
CityU BCH 30th Anniversary Dinner

In 2023, CityU BCHem is the 30th anniversary and we had a dinner on 20th April 2023. I would like to brief the history of BCHem as a remarkable memory. The Department of Applied Science was established in 1987 with four science disciplines namely Applied Biology, Applied Chemistry, Applied Physics and Materials Science. Then the Department of Applied Science (AP) was separated into Department of Biology and Chemistry (BCH) and Department of Physics and Materials Science (AP) in 1993. City Polytechnic of Hong Kong (CPHK) had upgraded to City University of Hong Kong (CityU) in 1994. After that BCH Dept. changed name to Department of Chemistry (CHEM) in 2017 and Department of Physics and Materials Science had already separated into Physics Dept. (PHY), and Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) Dept. In the beginning, I met Prof. Xin WANG (Head and Chair Professor of Electrochemistry), Dr. Richard CHEUNG (my teacher in BCH), Prof. C. S. LEE (Dean of CSCI) and Dr. Paul SHIN. We took a photo in front of the entry for memory. 

I met my classmate in HD Prof. Kenneth LEUNG and took a photo. He taught in HKU for many years and come back to CityU to be the immediately past department head in the department of Chemistry.

We also met the first BSc student in Applied Chemistry and took a photo for memory. I remember Ricky during the laboratory work and he is studied with Prof. TC Lau.

I met my student Ms. Ivory X. Yan (Associate, Agency & Execution, Middle Office Department, Asian Investment Banking Division) who studied my teaching course in the past named “Quality Management for Laboratory”. Many students I taught those went into finance section in Hong Kong.

I also met my senior classmate in HD in Applied Science Ms. Sophia Kong and her supervisor is Prof. TC Lau.

Then I met my HD classmate Eric and Mr. Benz Chan. Benz’s brother Mr. Bruce Chan is my colleague in Science Park under Technology Support Centre.

I also took a photo with Prof. Rudolf Wu Shiu-sun (Founding Director of the SKLMP) and Prof. Paul Lam Kwan-sing (President in HKMU). Paul Lam had taught me environment ecology.

I met my student in ADSE Mr. Liu Dongzhe, Books. He is a very active and energic students and a President of Hong Kong New Youth Association.

Before the dinner, all BCH members took a photo, I had taught for ten years part-time in the BCH department and to be Adjunct Professor in 2014-15 and lecturer in 2012-14 for MSc in Environmental Science and Technology (MScEST), as well as, trainer with HKSQ for Quality Management for Laboratory since 2005.

In table 6, I met Dr. Gallant KL Chan (CEO, Founder Director and Principal Scientist, Gallant Biotechnology Limited) and Mr. B.H. Lun (Senior M&E Manager – Project, Hongkong Land Limited). Gallant is entrepreneur and Mr. Lun studied MPhil in BCH and would like to study PhD in the future.

During the dinner, Prof. Rudolf Wu was invited to give a talk and he shared in the beginning to build the BCH laboratory.

Then Prof. Kenneth LEUNG gave appreciation to all teachers and participants.

And then all faculty members toast to all participants. 

I also met Prof. Lilian Vrijmoed Kwan who is expert in microbiology and fungi. I remembered she help government to check indoor air fungi during SAR in 2003.

Helen is in-charge BCH biology laboratory and we took a photo for memory. She was retired in this year. 

I am happy to meet Dr. Amos Cheng who I introduced to CLP laboratory for DGA test for chemist before he joined Government Laboratory. (https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2017/11/clp-power-qcc-convention-panel-interview.html )

I also took a photo with Prof. TC Lau and I appreciated him to introduce me to EPA Centre, EE Dept in 2000.

Dr. Richard YC Kong who will retire in this year and we took a photo for memory. He demonstrated our laboratory work when I studied HD.

Prof. Nora F. Y. TAM who also taught me during HD course and we met several time in head counter of government that she was member of the Consumer Council and I was committee member of HKQF-TIC and HKCTC Panel on Manpower Development. 

Photo with Dr. Paul K.S. Shin, I remembered that he is good friend of my supervisor Dr. Ronald Sequeira.

Dr. NB Wong taught me in applied physics under HD in Applied Science. 

Then department members took a photo with guest Prof. Wong Yuk-shan (Chairman, UGC).

Then we took a photo for memory and I shared that Nora and Vrijmoed’s laboratory report should be handed on next day at 12:00pm after the laboratory work. It is very hard when I was HD student.

Prof. Nora F. Y. TAM awarded the outstanding research grand award in the department and all her students took a photo together.

During dinner, electronic music show was performed. It is a new style for young generation.

Finally, Dr. Richard YC Kong sang a song and very professional!

Lastly, Prof. C. S. LEE and Helen joined Richard to sing a song together. We had a wonderful night and many memories come back.

Post event activities:
I found a seed as souvneir and my wife plant it.

Then it grows well.


Department of Chemistry, CityU - http://www.cityu.edu.hk/chem/

BCH related events

20181010: Meeting with BCH Junior Classmate in Science Park - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2018/10/meeting-with-bch-junior-classmate-in.html

20180308: The 1st CityU Innopreneurship meeting with HANDS 2018 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2018/03/the-1st-cityu-innopreneurship-meeting.html

20180127: Lunch with City Polytechnic of Hong Kong Cohorts - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2018/01/lunch-with-city-polytechnic-of-hong.html

20170808: CityU BCH Research Cohort visit Science Park Laboratories - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2017/08/cityu-bch-research-cohort-visit-science.html

20170705: HKSTP TecONE Investment Series Seminar and Visit IncuBio “HANDS” - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2017/07/hkstp-tecone-investment-series-seminar.html

20160201: HKSQ Seminar on Quality Water Supply from Source to Home - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2016/02/hksq-seminar-on-quality-water-supply.html

20141212: CityU BCH Christmas Party 2014 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2014/12/cityu-bch-christmas-party-2014.html

20130317: CityU BCH Graduate Mentoring Scheme - Career Talk 2013 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2013/03/cityu-bch-graduate-mentoring-scheme.html

20121020: CUBIC Life Science Group Tea Gathering - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2012/10/cubic-life-science-group-tea-gathering.html

20110323: Visit BCH Laboratories in City University of Hong Kong - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2011/03/visit-bch-laboratories-in-city.html

20091229: Certificate Course on “Quality Management for Laboratory” supported by HKSQ - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2009/12/certificate-course-on-quality.html

AP related events:

20160411: CityU APS Career Talk 2016 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2016/04/cityu-aps-career-talk-2016.html

20141123: CityU AP 25th Anniversary Homecoming - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2014/11/cityu-ap-25th-anniversary-homecoming.html

Related to BCH Supervisors:

20191214: Remember My Teacher Dr. CN Ng (Associate Professor, Dept. of Geography, HKU; Lecturer, City Polytechnic of Hong Kong) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2019/12/remember-my-teacher-dr-cn-ng-associate.html

20190127: Lunch with Dr. Ronald Sequeira and Mrs. Sequeira - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2019/01/lunch-with-dr-ronald-sequeira-and-mrs.html

20150111: ASQ InfVoices – Quality Inspiration from My First Research Supervisor - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2015/01/asq-infvoices-quality-inspiration-from.html

20140509: Dinner with Dr. Ronald Sequeira and Dr. Cathy Lee - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2014/05/dinner-with-dr-ronald-sequeira-and-dr.html

20101030: Lunch with Dr. Ronald Sequeira - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2010/10/lunch-with-dr-ronald-sequeira.html




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