
SGS Lunch-and-Learn Webinar - Agile Organization

SGS cooperated with InfoWorks Institute to run lunch-and-learn series which aimed to share the business transformation trend of the future of work.  Dr. David Mui was the speaker and shared the topic “Agile Organization”. It is the third class of Management Shift for Industrial 4.0 Series.  The content included Agility Organization, Agile Culture and Work Practices.

Firstly, Dr. Mui briefed some companies employed agile approach such as Netfix, Cisco, Payme and Lego.  Then he described Lego case and its benefits on implementing Agile included fast decision making, transparency, empowerment, identifying dependencies & complexity, and socializing.

So that Dr. Mui summarized the end results of business agility such as deep understanding of customer requirement, create values for customer, repid execution and product development … etc.

And then he introduced the Agile Organizations with Agile Team, Scrum Master and Product Owner (mentioned in last webinar).  Product manager to be product owner and communicated with other teams. Many different terms could describe Agile Organization such as Adaptive, Flexible, Nimble, Swift, Responsive, Lean, Athletic, Energetic, Frisky, Limber, Lithe, Lively, Quick, Rapid, Sharp, Spirited, etc.

After that Dr. Mui discussed organizational design for Agile that should be Customer Centric.  He compared the characteristics of Traditional and Agile Organizations in the following table. There are some successful factors and they are:
-          Visualization
-          Co-location or high connectivity of the team
-          Storytelling
-          Flexible office setting
-          Lean in all
-          Elimination or automation of administration activities

For Organizational Culture, Dr. Mui stated four functions including Sens Making Device, Organizational Identity, Collective Commitment and Social System Stability.  Then he showed the Agile Culture Elements.

Finally, Dr. Mui introduced Four Agile Manifesto Value and 12 Principles.  The four values are showed as follows:
-          Individual and interactions over processes and tools
-          Working software over comprehensive documentation
-          Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
-          Responding to change over following a plan
12 Principles of Agile demonstrated in the following diagram.

Lastly, Dr. Mui introduced 12 Agile Cultural Attributes and they were Personal Agility, Customer Focused, Simplicity, Flexibility, People-Centric, Honest & Direct Communication, Collaboration, Retrospective, Quality Throughout, Fast Execution, Swarming and Continuous Learning.

At the end, he proposed a roadmap to established Agile Organization and started from Visualize Strategic Intent to Co-create Possible Solutions to Ecosystems Partnerships to Sequencing and Organizing for Delivery to Continuous Value Creation and then to Strategic Organizational Retrospective.

20200821: SGS Lunch-and-Learn Webinar - Management Shift for Industrial 4.0 Series - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2020/08/sgs-lunch-and-learn-webinar-management.html
2020828: SGS Lunch-and-Learn Webinar - Agile Approach to Business - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2020/08/sgs-lunch-and-learn-webinar-agile.html



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