the Kanban (signboard) demonstrated the current test sample situation.

Before entered the laboratory area, some historical photos about the racing laboratory.

We took a photo inside the laboratory.

We found that the laboratory is very considerable to their staff such as using sound reduction box for LC/MS vacuum pumps.

Mass samples preparation area was observed. And then we visited sample storage areas and drugs & standard areas.

After that we also took a photo with Emmie’s conference poster (It is TIAFT Young Scientist Awards – Best Poster Presentation!)

We took a photo in front of the paintings of famous Chinese painters for memory.

An interested paint was observed that Guanyin uses microscope.

Finally, we have lunch in the coffee shop inside the racing laboratory building.


20090705: Hong Kong Jockey Club's Racing Laboratory - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2009/07/hong-kong-jockey-clubs-racing.html

Other Visit to HKSQ Corporate Members:

20211122: Visit to HKSQ Corporate Member - ActiveCarePharmacy Limited - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2021/11/visit-to-hksq-corporate-member.html

20180424: Visit to Intertek (HK) for HKSQ Corporate Membership - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2018/04/visit-to-intertek-hk-for-hksq-corporate.html

20140608: Visit to LSG Sky Chefs for HKSQ Corporate Membership - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2014/06/visit-to-lsg-sky-chefs-for-hksq.html

20110423: Visit and Experience Exchange to HKSQ Corporate Member (TDK-EPC) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2011/04/visit-and-experience-exchange-to-hksq.html

20110403: HKSQ & CityU visit CMA Testing and Certification Laboratories Ltd. - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2011/04/hksq-cityu-visit-cma-testing-and.html



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