
HKPC Webinar: Automated Business Continuity & Data Protection in Smart Manufacturing

Webinar named “Automated Business Continuity & Data Protection in Smart Manufacturing” was organized by HKPC on 10th Jun 2022. They invited two speakers to introduce cyber resilience and the first rule of business continuity. 

The first speaker was Mr. Lawrence Law (Security Consultant, HKCERT) and his topic entitled “Embracing Cyber Resilience in Smart Manufacturing”. Firstly, he introduced HKCERT that coordination of information security incident response for local enterprises and internet users.  He also briefed the global operational technology (OT) security incidents increasing in manufacturing segment.

Then Mr. Law explained four factors causing OT sectors’ vulnerability. They are “Human Operated Ransomware”, “Pandemic drives”, “Digital Transformation” and “Unpatched Systems”. Most of hacker attack IT first and then went to OT that cause Industrial control system (ICS) vulnerability.

After that he mentioned to build cyber resilience withstands cyber-attacks. 3 key strategies are “Adopt Network Segmentation”, “Data Backup and Recovery” and “Enhance Network Security Visibility”. For segmenting OT network, De-militarized Zone (DMZ) was employed to separate IT and OT.

The Purdue Model, formally the Purdue Enterprise Reference Architecture (PERA), is a structural model for industrial control system (ICS) security, concerning physical processes, sensors, supervisory controls, operations, and logistics. It separated from Level 0 to Level 5. Some critical data stored in level 3 under OT and level 4 under IT.

Finally, Mr. Law stated implementation of network security through “enforcement of strict access control to OT network”, “establishment of visibility to all OT communication”, “Conducting baseline of device asset and setting” and “On-going monitoring and detection”. Lastly he introduced IoT security best practice guideline in HKCERT website.

The second speaker was Mr. Chris Wong (Regional Channel System Engineer, HK & Taiwan, Veeam).  In the beginning, he introduced the history of ransomware since 1981.

Then he briefed Advanced Ransomware Attach in six stages and they are “Observation”, “Setting up Shop”, “Preparation”, “Cripple recoverability” and “Ransom Declared”.

After that Mr. Wong introduced three-part defense approach and they are protection of immutable backup, alert for visibility and reliable recovery.

Finally, he suggested 32110 best practices for ransomware protection. An immutable backup should be employed for protecting data that ensures the data is fixed, unchangeable, and can never be deleted, encrypted, or modified. Recovery should consider Scale, Recure Restore and Disaster Recovery Orchestration.


HKPC - https://www.hkpc.org/en

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