
Visit and Experience Exchange to HKSQ Corporate Member (TDK-EPC)

HKSQ executive committee members were invited to visit and exchange of quality experience to TDK-EPC HK Ltd., which was one of HKSQ corporate members and supported HKSQ Student Project Competition 2011, on 22 April 2011. We referred to “Hong Kong Industry Award – Quality and Productivity” which modified the Malcolm Baldrige Quality Award for this exercise. Hopefully, our comments could give some valuable suggestion for our corporate member continuous improvement.

Our team members had different industry background included Academic, Consultant, Laboratory, GMP pharmaceuticals, Semiconductor and Consumer product manufacturing.

We took a photo in front of TDK-EPC.

Management of TDK-EPC presented their system and then visited the factory.

During the visit, different processes were described and explained. So we understood their process in depth.

After that we had lunch outside. The local style meals were selected.

At the end, I presented the HKSQ Corporate Membership Plaque to Dr. Luk.

Then we took a group photo for memory.

One interested introspection statement was posted in the conference room.




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