
Seminar on Application Case Sharing of Supercomputer "Tianhe-2" in Artificial Intelligence - 超級電腦「 天河二號 」 在人工智 能 的應用案例分享會

Seminar on Application Case Sharing of Supercomputer "Tianhe-2"  in Artificial Intelligence (超級電腦「 天河二號 在人工智 的應用案例分享會) organized by the Guangzhou HKUST Fok Ying Tung Research Institute (廣州市香港科大霍英東研究院), co-organized by Department of Advanced Design and Systems Engineering (ADSE), CityU and CityU EngD Society, as well as, supported by Hong Kong Society for Quality (HKSQ), Hong Kong Chinese Institute of Engineers (HKCIE), HKPC and IETHK, held in CityU on 26th Apr 2023. Before the seminar, we met in the entry of CityU and took a photo. 

(Left: I, 孫亞強, Mr. Law (羅國強), Dr. Aaron Tong, Dr. Raymond Szeto, Dr. YC Chau, Dr. Vincent Fung, 林楨哲 and 江振錢)

Then Annie led other guests to go to CityU and we had lunch together. 

(Left: 祁玫丹, 彭子鈗, Ms. Quinn Elizabeth, 陳璟錕, 王棟and Ms. Annie Kong)

Before seminar start, we took a guest group photo with Prof. Dang (Dept. Head of ADSE, CityU).

Then group photo with all participants was taken for memory. 

In the beginning, Prof. Chuangyin Dang (黨創寅) (Dept. Head of ADSE, CityU) gave welcome speech and introduced our department and academic programmes. 

And then I represented CityU EngD Society to give introductory speech of EngD Society history and its activities.

The first speaker was Mr. Chen (陳璟錕) (中山大學-國家超級計算廣州中心高性能部副部長) and his topic entitled “Introduction to the National Supercomputer Center (NSCC) in Guangzhou” (國家超級計算廣州中心簡介). Firstly, he briefed the background of NSCC and then shared some projects employed NSCC service.

The first shared case was the optimization of Reverse Osmosis (RO) for solving the risk of water shortage. The module introduced AI for parameter design using 1000 Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Simulation unit and employed 19200 CPU!

After that he introduced the Star Light supercomputing application platform in which consolidated high performance computing, AI and big data analysis so as to support different industries applications. 

Lastly, Mr. Chen shared the future development of NSCC including employed powerful CPU and enhancing AI using FPGA and GPU.

The second speaker was Mr. Sun (孫亞強) (中國科學院自動化研究所副高級工程師,廣東人工智慧與先進計算研究院機器視覺團隊負責人) and his presentation named “Advanced Intelligence Computing Platform and Industry Applications” (先進智慧計算平臺與行業應用). He firstly introduced Guangdong Institute of AI and Advanced Computing (GIAIAC) established since 2019 with 169 staffs.

And then he introduced different research facilities and projects such as radio astronomy (射電天文), quantum computing, drone inspection, AGI, and medical plus supercomputing.

Finally, Mr. Sun introduced their precision AI server Xiangxue-3B (香雪-3B) and get good results in MLPerf AI training. He also compared with Meta OPT and ChatGPT hardware employing Nvidia GPU.

The third speaker was Mr. Lin (林楨哲) (中山大學中山眼科中心演算法工程師) and his topic was “Advances in Research and Application of Digital Ophthalmology” (數位眼科研究及應用進展). He introduced they are the biggest Eyes (Ophthalmology) Hospital in China and established since 1965. 

Their researches on prevention of blindness are very successful and published many top journals such as Nature, Nature Medicine, THE LANCET, etc. The central government also concern their contribution and promoted to prevention of nearsightedness.

After that Mr. Lin mentioned modeling the eyes to be digital twins for human eyes. 

Finally, he also introduced different application for prevention eyes problem from children using Apps diagnostic. In order to protect the privacy of patients, they introduced digital mask technology.

The fourth speaker was Mr. Jiang (江振錢) (廣州納指數據智慧科技有限公司產品總監) and his presentation title was “How Starlight Cloud drives Industrial Innovation through AI+HPC” (星光雲腦如何通過AI+HPC驅動產業創新). Firstly he introduced Datanas (纳指数据智能) history and services on AI plus High-Performance Computing (HPC). Datanas established in 2016. They had achieved many certification including ISO 9001, ISO 20000 and ISO 27001. 

One of their services is industry inspection and distance testing. This service related to quality assurance and enhancing product quality and reducing the risk.

Finally, he also demonstrated the portal for Guangdong Federation of Industry and Commerce use.

The last speaker was Ms. Peng (彭子鈗) and she introduced different preferential policies for supporting Tianhe-2 users in Hong Kong. In the beginning, Ms. Peng introduced the services of National Supercomputer Centrer in Guanzhou and Nansha Sub-centre.

One of special arrangement is the direct connection from the centre to HKUST through dedicated optical fiber line.

Lastly, she presented the preferential reward policy for the user in Hong Kong and Macau.


After the seminar, we are free to discuss with guest speakers. EngD cohort took a photo for memory.

HKSQ members Dr. YC Chin, Dr. Vincent Fung and I took photo for memory before left.


Advanced Design and Systems Engineering (ADSE) - https://www.cityu.edu.hk/adse/

CityU EngD Society - https://engds.org/

广州超算中心 (NSCC) - http://www.nscc-gz.cn/

Guangzhou HKUST Fok Ying Tung Research Institute - https://www.fytri.cn/

香港科技大學霍英東研究生院於南沙開幕 - https://hkust.edu.hk/zh-hant/hkust-fok-ying-tung-graduate-school-opens-nansha

广州市香港科大霍英东研究院 - http://rsj.gz.gov.cn/ywzt/rcgz/bsh/pypt/bshcxsjjd/content/post_7314483.html

20220825: Webinar on Use of Tianhe-2 Supercomputing 2022 - 「天河二號」應用介紹及個案分享會 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2022/08/webinar-on-use-of-tianhe-2.html



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