
CityU EngD Annual Dinner and Meeting 2019

The CityU Engineering Doctorate (EngD) Society in the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management (SEEM) was organized annual dinner and meeting on 17th Dec 2019.  Participants cohort included Dr. Herbert Yeung, Rocky Lam, Geoffrey Cho, Keynes Chan, Walter Fung, TW Liu, Amie Lai, WT Chan and I. (Cliff Chan, Gaby Ku and Arthur joined us during presentation session)

In the beginning, Our Society President - Dr. Herbert Yeung (Cohort 2004) announced that we would transform our CityU alumni association to be company limited by guarantee and would apply charitable institutions under Chapter 88.

Then we reviewed the background of CityU EngD Society and constitution details in the limited statement.  Our meeting agenda showed as follows:
  1. Society Orientation and Current Status
  2. Society Activities 2018-19
  3. Financial Report
  4. EngD NGO Roadmap
  5. Election of NEW BOARD MEMBERS
  6. Presentation Sharing
    1. Introduction of new IP Policy in HK (TW Liu)
    2. Brief Extenics Activities & New Book “The Logic of Innovation Extenics” (Lotto Lai)
    3. Others
  1. Discussion on the coming events
  2. AOB

Dr. TW Liu was the first speaker and his topic named “Original Grant Patent in Hong Kong”.  Firstly, he briefed the IP online search system in Hong Kong at Esearch.ipd.gov.hk from Intellectual Property Department, HKSAR.

Then Dr. Liu briefed the history of IP registration prior and after 1997.  Before 1997, we employed UK system to grand IP and then registered in Hong Kong.  After 1997, both UK and China could grand IP and then registered in Hong Kong.  He added that he is pioneer in IP field and not more than 10 HK people serviced in IP at that time. 

After that Dr. Liu introduced the new Patent System launched on 19 Dec 2019 in Hong Kong. It is an original grant patent (OGP) systemto provide to patent applicants an alternative route of seeking standard parent protection in Hong Kong.  Finally, Dr. Liu used some dogs to imply how effective of IP to protect your product. Very interested expression. 

I was the second speaker and my topic shared Extenics Activities & New Book “The Logic of Innovation Extenics.  I briefed my study journey with Prof. Cai Wen since 2016.  Prof. Cai Wen is the founder for this China original discipline on Innovation Method named Extenics which was one of fundamental theories of AI using to solve contradiction problem.

Then I introduced my new book named “Extenics: The Logic of Innovation” in which I removed all equations and using simplified short articles to introduce the whole concept and some quality related examples for public.  I hope it could promote “Extenics” to general public through this booklet and made people aware how great of our Chinese scholar.  

My book is publishing and the printing company showed me that they checking the draft for printing.

After that we discussed the future development of CityU EngD Society Limited.  We also thanks for Dr. Herbert Yeung’s wine and dinner.

We proposed the following cohorts to Society Organization 2020 and would be approved in next AGM.
1.     Dr. Herbert Yeung (2004) President
2.     Dr. TW Liu (2004) Vice President
3.     Dr. Rocky Lam (2006) Treasurer
4.     Dr. Lotto Lai (2005) Secretary
5.     Dr. Ray Kong (2003)
6.     Dr. WT Chan (2004)
7.     Dr. Amie Lai (2004)
8.    Dr. Albert Tam (2005)
9.     Dr. Joseph Leung (2001)
Dr. Peter Ho (2007) Honorary Member
Dr. Raymond Leung (2005) Honorary Member

During discussion, some ideas were mentioned below:
1.      EngD Youtuber for knowledge sharing
2.      Book publication
3.      Apply Government Funding
4.      Sustainable development of CityU EngD Society such as membership source and enhancement, affiliate member, etc.
5.      Connect the existing members (~67 EngD graduates)

At the end, we took a group photo for memory.

(Left: WT Chan, Gaby Ku, Herbert Yeung, Cliff Chan, Rocky Lam, Arthur, Geoffrey Cho, Keynes Chan, Walter Fung, TW Liu, Amie Lai, and Lotto Lai)

CityU Engineering Doctorate Society - http://www.engd.org/  
Engineering Doctorate (Engineering Management) - http://www.cityu.edu.hk/seem/prg-engd.htm

EngD Program Future Discussion Meetings:
20181119: CityU EngD Society Meeting with Acting Dean, School of Data Science - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2018/11/cityu-engd-society-meeting-with-acting.html
20180621: CityU EngD Society Lunch Meeting with Prof. Dang and Dr. Alan Chan - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2018/06/cityu-engd-society-lunch-meeting-with.html

Previous AGM:
20190330: CityU EngD Society Annual Dinner cum Prof. Bieng Chuah Retirement Celebration 2019 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2019/03/cityu-engd-society-annual-dinner-cum.html
20171216: CityU EngD Society AGM and Annual Dinner 2017 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2017/12/cityu-engd-society-agm-and-annual.html
20170610: CityU EngD Society AGM Seminar “Education & Innovation” 2017 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2017/06/cityu-engd-society-agm-seminar.html
20161127: CityU EngD(EM) Graduation Dinner & EngDSoc Annual Dinner 2016 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2016/11/cityu-engdem-graduation-dinner-engdsoc.html
20160618: CityU EngD Society Discovery & Innovation Seminar and AGM 2016 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2016/06/cityu-engd-society-discovery-innovation.html
20151121: CityU EngD Society 10th Anniversary Dinner 2015 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2015/11/cityu-engd-society-10th-anniversary.html
20150123: CityU EngD Society AGM Seminar & Dinner 2015 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2015/01/cityu-engd-society-agm-seminar-dinner.html



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